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Everything posted by Nicktendo

  1. Why are United even thinking about Southgate? Laughable. Thoroughly enjoyed that game as a neutral. As much as it pains me to say it, I'm kind of glad United seem to be back now. It was just depressing watching them play so badly for so long.
  2. One of the best things about not living in the UK is not hearing about Brexit at all. I was on the fence and didn't vote. Both campaigns were disgusting and neither was based on fact, though I could see advantages for remaining and leaving. The whole thing is a complete joke and the UK is a laughing stock around the world. I was back home last year for a couple of weeks and the atmosphere in the country has completely changed. If my family didn't live there I would quite happily never go back.
  3. Awesome! My control stick fell victim to the dog when I left it on the floor a few years ago, so I need to do the same. How simple was it on a scale of Walking Simulator to Dark Souls and does it require a special screwdriver head?
  4. It's probably the best of the "New" series, but I have absolutely no desire to buy it again. I finished it on the Wii U (but without finding all the secret exists) so unless it goes cheap, it's a hard pass from me. More interested in the kind of sales numbers it does though, whether it can push a few more console sales towards that golden 20 million.
  5. My top games of the year, games which I first played this year, regardless of release date. 1) Super Smash Bros Ultimate 2) Celeste 3) Fortnite 4) Octopath Traveller 5) Enter The Gunegon 6) Mario Tennis Aces 7) Vostock Inc. 8) Xenoblade Chronicles 2 9) Dead Cells 10) Death Road to Canada Really didn't play much new stuff this year as most of my time was spent playing some of the big hitters from last year. Still got a lot of games on my Switch waiting to be started as well...
  6. I had already resigned myself to the fact that the online would be poor for me. Living in Russia and sharing my connection with 4 other people I thought I’d have no chance, but playing online has been so smooth, I’m really surprised. Hats off to Nintendo for FINALLY implementing good online in Smash. I was playing with 2 guys in Japan and one in Ireland the other day and there was only onc small hiccup when my internet crapped out. We should probably get on the voice chat app next time, looks like they’re focusing on that rather than text chat.
  7. Yes! I am. I may actually be able to join for MK8 as well tonight but I probably won’t know until about 7pm. So I’ll write in that thread if I can play.
  8. We were just messing about, it was an open room but I think it’s max 4 players playing at once. I’ve left now and they’re all still playing. I had loads of problems on WiFi, especially with Rocket League and Splatoon 2, despite having a fast connection. Got my LAN adapter back in March and it’s been flawless ever since. The release day models must have some really shoddy WiFi tech inside them.
  9. Honestly, I’m surprised you’ve had so much lag. My experience with online has been pretty smooth so far. Only experienced lag 2 or 3 times, but when it was bad, it was baaaaaaad. Are you on a wired connection?
  10. Yeah I was going to suggest the same. I know 4 people now who’ve had the same email. Must be a scam.
  11. I’m not sure if it’s going to be Patreon only or not, but I recorded a stream with The Famicast today (ex NWR guys living in Japan). Played Smash for a an hour or so and it was great fun! I’ll post a link once it’s available.
  12. Absolutely insane numbers, and thoroughly deserved. Sakurai pulled no punches in this game, not only another incredible celebration of Nintendo history, but also Smash Bros history. 5 million opening week is a huge possibility. I’m more interested in the hardware numbers though, is this really gonna help push the Switch over 20 mil for the year?
  13. Ok, looks like I’m gonna be a bit longer... sorry. I plan on being on all night though.
  14. I’d love to play online with you lot this evening. 5pm should be good for me.
  15. Interesting if it will beat Pokemon worldwide. 3 million launch weekend, wasn’t it?
  16. The king is back. This game is absolutely superb, everything I wanted from Brawl and Wii U. Goddamnit, Sakurai. Haven't even started WoL and I’m having a blast. Classic mode is so, so good.
  17. Was not expecting that at ALL. Amazing that Smash reveals can still catch you off guard. Persona 5 coming to Switch?
  18. I’m going to be at home this new year so I should be able to join for some games.
  19. The video is from June 2017 by the way, someone’s been holding on to this for a looooong time.
  20. That remix of is exactly what I want from a remix, barely changed at all.
  21. Guess it's time for me to jump on board. Didn't see much value at launch for full price, but considering it's only 20 quid in my local store... Triple Deluxe is the only Kirby game I've played since the GB, I'm guessing this is of fairly similar ilk? I enjoyed it, a lot even, but I never got Robobot which was apparently the better game.
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