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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I've got about 7k now since I spent 3 and a half on a nintendogs t shirt for my girlfriend... and she hardly ever wore it. :p
  2. Ahaha....got to love the absolute bollocks England team.
  3. At long last, they are deciding to update that awful website that has had the same template since the dawn of time.
  4. Good, because OoT is better.
  5. I think it'll definitely be Galaxy this Christmas, not the trashy generic games that often plague the board.
  6. What the crap? What a **** of a country...
  7. Why isn't he just banned? To me his rants are as spammy as 'viagra pills' advertisements, and someone would certainly be booted for that.
  8. What the hell is wrong with that guy? He plagues the comment boxes with long rants using made up statistics and capitalises sets of words for no apparent reason. Is he not well?
  9. The ideology is flawed to begin with simply due to the fact it doesn't take into account human nature. The ideology may as well not exist.
  10. An easy way to interpret the goat thing... You have a 2 in 3 chance of picking a goat at the start. The host will then show the other goat. Therefore by switching using this method you will have a 2 in 3 chance that the door you switch to will be a car, because of the 2 in 3 chance of picking a goat.
  11. A rubbish ideology, mostly because some people ought to be shot and not treated equally. I'm thinking chavs (although the state severely funds them for doing jack **** anyway).
  12. No...I'm getting sent the game from Amazon but likely won't play it until mid-December.
  13. I have to agree that the forced story made the game almost unbearable. The 'basic' approach with the whole retro pixellated feel was decent at first, but you soon saw that the primitive design wasn't done too well (simple boxes for lifts). The game was incredibly easy, what with being able to take little or no damage if you are an adept platformer (unlike turn based battles), and having items for use at any time to heal your massive reserve of HP made playing through this a chore. One thing I don't agree on though is saying this was worth £33...for me it wasn't worth it at all.
  14. There's no chance whatsoever of this selling out... it never did with games like Wind Waker, Sunshine, Twilight Princess or the like. DVDs are so easy to chuck out so they'll make plenty to last.
  15. Happy Birthday Zell... go nuts
  16. The 8800GTS is great...I have it and I can run Oblivion at max and the Crysis demo on near max. And it's a good price. No idea about the GT, when I bought my PC I don't think it was even available. Either way you won't be disappointed.
  17. Well this really raises the question "Is your dignity worth a possible £200?". I don't think I could dress up as a Mario character for that. :p
  18. If you want a big boost you should get an 8800GTS instead of an 8600GT
  19. Who is this absolute moron? XD He clearly has no concept of the term 'chav' (how utterly thick does someone need to be to think chavs like skateboarding and MTV?), and even worse seems more like one himself. Making half-arsed threats towards people that he will never keep, as well as being a general asshole (as chavs are). Better yet, he is using the excuse of goatse spam as a reason to keep posting here - do you honestly think Joe Bloggs in the audience will confess to it? No, so go away and stop wasting our time.
  20. I got them today, of course I will never use them though.
  21. Seeing that reminds me of a Christmas Tree I saw in the John Lewis catalogue: Now what the hell is the point in that?
  22. I guess then some people really will defend a popular Nintendo franchise to the death. There really aren't that many good Wii games out, the fact that Super Paper Mario is...somewhat high up the list just proves that. Picture a 2D Mario game where it's either 1 or 2 hits and death, with some good platforming. Now grab an eraser-topped pencil. Rub out the difficulty - done easily by having ever-increasing HP, healing items, life shrooms, pixls and the ability to flip (thus breeze past the majority of enemies unscathed). Pencil in some infuriatingly poor plot (which by the way, you lucky people, cannot be skipped whatsoever) and sprinkle with lashings of walkover bosses, increasingly poor level design and a graphic style that, while at first appeared interesting and retro, eventually just looked basic (the lifts in the main town were literally boxes). After I finished this game I felt completely screwed of the £32 I paid for it. I had played the first Paper Mario game and somewhat enjoyed it. This was just roadkill.
  23. Unless the game is seriously revamped, I don't see how I could buy a sequel. It was basically just collecting items, pretending to care about what the NPCs had to say and personalising your own character with clothes.
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