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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Can I ask, has anyone hear watched Berserk or do they read the manga? Just wondering on how high you rate it.
  2. Thanks for the wallpaper, Cube.
  3. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: At first you think it's not too bad. Then after you've gone through several years, often repeating dungeons to become more powerful you realise it's just repetetive and you've been doing the same thing the whole game. I didn't mind the final boss though, that did have a bit of difficulty. The visuals were excellent however, so it's just a shame the rest of the game seemed so weak. Mario Kart DD: While this could have been great, the control was comparitvely poor to that of MKDS. Unless you had someone in the backseat, it wasn't really that fun to play. I have played it for a fair bit however, despite it not being as great as it could have been.
  4. I remember hearing a while back that melee was going to have some item that duplicated your character...but it was removed since this could mean (technically) there'd be 16 fighters on the screen at once (ice climbers). Not sure how true that was though!
  5. Well if you look at the Smashville Animal Crossing level they use a leaf symbol to identify it. Most levels on Melee assign these symbols to characters and level(s) are made from that character's game. May not be entirely true but I think there will be an AC character.
  6. No, what I mean is, if someone is more skilled than the other player, they can defeat them with whatever character they want. Marth is definitely faster, but Roy seems to be more powerful. This is just a general observation over the years with people of varying skill. Not just with attacks, his B charge up goes to an extra level to do a 1-hit kill. I know smashwiki lists Marth as more powerful, but unless you're going at competetive play level that isn't really the case. Besides, smashwiki does list most of his moves (non smash-A) as being more powerful than Marth, making me mostly correct there. And I really do think it's a lot easier to do max damage with Roy than with Marth. You have to judge your distance with Marth to get that 'sweet spot'. Don't go listing 'wavedashing' etc, to 99.99% of people who play this game that is irrelevant, and to train to be that good (IMO) seems like a waste of time. We are people who play for fun. Edit: I am not saying Roy is better than Marth, just at a non competetive level Roy seems to deal more damage from basic attacks (not going by how the person plays with him), while Marth is very speedy.
  7. Roy does more damage, pretty simple really. Also it tends to be a lot easier to get stuck into someone, rather than keep enough distance when slicing (regarding dealing best damage with tip/length of blade). Besides, it's not the Marth player being bad, it's the Roy player being very good. Anyone can beat anyone if they are more skilled.
  8. Sheikah


    Hmm I played on PC, but after I killed him I went into his appartment (at least I think it was his apartment- that place he shooed you away from before you got all the photographs). I didn't know how to get that tonic in that safe thing right by the staircase where you fought him. It had a 4 digit lock on it that wouldn't let me interact with it. Also there was a staircase on the map with a metal grate over it, that I couldn't seem to get access too. Slightly annoyed at AVG a week back or so, it 'cleaned' a virus apparently - turns out this was Bioshock.exe, so I'd need to install it again to get it working (unless someone could send me the .exe and have it work). I've completed the game anyway and saved all the sisters, but it would be nice to play through again at some point.
  9. Dear lord...he just handed it to you and you're still twisting statistics to make a point that isn't even valid.
  10. Has anyone used RPG Maker before? I've started projects on 2k, 2k3 and then XP versions (gotta love XP). I've never really got round to finishing any of them but safe to say I've gotten pretty far on my XP project. I love the idea of being able to make your own game, your own panoramic backgrounds and customize the special effects and sorts. The XP project I was doing was based on forumers from another forum, as a result it gathered a lot of support on there. Some pics: So has anyone else tried around with RPG Maker? Would love to hear it.
  11. I would agree with you on the pre drawn backgrounds and character models, but VIII seemed to have more detailed FMVs (and a lot more of them).
  12. Really? That is the first time I have heard someone prefer VII's visuals to VIII. But each to their own I suppose. :p
  13. Trust me if you can play FFVII with cow-hooves cloud and dodgy 3D models, you can handle this. While Squall's face can be a bit jaggy, it ultimately looks this way as they are going for a realistic approach rather than the anime style in say IX. Needless to say, nothing else looks jaggy (the backgrounds). Make sure you don't play it on PC or the reverse may well be correct. And the FMVs were groundbreaking... I'll always remember the first time I saw Esthar...
  14. There was a reprint of the VIII guide (Piggyback) and I bought it. I'm planning to go through VIII again with it, since they're really well done and in-depth. Also it's a bit of a collector's item.
  15. I like Hinata, plus there's some good lighting there. Sorry Tales but there's no sig to judge.
  16. Well if you're willing to pay 50 quid more than that (750) you could get this beast of a laptop from MESH (link). I got my PC from MESH and they're honestly very good, with great value for money.
  17. Meh...whichever console it came on it'd be great. I've always had an idea for a remake; online play where 2 other people can play as the other party members, walk around on the screen and interact with NPCs etc. There'd be one leader who was responsible for all the zone exiting etc. Well...maybe it wouldn't work that well, but I just like the sound of it.
  18. To be honest I think Halo sells a little too well for the wrong reasons. It's hyped to the absolute maximum, and there's probably not that much better on the 360 to play. Not saying I dislike the 360, just Halo is probably the best series on it (at least until Resi and GTA come along).
  19. Xbox live doesn't do anything particularly new, plus you have to pay for it. I've used live a fair bit at my friend's, and to be honest I much prefer PC online gaming. I suppose I lost respect for anything Lionhead have to say/do after the travesty that was B&W2.
  20. I think of fantasy as more like IX...VIII seemed the most realistic and least fantasy of the lot. I loved it still, just like how I liked the opposite end of the spectrum with IX.
  21. Get Toejam and Earl 2, Panic in Funkotron. Such an awesome game when playing with a friend, that.
  22. Ristar?
  23. The King of Kong A documentary following one man on a mission to get the highest score on the classic Donkey Kong. It features villains, heros...and nerds. I quite enjoyed it, and wasn't even sure it was all factual until I looked it up. Apparently it has gone down a storm in USA. 8/10. Also saw the Bourne Ultimatum. Gripping action sequences, some clever tricks and overall good acting. Also gets an 8/10.
  24. Sorry if this has been discussed, but I don't post here often, despite signing up way back when the forum had different names. Anyway, Death Note. Ending spoilers ahead:
  25. Heh, it does look really nice, the black that is. The picture makes it look a little flat but it is a little beauty. It has that whole samsung shiny thing going for it.
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