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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. We must ready ourselves against the inevitbale aporkalypse. Apparently, though, sufferers will be provided with oinkment to aid recovery if they fall swill. It's a good job there's at least something that could save our bacon.
  2. Yeah that's the one. :p
  3. "Parasitic respiration" - name that member.
  4. ReZ?.......
  5. When they actually cause something to travel backwards through time, I will concede that you have a point.
  6. Yeah, I've always said that time is just a measurement we concocted to help us understand things. That's why when people propose the possibility of time travel it always seems ridiculous; you would have to physically restore everything to the confirmation it was at a given moment. Regarding religion...as long as people aren't harming or negatively affecting a person's life I don't have much problem with it. While most evidence would suggest that there is indeed no God behind most of life's occurrences, some people choose to believe in religion as a means to get through their life, day by day. The one thing that really annoys me, however, is when young people are brainwashed into following a particular lifestyle (Debra 13 documentary was a good example). Children should be educated about different beliefs and allowed to make their own mind up.
  7. £7.99 from HMV's site.
  8. Typical corporate shite; words crafted with little substance to hold to them. Her response makes next to no sense - she talks about the calibre required, yet you encountered people working there of such a low calibre that for her to suggest you didn't match their calibre (or that of other candidates to join them) is clearly true (you're above them) but insulting in the sense that she meant it (below them). I would suggest forwarding a complaint to someone higher than this woman, since she is obviously as thick as horse shit that has been slow-baking for a few days.
  9. Yup; retroviruses for example are quite well-known for integrating their own genome into that of the host. The good news is that they are targets for artificial gene delivery.
  10. Job classes are luckily already laid out for us; the points, however... And of course you can play the job role in true Baldur's Gate personality-choice style. Doctors: Lawful Good: Heal damage points to restore your HP! Somewhere closer to evil: Fuel your drug addiction! Chaotic Evil: Harold Shipman. =D Rockstars: Lawful good: Charisma masters best for recruiting new party members. Chaotic Evil: Crimes against music; rap. Chaotic Asshole: Donnie Tourette. Athlete: Lawful Good: Record breaker; possess greatest endurance and speed. Unlawful Good: Steroid abuse (for those unsure, google Chris Redfield). Banker: Lawful good: No such thing. Chaotic Evil: Money extortion. Good for gaining gold; doubles enemy encounters if present in your party. Real life has the best graphics, and the lowest system requirements. I love it.
  11. Brilliant.
  12. Are you sure talking like this isn't the reason behind rejection? :p
  13. I'm not quite understanding...why would you need HD picture on a reasonably small device?
  14. Knives can be used to stab people...should we therefore stop selling kitchen knives? That's pretty much the argument against Google - it can be used for illegal purposes, just like almost anything can be misused. You're not really misusing TBP if you use it to obtain illegal content, because that is its use. The point to make here is that common sense has been applied to the situation. Yes, the sods at TPB can argue that they're not technically doing anything illegal, but everyone knows the website is pretty much designed to facilitate illegal content, and nothing much else. Now, I'm not normally one to argue against such sharing websites. It's just the audacity these guys have; they're pretty much incapable of seeing what could be wrong with what they're doing, and constantly using technicalities to evade punishment. They're bloody annoying tbh. Of course torrents aren't illegal, but torrent files that direct your client to illegal content are bound to attract the attention of the law, and TBP's existence is pretty much to distribute these files.
  15. Sorry, but this is bollocks. The Pirate Bay is specifically designed for the sharing of torrent files so that people can download what is almost entirely illegal content. They have tried to argue that because they don't actually host the files that it's ok. They're obviously going with technicalities, saying that they don't actually host the illegal content. But, clearly, common sense has prevailed since it's obviously used primarily for the purpose of getting illegal content, unlike Google.
  16. Ha ha, that has to be one of the most unfair wins in history. An epic failure of a calculation decided it all... Just watching the "You're Fired" program on 2 now... The winning team's soap compared to the losing one was ridiculous. Noorul is such a shambles...living totally on borrowed time. What a joke!
  17. It's great to watch the FMA manga adaption, as the story really is better than the previous anime series. FMA is the only thing I've bothered to buy all the manga for...it's really that good. Plus the animation is awe-inspiring, and you can't knock how it looks streamed on a HDTV.
  18. I have to say, I feel kind of sick seeing that. You must need loaaaads of drink to down that, as it looks really salty... And as Peter Kay would say...hast thou nowt moist? Fish-less sushi? Honestly haven't tried any sushi without fish. For me sandwhiches are usually quite simple. Some sort of meat along with coleslaw and tomatoes, usually on crusty tiger bread or rolls.
  19. Well when I started a new game of this the other day, as the text on screen says "he was searching for a special friend" or similar, a fairy swirl noise is made, so I think it's pretty obvious that it's Navi. There wasn't a fairy on screen to cause the sound. The goat boss was indeed awesome...easily one of my favourite Zelda bosses. Such a refreshing change.
  20. Yeah the gatling gun is a piece of shit purely for it blocking the view and having a bit of charge up time. Best way is to get the best magnum, shotgun and the rocket launcher, all infinite. No problems posed then.
  21. What did I tell ya...
  22. Nice, just had a customise. Trying to make it not hurt your eyes unlike a lot of others around here that I've seen. ;-)
  23. "Is this the meet up group for Nintendo Europe?" "No, fuck off!" Good times. Happy Birthday. :p
  24. Despair squid! Must be...
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