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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. That's weird, I'm up to there and it seems to be pretty great. The boss:
  2. On the contrary, each world is one big dungeon. There are no real levels; they're just tentative measurements that gamers inventred. Each 'level' start is defined by the ability to warp into the world at that point; the points at which you can warp into are archstones created once you defeat a boss. So really, you could start your way on world 1 and fight your way to the end without loading up another section. Tons of secrets; fake walls, crystal lizards (non-aggressive enemies that flee as soon as they see you, but drop great crafting materials), out of the way rings and weapons. Even better is the ability to influence the 'world tendency' by doing good or bad deeds - should the world tendency become pure white, new areas are unlocked, as well as events, and the access to new equipment (the path to a dragon bone smasher sword is unblocked, allowing you to withdraw it, for instance). At pure black, the enemies become immensely hard, new enemies appear and you can kill phantom NPCs for great drops. All the better. I find that the less hyped you are for something, the better it will be. Thanks! I really need to finish typing this precis and go to bed. :p It can't happen during bosses, fortunately. Although players accompanying you can enter the boss area, but are banished as soon as you defeat any boss. If they die at any point they are also banished. If someone who helps you is fairly crap and dies quickly you can leave a bad rating, so they get relatively few souls for helping and a tarnished record. :p
  3. lol. I'm trying to finish typing a precis to hand in tomorrow but allowing myself to be distracted from this boring task. Thanks all. My girlfriend made me some cupcakes. :p She's fallen to sleep now, so maybe I should finish them all.
  4. Yeah, bless him. He's talking about level 1-2 (there are 5 worlds, each with 3 stages). In this you basically have an outside section where a dragon soars down and flames the bridge should you cross it (you can use the water veil miracle to reduce the damage or wear fire-resistant armour). Or you can simply time your run. Or, as he pointed out, you can take a tunnel to bypass most of the bridge, but there's dogs inside. They lunge quickly but are fairly reasonable to take out should you advance slowly. Overall it's not the easiest level, but there's no obligation to tackle the worlds in order (in fact, tackling 2-1 as soon as it is available is wisest since it's somewhat easier). Later on you can come back and kill the red dragon (awards a trophy), and then the even harder blue dragon (another trophy). Bow and arrow to the suckers.
  5. His whole post reeked of nonsense anyway. If I bought it due to mass critic opinion rather than fan loyalty then I'd still have bought it, since it overall has done very well. In actuality, I purchased it because every main title Final Fantasy title thus far has been of a consistently high quality that I have thoroughly enjoyed; FFXII has been my only gripe (rather personal dislike of its direction), yet I still recognise the quality and polish of the title. And if that isn't reason to purchase a sequel, I don't know what is.
  6. Yes and no. If you die in body form, you become a soul. When a soul, no one can invade you as only people in body form can be invaded (and only by souls). Most of the time you will be a soul anyway; you only get your body back by defeating a boss or using a fairly rare item. If playing offline even in body form, you can never be invaded, let alone see messages or bloodstains (last footage before someone dies). But yes, technically you are right. If signed into PSN, and in body form, there is no way to opt out of potentially being attacked. Although playing online has many perks, such as being able to invite other players to fight alongside you (if you're in body form), meaning that most of the time if someone does invade, there's a good chance you'll kill them (remember compared to a soul, a body form character usually has at least a third more HP and 1 extra ring slot). It does, but you wouldn't be able to handle these from the start. New game+ is several bounds harder than the original game, but stats and items carry over. It's still more difficult; the Flamelurker boss has 5 times more HP, for isntance. And by replaying you can get extra copies of the same demon's soul but exchange them for different things. Aside from the first level, no. The royal is usually the best to start off as, since it's L1 and you can put the stats where you want. Plus they start off with a catylst (wand) and a MP regenerating ring. But after L1, you can put your stats where you want, so the tiny differences in stats won't make any difference a few levels down the line.
  7. Except I didn't say that. I said by 10 hours I was thoroughly enjoying myself; my enjoyment of the game had been building up throughout. But it definitely didn't take 20 hours for me to think it was amazing. Cut the bullshit - what you're saying is that rather than form your opinion on a game you'll take a review opinion at face value and use it to have an argument with me; someone who actually has the game and attempt to argue how bad the game is, which let me remind you again; you haven't played. If you really don't want to pay much, rent the game. Just don't go crying about how bad it is due to an opinion you've unnecessarily regurgitated like a mindless idiot. It's also nice to see killer kirby make a return to the topic to thank that post despite saying he'd never come in here again.
  8. Again, the 'you haven't played this game so how would you know that' comes to mind. Don't be a mindless sheep, reiterating what you have heard from a few places. That's bollocks anyway, since I was thoroughly enjoying myself before reaching 10 hours.
  9. You should try and get a copy of Demon's Souls, dwarf. I ended up getting it off eBay and found it to easily be one of the best games of the last 5 or so years. It's fantastic, and completely unlike any other game currently offered on the current systems.
  10. May the anniversairy of your premier apparition on our most familiar celestial body be monumentally joyous and free from unease. He'll so get that.
  11. Of course there isn't fabrication. What there is is magnification of non game-breaking elements to which he'll span a review with, while completely avoiding what makes games great and fun to play. Fabrication, no. But an extremely heavily-biased review whereby he plays 5 hours to acquire material to use in his pre-determined negative stance review is clearly evident. He's a comedian, like I said, and not a serious reviewer. Dan, what you're doing is pretty much pigeonholing the game without having ever played it. I don't know how you can claim to agree with his review despite not owning nor having played the game. Which is pretty much making you come across as somewhat of a moron.
  12. To be fair, he isn't fair, hence why he's funny. He'll spend whole reviews being entirely negative about games. You'd be led to think that there was nothing good about many games whatsoever. I found this review funny because it's exactly what I'd expect from someone who can't buy into Final Fantasy. It's bizarre that he praises Final Fantasy VI; this is pretty much the same as any other modern Final Fantasy game, what with the slow ATB filling, deep story and zany characters. It's as if he was a nice child many years ago and enjoyed games of the time, then became hugely cynical and blackened as he got older. Or just someone who realised that funny, cynical reviews = massive following.
  13. Besides Portal, there is no game that I can remember him praising throughout the whole review; and I don't mean a game he briefly refers to that he played 10 years ago, rather the principal game he is reviewing. He is deliberately cynical because it makes good comedy. I laugh at his reviews because they are hyperobolic and entertaining (in this instance playing just 5 hours to form a rant review), but if you come in here like Dan attempting to use it as irrefutable evidence that this game sucks then you would clearly be retarded. And pretty much trolling.
  14. The only game he has ever liked is Portal. He's a comedian, not a reviewer.
  15. Been playing this a fair bit now, about 17 hours in... This game is absolutely awesome. It takes the good parts from FFXII (which admittedly, aren't many besides some of the auto-control AI) and FFX and comes together to be one fantastic game. The battle system is easily the best thing Final Fantasy has seen to date. Add to that, the story is actually quite nice and many of the locations look lovely. If anyone is still wondering whether to get this then they should definitely pick it up; the level of effort that has gone into this game is completely unmatched this generation.
  16. Actually, they usually needs less. They're often engineered to produce higher yields, thus more crops are produced from the same sized plot of land. And they're also often environmentally friendly since many crops are engineered to produce Bt toxin. This basically removes the need to use as many pesticides, since they produce their own insect-only toxin (harmless to us) - good for the environment. People who are against GM crops are ignorant and not worth listening to, in all honesty. The evidence is overwhelmingly in favour of GM crops being hugely beneficial and just as likely to transfer plant genes to us as regular crops. I ended up having to research this a few months ago as part of a training program and there really is nothing in the way of conclusive proof that they are in any way harmful.
  17. Yes, the fantastic online mode, the introduction of stunts to allow skilled players to distinguish themselves further, good handling, the best looking title there has been to date and some truly awesome race tracks. I can't stop myself shuddering over the Wii version either.
  18. I never whined for it.
  19. I'm sorry, but...as great as this game may have been to play back then it's truly an eyesore now and really doesn't control well at all. It also looks as if the screen has been vertically squashed like a pancake so you can barely see far ahead of you at all. There's such a thing as liking games today just because they are retro, even if they have been massively superseded in practically every way. :p
  20. Wow...that's truly disgusting. Sounds like you dodged a bullet there.
  21. Your address...lol.
  22. Bwaha, my day starts now. Slightly crazy; didn't manage to get any sleep yet so I'll be going on without. I'm starting a 9 hour shift now in order to have the whole day ahead so I can focus on my project (normally would start at 8AM). I'll be absolutely knackered come half 9. :p
  23. Hmm it's actually quite a good game with some hardcore gamer sidequests and levelling involved. I think the women in short skirts thing was actually there to get more men to buy it.
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