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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. What you put in brackets though is your own take and not definitively implied by the sentence that precedes it. For instance, I could quite truthfully state that I don't believe in God. However, in my case this isn't because I haven't encountered enough evidence. I could even follow up by stating the second sentence without contradicting myself, illustrating that the sentences don't necessarily imply what you suggest.
  2. lol he's trying to rope you in again with nonsense @Diageo.
  3. But in both cases you're saying you don't believe in god. It's not like the former statement is agnosticism because you're still actually stipulating that you don't believe in god.
  4. Yeah I think it's fair to say the same level of expense wasn't given to making the world and environments here as in DQ8. Still great though.
  5. Well I would, science supports it being more likely that there are aliens than aren't.
  6. You don't?
  7. Why? How can you compare understanding with emotional feeling? Someone might understand the theory of evolution but be an ignorant homophobe who reacts badly to homosexuals.
  8. Vote: No Lynch
  9. We've still got Phantasy Star Online 2 to come this year on Vita, let's not forget.
  10. Why should you be able to reject inherent prejudices? If said prejudices are ingrained into the mind if the individual, while the teachings and basis of the religion are not, why can't just the religion be rejected? Not sure where you're getting this from.
  11. That's like saying because you can understand how alcohol works you are no longer subject to its effects. Homophobes might well understand the potential scientific aspect of homosexuality but that doesn't mean their ignorant minds won't automatically generate feelings of disgust.
  12. That's the purpose of peer review. :p There's a difference between understanding why something happens and relinquishing all human emotions and prior comprehension of the world the second you study it in detail.
  13. I'm in DuD, you're a good host.
  14. Sorry but I don't agree in this particular case that directing the team would be better than an early end to Cube, if one of the team was Mafia. Cube was an alignment investigator - at the end of the day like you said, you're free to submit your own targets so the Mafia would have had had no control who he decided to investigate. I simply don't believe for a second that if you knew your teammate was a cop that you would leave him alive. Sure you can try convince your team to make a kill but chances are they won't bite for a while since you need some time before they'll risk using that. No, far safer than the potential gain of them killing one townie some point in the game is to remove the cop straight away. Cube got me on N2 so that would pretty much negate any town kill they could have made later. Also Tales being alive was useful to Mafia as he was a target for control, so making all the team lose their powers wasn't completely beneficial. Also note that if Cube was killed on N1, I don't think Tales would auto assume Mafia. Often the N1 kill is assumed to be random. Lastly I'm not saying always trust your teammates. I'm saying that in these circumstances, by about D2, it was likely that all players were town based on all I've said.
  15. Banjo Kazooie, Majora's Mask, really nice choices. For me it has to be Final Fantasy VIII. Playing that game in my youth was amazing. Will never forget it.
  16. But then if one of us was Mafia why wouldn't we kill one of you so that you didn't have the power to two-against-one vote to kill one of us? Additionally, you imply that as you lost your power quickly that it could have been the result of a Mafia teammate. Question - does this mean you were all initially told each other's powers by Peeps? If you really thought one of you could be Mafia then I don't see why you would tell your teammates you were a cop so early on. And if you didn't tell them (ie. all teammates knew each other's abilities by way of Peeps) then you would have died N1. If we knew you were a cop from the start you wouldn't have lived to D2, at least not if we could have helped it. :p Again not a direct confirmation you're all town, but a pretty good indicator.
  17. It's an attraction for visitors; it wouldn't be the same audience every day. Found this episode pretty disturbing to be honest.
  18. No good. We have to go nerdier.
  19. Sure it means something! He successfully eliminates a vigilante vote power house. :p Leaving them around is dangerous since they will likely vote together which later in game is powerful.
  20. Nah I mean they could kill off the other two (town) members of the team via the Mafia (by telling them on their board). After the team is disbanded this way none of town would ever know there ever was a team. A Mafioso would do all they could to kill the team given their powers.
  21. Seeing this reminded me of the beautiful game, so I bought it
  22. Get Ni No Kuni dude, impossible not to love it.
  23. That's some quality bullshit in that link Daft, thanks for the read. :p In the words of Kryten... Smeeee heeeeeeaaaa
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