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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Are you a target switcher like Diageo then?
  2. @Aqui1a is there a reason why so many people ended up at your bar? Do you target multiple people or do you reckon it's just flavour?
  3. Yup, was me. I also have that case and the CPU fan Serebii posted. Fits well in the 300 two.
  4. This is the downfall of many an ISP that throttle the fuck out of PSN downloads. But not necessarily downloads on other systems. Are you on Virgin Media?
  5. @Tales we've not heard anything from you, were you successful last night?
  6. Does the card give any info about him other than his name and do you know why you received it? Did the woman in the bar give it to you?
  7. I am sorry but Rayman Origins on the Vita was the definitive experience. It looked and played the best by far and the touch screen really enhanced it. I say this from having both Vita and PS3 versions.
  8. Once it's available it all gets explained really well with automated tutorials so it's impossible to miss.
  9. Yeah I kept him too, but if you come across a purrloiner (cat with a sword) try charm it since it basically becomes Mitey's direct replacement.
  10. Last night I reached my target. @Nintendohnut did you receive any negative effects?
  11. This...is just daft. Money down the drain to pay full price for a console that has a roster of games that you probably wouldn't look at twice if they'd just come out at the time they did on a console you already owned. The PS3 was £425 when it came out. Now you can get it for like £130. I'm not saying wait until the end of its life, but it's clear that you get pretty much bent over as an early adopter.
  12. Fanboy post of the year so far?
  13. That cow better be careful he don't buck, BUCK, BUCKAROO!
  14. You kinda can arrange PvP if you agree with someone where you'll drop a red stone so they can engage with you.
  15. Sweet, are we not able to run for mayor in this one? Vote: No Lynch
  16. And the fog ring. That was ridiculous back in the day. It made it so that other players you fought couldn't target you at all and could barely see you. Absolutely ridiculous since without being able to target people it was really difficult to hurt them while they could still target you. :p
  17. Very unlikely Nintendo will shine in the sense that they won't get a lot of multiplatform must-have titles due to the WiiU being utterly outranked in hardware again. No doubt the WiiU will do well selling games people like, but I don't see it being considered as an alternative to the PS4/Durango given I don't think it will see a lot of the same games.
  18. Wasn't there a shortcut you activate there (a descending cage) that lets you bypass a fair bit? It was a long time ago since I played, even though I did everything. Also providing it hasn't been needed, Crystal Ring Shield is worth making ASAP. Does massive damage.
  19. What's with the seemingly large uptake of easy mode? Surely you guys don't play all your games on easy, right? This game isn't even difficult...
  20. If you can get through Sen's there's a lightning weapon along the way which is really neat at the time.
  21. I think I would be happy with something like £325. The PS3 was £425 when it came out and I sunk money on that, but at the time Blu Ray drives were really expensive and that sorta justified the cost. The specs being hinted at I don't think justify £400 (assuming they just switch $ to £). £400 would build you a fairly decent PC. Whoever does this will be absolutely raped by piracy. And will have no sympathy.
  22. Sweet. I'll be there.
  23. We ready for this or more people needed?
  24. If you like, I can harass you into playing once you start. :p Ca'man don't be silly. Mafia's don't take up that much time...
  25. @jayseven where art thou?
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