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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Virtual reality like in sword art online. Except without the evil creator enslaving all the players and forcing them to play the game thing.
  2. Well I'm not an alignment investigator. But I have a decent reason based on something that happened that normally wouldn't. Interpret at will. =)
  3. In case I die tonight, the only thing I can add is I feel Dohnut is most trustworthy at the moment.
  4. Sweet man. I like to think I played a small part in this. :p No I got the same from Amazon. Basically it was delayed by a week some time ago, so the retailers are apologising (even though it's not their fault).
  5. Yep Sharla had a rifle. Let me just say.... There's now a reason to buy a Wii U.
  6. To be honest I would rather it be on a home console or the next handheld. If it's ever going to get an update, I'd want the visuals to look really nice.
  7. On the one hand cool. On the other hand, Majora's Mask was a much better game and would have benefited a lot more from a graphical makeover owing to its age.
  8. I targeted jayseven. Did you reach Yvonne/initially target Yvonne? Or sent there?
  9. Yep, anything that required pointing (most games) meant it wasn't ergonomic. Pointing generally isn't comfortable and means you have to alter the way you hold the controller simply to aim at a particular part of the screen. And RE4 was old news by the time it got the Wii so I wouldn't know.
  10. I liked Sweeny Todd (the one with Depp in) too. Nice theme, good songs, good cast. Not for the faint hearted though.
  11. Wait a week and buy Ni No Kuni for PS3. Assuming they still get new stock of course.
  12. Yvonne wasn't at all happy when I tried to lynch inactives, but I agree with you. Jimbob was a bit of a disgrace last game in terms of inactivity (and often is). Right now though I'd be happier to go for Diageo.
  13. I disagree. The need to point the remote often at the screen necessitated unnatural arm positioning and strain. And the various remote orientations supported by games showed that the default method of holding it was frankly unsatisfactory. Plus absolutely NO ONE worth their salt favoured a Wii remote over a GC controller for Brawl.
  14. Whereas a remote control was fantastically ergonomic. :p
  15. Exactly. People are judging this as bad purely because of pre-existing perceptions of Gervais. I really liked it, and I'll check out the documentary.
  16. A nice chance to gain some trust here, who'd cha target?
  17. Makes me think of minecraft. You die, and lose all your saves!
  18. Yeah that's what I thought.
  19. Some weird resonance shit going on here, all 3 of us started our last posts with "Oh yeah" :p
  20. That's good to hear! Thanks whoever confirmed me town. I didn't target you though.
  21. I don't know, did it? :p
  22. Oh yeah, probably one of the saddest TV moments ever. I loved scrubs, it sustained me through Uni.
  23. Can't they just put in whatever chip they did for the PS2 to additionally allow PS3 playback? There was no incentive for them to keep the PS3 playing PS2 games (in fact they could make money by remaking them). But here they could keep giving people PS3 games through plus and making cash by continuously selling PS3 games on the store.
  24. Don't know why, Resident Evil 4 was the best of the lot. 8D
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