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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Yeah, it's time for them to go really. Shame about the job losses but online subscriptions are just much cheaper and more convenient.
  2. Although Wind Waker HD is priced at 39 quid on the website of Grainger Games, in the shop I went to up north on Saturday they were selling it 30 pounds new. Might be worth checking out.
  3. @Diageo please reveal something, I've seen you browsing. If you don't then I suggest all roleblockers and whatever else just hammer him tonight for general lack of co-operation.
  4. Out of interest, why do you trust his last few replies? I was successful last night. I've also been led to believe that my role is probably useless.
  5. You could trade your X legendary on the GTS for it...
  6. Bloody hell, the X1 sounds like a bit of a mess from everything I've heard.
  7. I agree with others here; calling me an idiot is just very bad form and is counter to what you're trying to achieve. But on top of this, the above quote is another thing that generally makes discussions with you difficult. You tend think that other people's opinions on things can categorically be proven wrong with statistics or sources (which they can't). Just live and let live.
  8. Man, this whole situation is ridiculous. I'm not sure what more can be said. The notion that a person cannot think the series considerably declined in quality because a bunch of arbitrary review scores say the quality level 'stayed the same'. Both curiously odd and very very sad at the same time.
  9. Well I said it because it's my opinion, not because I think everyone else thinks it. And yeah, Zechs you really do need to tone it down. You genuinely make me not want to bother visiting the forum sometimes.
  10. Oh hai, I see you missed the bit where I pointed out that metacritic shows pretty much the reverse of what you said. So ya. Thus ends the ridiculous 'review scores are everything brap' nonsense.
  11. Srs business for Zechs.
  12. Who cares if you look back at so called 'professional' critic reviews in years to come and think that they matter the most? All this shows is that you are entirely sucker to critic opinion. And I find that pretty shallow, albeit unsurprising. What people think about gaming is entirely subjective - there is no 'professional' or 'correct' or 'more valued' view to have. You could get everyone on this forum to rank all the 3D Zelda titles (I'm pretty certain MM would not be at the bottom of the list at the end). There's no reason why their views are any less important. In fact, a lot of people on this forum are professionals who write reviews for N-E all the time. You want the truth? MM was released after OoT. It's not difficult to see why it generally scored lower - a lower score purposefully differentiated it from the groundbreaking/universally popular predecessor. It was reviewed maybe 10 years before some of the more recent Zelda titles. You're comparing scores (for what reason, I'm not really sure) that aren't really comparable in the first place. Pretty daft, really. EDIT: UNFFF. Well done Zechs! You trolled me again into discussion...not next time! Out of curiosity, I metacritic'd a few of these games and found the reverse to be true (Majora's Mask beating/roughly equaling most of the other more recent Zelda games). So pretty much, the general critic opinion is pretty divided/useless to use in your arguments. It only works if you look at the one ranking database to suit your argument.
  13. Tell me why a bunch of 30 people's opinions are worth any more than 30 people on here. Tell me how accurate critic opinion can be if GTAIV is one of the highest rated games of all time when it never wins top game of all time polls on GameFAQs (where tens of thousands of users participate) Here may be a shocking truth for you... Critic opinion can be very arbitrary and heavily influenced by hype, and most of all; they're not always comparble! A game ranked 10 years ago doesn't necessarily exist on the same scale as a game ranked 10 years later on an entirely different console. Scores are often super inflated these days anyway.
  14. Whuuut... I am shocked - you think Zelda changes too much? I think it's way too conserved in the ways that matter (in terms of dungeon exploring, gameplay progression, much of the weapon and item recurrence, story elements).
  15. Using critic scores, are you having a laugh? Since when do they count for anything? GTAIV is one of the highest ranking games of all time - do people think it's the best game of all time? Fuck no. And I sincerely doubt most people here would agree all the latest Zeldas top MM.
  16. £20 Picking up bargains left right and center, yo.
  17. I think WW was a good game but held up largely by its visual style and existing popularised game mechanics. I know lots of people here wax lyrical about it, but for me the sailing was pretty dull and monotonous, and the NPCs and sidequests pretty bland/sparse.
  18. Has every Zelda game after MM been substantially worse? Without a doubt. But then you're not going to make a better game by conforming to mostly the same formula and construct each time. They do need something pretty different, but it also has to be brilliant.
  19. Yup, I have this, was going to recommend it. It's the best in class for small tablets and very well priced. The 16GB is enough for me. The resolution is out of this world.
  20. Ah right. Guaranteed 2 perfect stats and synchronise... they always pass on to offspring?
  21. To be honest...online is something I never expected/wanted for Mario games. The only sort of Mario game multiplayer I remember was that coupled with the Mario Advance games (like Mario Bros). Kinda hectic and ok I guess. But the general concept of jumping on heads just doesn't seem like online multiplayer material to me. Saying that though, I'm sure they could create something really cool if they put their thinking caps on. Has Mario Party ever been done online? That game would work really well online I think.
  22. You know Ditto L50 is just in the grass in Pokemon village?
  23. Can more people complete the game so I can grab the third Pokemon from their safaris? Hehe Yeah like ClowKin said, when searching for a Pokémon, in the list of letters scroll to the bottom (after 'Z' and the 'What Pokemon' option is there, where you can type a name.
  24. Cool, lemme know your impressions on this.
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