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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. They are, but at £170 for the Premium with Nintendoland, the deal isn't as good.
  2. No. The only flashcard that plays 3DS games currently is awkward to use and requires separate memory sticks for each game. It hasn't really been taken to.
  3. Well, most great games aren't usually exclusive to either the X1/PS4, so I think it's a case of people rather having the best of the two consoles to play them on. And I think some people remember- PS3 had some rather nice exclusives throughout its lifespan and has Plus going for it too. With regards to the Wii U lineup, the only thing that interests me is X at the moment. Everything else feels a little overdone by this point. SSB I frankly couldn't care less about these days, despite Melee being one of my favourite games back in the day. I just don't see where they can go with it that they haven't already.
  4. You cannot suggest that because Pokemon games sell at full price that the pricing for all 3DS games is therefore suitable. You're making a link between Pokemon, the video game equivalent of crack cocaine to some, and all other 3DS games. Not all games have such appeal as Pokemon so the price coming down would certainly help.
  5. PC games have a host of compatible resolutions, so I don't really see why not. It seems like the kind of thing that would be possible, although it would obviously require more effort to produce higher rate resolution visuals.
  6. It would be great if they could somehow make a new model with a better display and new games could be made that ran at higher and lower resolutions (similar to PC). It's a shame since games played on the XL look rather low res and outdated.
  7. I have to agree with this - let's not become the Nintendo board, where criticism is often leveled with insecure hostility or put-downs. There's nothing wrong with commenting on what you can see really. Plus - low expectations means higher chance of pleasant surprise, aye?
  8. I also remember they sometimes had tape at the end which was nigh impossible to remove without ripping the card of the box.
  9. Resi 4 and 5 were excellent games (the former more so). Resi 6 actually fucked things up by taking the combat system from 4 and combining it with old elements of Resi (dim-witted zombies, multiple characters and a convoluted coming together of a story, and a rather dull city setting). I particularly liked Resi 4 because it was isolated from much of the bullshit of Resi that had gone before; namely most of the cast/thinly woven 'plot' surrounding Umbrella, as well as the clunky game mechanics. About the only thing I missed from old Resi was Nemesis, to be honest. It's funny, when a series takes a departure from the usual fare of doing whatever you're normally supposed to be doing it can produce great results. Having a Zelda game, for instance, where you don't even have Zelda involved other than a single flashback, all the while saying 'fuck you' to obtaining the Master Sword and generally having a swell old time in a psychedelic trip of a game left a lasting impression on me. Mix it up, yo.
  10. Never has such been advertised. Hush, lest you lie more. Also, here's the X1 box: (Note Kinect, at the top) Note the console, controller, yet lack of any visible camera. For a person to be duped they would have to be of questionable intelligence. Not only that, but they do list the box contents on the side: ^ (this is the mega pack, thus does have the camera). Clearly labelled - there's really no argument here. Oh come on. Games like ME3, AC3, Batman - they were sloppy seconds, ports of games people had for the most part long since stopped caring about. I would hardly call that 'support'. To show support, how about making some exclusives for the console? Hero has put a good list there of companies that won't be releasing their games on the Wii U. Then you've also got games like Assassin's Creed - they might be released on Wii U at the moment while the last gen still persists, but what then? Do you think these sorts of companies are going to keep making Wii U versions after most people have hopped onto next gen? I very much doubt it, to be honest.
  11. Fine then, to list them: All the ones apart from those developing X and Bayonetta 2. Satisfied?
  12. No, you see, it's Microsoft that pushed a camera being so important that it had to be included in the box. Sony never needed to clarify something that was never confused to begin with. A better analogy would be for every car ever made to have never come with a sun roof when you buy the car, and for you then to criticise a company for not including a sun roof with the car. It just doesn't make any sense what you're arguing but I'm not sure you realise that. A large part of me also thinks that people paying £350 without having invested even the briefest of time reading the box contents on the side/internet deserve everything they get.
  13. Even if they haven't said anything, what decent third party studios are producing games for the Wii U besides those for X and Bayonetta 2? I'm not aware of anything extraordinary. You only need to look at the confirmed games coming to PS4/X1 to see the discrepancy is massive.
  14. Why would they need to mention that? Not once has a console been launched with a camera included in the box, before the X1. It is the standard not to have one included, so why bother mentioning what has always been the case?
  15. It has been just as long for the Japanese, if not longer (they had to wait longer for the PS4). Sure they love handheld gaming but we all know that they love home consoles too. There is a very pungent scent of denial emanating from these words. The PS4 does not have a Wii U style drought. A Wii U style drought would be for just about all third party developers to pull out from making games on the PS4 while at the same time first party Sony studios released games infrequently. PS4's lack of games at the very moment is common for a new console since games need time to be made (I'm talking about exclusives, not multiformat releases ported to every console).
  16. I said apart from PC, which is true! Microsoft's Xbox offering never takes off/does anything over there, while the Wii U has been abandoned and will continue to be mostly a first party game player. All the other non handheld games from all other developers are only getting to the Japanese by way of PC and PS4. Given a lot of people still prefer console over PC gaming that gives Sony one heck of a domination.
  17. I don't think it's oversimplified at all to say the Wii U is failing. It's doing really bad. PS3 numbers are bound to drop given how most people who want it probably have it by now and also the imminent arrival of PS4.
  18. The launch lineup here didn't have anything groundbreaking (particularly in terms of exclusives) and it went on to be the fastest selling console of all time. I think it's going to shift a lot on potential alone.
  19. The Last of Us (preowned) for £15 at GAME.
  20. Although it's worth noting Japan have nothing but the PS4 to play their games since the Wii U is now completely differentiated/failing and Microsoft is always ignored. Well, other than what comes out on PC. They have assured domination. No doubt if the launch is slow the numbers will come eventually, but I think it will do really well at launch there. They must surely be aware of how well the PS4 has done already so it's probably it's in their minds that this is desirable tech.
  21. Really impressive considering they haven't even released to Japan yet.
  22. Judging from eBay you can get at least £25 for the 2 controllers (was surprised that they're so cheap), about £17 for Wii Party U and about £20 for Just Dance. Assuming you'd want to keep Nintendoland then the console itself will be about £128 after deductions which is pretty decent.
  23. Big Wii U bundle... Contents: Wii U Basic Nintendo Land Just Dance Bundle Wii Party U Pack Includes 2 extra Wii remote Plus controllers. All for £189.99 from Amazon.
  24. This feels like something I would enjoy doing for charity, any chance you guys have space for more people? :p
  25. Must be over now then. It was there clear as day on the link I pasted while the deal was on.
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