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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I wonder in future how long the PS4 servers will stay online when the likely PS5 will be released. Since online is pay to play now there may be enough people paying the server costs who are exclusively still playing on their PS4s online to keep the servers running a while longer. I also got the impression that services like PSN were sort of integrated throughout most of the consoles so that it wasn't one set of servers for one console. I could be wrong about that. Yeah, and even then, Halo 3 pretty much rendered 2 obsolete and brought over some of the previous games' maps, from what I can remember. It's a shame because it clearly isn't the right time to shut down servers for a really popular console when the new console isn't really popular at all. I'll miss being able to play certain Mario Kart tracks with others again.
  2. Well Smash Online sucked, but MK was great. Still, I don't think too many people will care enough to splash out £240 or so for a Wii U with the game. It's just a shame for them to discontinue support on successful platforms while people are still indifferent about their latest console.
  3. Yeah but I bet loads of people still like playing MK Wii, a lot of which I bet don't really want to get the Wii U.
  4. Mario Kart Wii? Are they having a bloody laugh?
  5. I was trying to stipulate it but he didn't let me (passive). If I had gotten away with it, I would have known absolutely everything about who I reflected. Anyway...I don't agree with your assertion and I'm pretty sure he'll deal with abilities and information he gives out on a case by case basis. Also seeing as I failed to get the information payload I find it likely he would send nothing at all.
  6. I don't have a PM. There hasn't been a suggestion that everyone gets a PM though, just that Smeagol was sending them out. I'm assuming that's relating to people expecting information or notification of a failed action?
  7. Well it's up to other people what they want to believe then. If we're going with Jimbob being Mafia and this isn't a cover up - Either Jonnas managed to bag a vigilante kill (which seems rather powerful to me, and I knew I was hedging my bets when I requested it), murdered someone without any real direction and got lucky, while Mafia simultaneously failed to kill... Or I power reflected Jimbob back onto himself. I'm more inclined to believe the latter, purely on there being fewer required coincidences occurring, but I can't rule out Jonnas's account for sure.
  8. Still, a lack of town death as well... Let's also not forget that Jimbob may also not even be Mafia. It would make sense for Mafia to have a passive ability that causes their victim to appear Mafia on death so that a Mafioso can step in and claim to have done the heroic act. I'm finding it hard to believe they didn't secure themselves better to be honest. This game really lets them do that.
  9. So you are saying you were allowed to vigilante kill? I doubt that somewhat since I was refused from taking that and I submitted my request fairly early on. Also no town death. More likely Jimbob reflected off me and killed himself.
  10. @Sméagol are you allowed to tell us whether Mafia kills take place instead of an active ability?
  11. Make an egg of charmander, hatch it, trade it for squirtles and bulbasaurs online. Easiest/quickest way. Either that or go to a friend's safari zone and catch second stage starters from them (Wartortle/Charmeleon/Ivysaur). Safari Zone is end game though.
  12. Congrats. I could never be arsed to do all that.
  13. It might be, but hey, choosing to make X as an MMORPG and put it on a home console shows they're not just focusing on handheld main titles to make the most money. Also what say you to the choice to put all main title FF games on PS3 and not the more popular handhelds, eh? :p
  14. Dragon Quest did it, but Final Fantasy? I think not. DS was already a runaway success, as was the lower powered but hugely successful Wii. PS3 by comparison was not as commercially successful as either of those two same-generation formats (but considerably more powerful), yet FFXIII, XIII-2, XIII-3 and XIV have all released on PS3 (and some on 360, but that's a mere footnote for Japan). Ni no Kuni released on 3DS and PS3 - so at the worst, I could imagine a title releasing on both. Dragon Quest has also gone back to home console for DQX, and it wouldn't surprise me if future offline DQ main releases went back to consoles. DQVIII was about a million times more impressive than IX. I very much think it's a case of trying to make the most visually impressive game they can for FF. They have gone somewhat style over substance in recent years, which can't be pulled off on handhelds.
  15. But in saying that you're not taking into account the time at which it was released and how much of an achievement it was then. I wouldn't expect you to recommend Goldeneye to people these days, but at the same time I don't think you should call a game crap because it's now outdated. I think game quality / merit should be judged on how entertaining it was at the time. Otherwise most games would progressively be considered worse with time, which just doesn't feel right. Some games definitely stand the test of time better, I agree. But I don't think change in expectations and perception should cause is to mentally re-score games that gave us a heck of a lot of entertainment and wowed us back then.
  16. But is re-evaluating right? By today's standards, any FPS on the N64 would probably look and play like stuttery shite. I remember Goldeneye being great fun to play back in the day, and that's all that matters, right?
  17. @liger05 So you think people in Japan are suddenly going to stop caring about Tales, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games? Come on - KH3 is already scheduled for PS4, and in a few years most of the other big console titles will switchover too. I know Persona 5 will be on PS3 in 2015 but beyond that I can't see much else sticking the course (and it wouldn't surprise me if P5 got put onto PS4 somehow too). Handhelds support a particular type of game - certainly not the big titles the swinging dicks like to show off. I really can't see something like Final Fantasy XYZ (main title) being on a handheld in its first instance. They want to make the game as impressive as possible and that won't be on a handheld. The only way the people won't switch is if they pretty much go off gaming or the series they were into, which for most is pretty unlikely. We're talking about the country where when the next Dragon Quest game hits (one of the most conserved series in history), tons of people rush to buy it and a lot of sickies get pulled. I know it must have lost people from the PS2 to PS3 transition but the PS2 was a much bigger success. PS3 to PS4? I think most people will switch, and I think more people will hop on board.
  18. Who is to say the gameplan I divulge is actually my gameplan? Dat meta.
  19. Good to know. I know who to gun for now.
  20. Only the Mafia want anarchy... Will you object to stating alignments each turn? :p
  21. Let's not change subject - you just said that people would use their PS3s instead of getting a PS4, so I pointed out that most people WILL have switched over by the end of the PS4's lifetime. Whether the switchover happens now or later, people will want the PS4 at some point to carry on getting games they wouldn't be able to get anywhere else in Japan.
  22. You need to read what I said again liger - I said it'll sell loads over its lifetime. By the end of its lifetime, most people will have moved over from the PS3 to PS4. The same happened with PS2 to PS3 and look how successful and popular the PS2 used to be.
  23. Aye, that's the thing - literally no competition in what it's offering out there. It doesn't matter if the sales drop because they'll undoubtedly sell loads over the lifetime of the console. What choice do people have to play their next gen games other than PC over there? Also the PC is a platform that doesn't get a lot of the console games that release there. I know SE are considering PC more now for their main titles but you can bet most copies of Final Fantasy games will sell on PS4. Also Tales games, Kingdom Hearts...the thing is guaranteed to print cash.
  24. Yah, end the day. Just thinking, what's to stop the Mafia: Guy 1 - kill townie X, passive = can't be rolebocked Guy 2 - make people targeting Guy 1 go to some generic townie of choice instead without knowing, passive = find out who targeted Guy 1 Guy 3 - protect Guy 2 from everything, appears town. Not trying to play the Mafia's game here but seems like they can really tighten down their vulnerabilities. Hell, if one of them can bag alignment investigation instead of us then that's gonna be pretty tough going for us. Town will have to be quick on the button to grab the powerful abilities as soon as day starts (not night!) Also I'd like everyone playing at the start of every single day to make a single post stating only "I am Town". Or "I am neutral", if applicable. Not I appear or any such tomfoolery. People who don't or refuse can be up for the chop.
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