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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Anyone want to try revive me? :p
  2. That's a shame, given my passive should have mirrored all bad stuff back to user. A lot of this is turn priority based in this game, I think. Also if that was a death hammer then that seems a bit harsh, unless the Mafia didn't at the same time opt to kill (which seems mental). Effectively they could have submitted commands to do 2 kills and overruled the one of each thing. Jonnas was telling the truth about jailkeeping Mr-Paul by the way. My active role meant that anyone who mentioned or quoted me, I would get details of what they did and to who. Even though I'm dead, my role specified that PMs would be sent to me during the day and night (without mention that PMs would cease upon death), which could mean I'll still receive PMs until the end of the night. Everyone other than Jonnas (who jailkept Mr-Paul) and obviously Cube and Jimbob, please drop @ mention me. It'd be a sign of good faith for sure. Mr-Paul is obviously hot suspect next.
  3. Seeing as the day ends soon, may as well plonk a vote down. Vote: Cube. Still waiting on answers though, would be good to hear from the quieter people too.
  4. @Mr\-Paul what would you have done if you weren't jailkept?
  5. May as well just buy a preowned console at that price.
  6. I just found out that Cube did nothing last night.
  7. Let's lay off the last vote just until all the information surfaces.
  8. So you refuse to tell us? Fair enough, but that does nothing to alleviate suspicion. Also Smeagol accepted my passive (redirecting people targeting me to you) but then forgot to implement it, so that scenario you said would have killed me. :p Who are your most suspected?
  9. Sony Wireless Stereo Headset 2.0 £59.97 at GameStop. Well, about £57 with cashback. Think they're waiting for stock at the moment.
  10. @DuD still waiting on some answers...
  11. @Mr\-Paul who was your intended target? And can you confirm @Jonnas's result? And Jonnas, out of interest, what was your passive power?
  12. I would like to know how you know the killer went for me, how they would have got to Cube, and how you knew my passive power. Second: apparently, there was a mistake and my passive ability last night (that was people who targeted me should have reached DuD) wasn't put in place. Apparently my N1 passive was still in place. So the redirection thing won't have happened.
  13. I'd be interested to know who voted what. :p
  14. I had a passive that sent people targeting me to DuD. DuD didn't die, doesn't know why. Cow and chicken!
  15. £19.75 at Gameseek. Use code 'celebrate' for free delivery. Both X1 and PS4 versions are that price.
  16. What was your passive ability and who did you use it on?
  17. Why he no visit here no more @Emma?
  18. I saw a few people complaining about that, might be a fix/customisation to deal with it on release. I'm impressed that they managed to turn this shit around tbh.
  19. Well London seems like a good place with people! Would like nice to put more faces to names too.
  20. I hope crystal lizards are in. Finding them things was a little bundle or joy. Also can't wait to invade with reckless abandon again. Legalised trolling.
  21. @Mr\-Paul answer me or I'ma KILL YOU!
  22. I think that's good. The amount of times I was clearly behind an enemy yet the backstab animation didn't trigger... But oh God. Getting it with the meat cleaver in Demon's Souls was pure release.
  23. Can't really see anyone falseclaiming now @Mr\-Paul. Interesting that you chose to protect someone and not yourself. Who was it? Also what was your passive ability?
  24. I'll be there! Manchester or London would be brilliant.
  25. @Mr\-Paul, what you been up to these past couple of days and nights?
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