That's a shame, given my passive should have mirrored all bad stuff back to user. A lot of this is turn priority based in this game, I think. Also if that was a death hammer then that seems a bit harsh, unless the Mafia didn't at the same time opt to kill (which seems mental). Effectively they could have submitted commands to do 2 kills and overruled the one of each thing.
Jonnas was telling the truth about jailkeeping Mr-Paul by the way.
My active role meant that anyone who mentioned or quoted me, I would get details of what they did and to who.
Even though I'm dead, my role specified that PMs would be sent to me during the day and night (without mention that PMs would cease upon death), which could mean I'll still receive PMs until the end of the night.
Everyone other than Jonnas (who jailkept Mr-Paul) and obviously Cube and Jimbob, please drop @ mention me. It'd be a sign of good faith for sure.
Mr-Paul is obviously hot suspect next.