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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I don't think they had moved on from the Wii totally, rather it remained sitting under the TV for occasional Wii Sports and Mario Kart in many a household. So it was already there for when something did come along. That something required no fancy online or graphics and was for kids, so unlike other multiplatform games there was no real advantage to getting it on another console, so the console with the bigger install base sold more. Contrast this to where people don't already have (and mostly don't want) the Wii U, and can get Skylanders already on another or past gen console. I don't have any personal interest in this if it's supposed to be like Skylanders, since that's essentially targeted at kids. So for me, I'm looking at it totally from a success perspective. How popular it becomes will influence console sales, which in turn could bring in developer support.
  2. All that shows is that the most popular console had the most game sales on it. Now the situation is entirely reversed.
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but these are for the utterly unpopular Wii U, right? Or at least just Nintendo consoles. That's the major differentiator between this and the already very successful Skylanders. Parents will buy kids the thing for the console they already own (Skylanders) or the thing that kids want because their friends already have it (which again, will probably be Skylanders). Nintendo is a strong brand with a loyal fan base but kids today aren't as loyal to it as you might think. The vast majority of kids want Minecraft, League of Legends and app games. Many couldn't care less about Nintendo.
  4. It sure did. But that doesn't mean something else like it that comes along later will too.
  5. I'll be surprised if this takes off in any significant way to be honest.
  6. To quote Pokemon Colosseum when referring to PS4 in Japan..."It's just biding its time!" Wait for them bombshells, until then there'll be a lull. KH3, Final Fantasy titles, Tales, maybe another Ni No Kuni style RPG. This is the kind of shit that will sell it.
  7. Quiet until Destiny really.
  8. Yeah, massive fuck off sword does not look right on one of the Sheikah. They are supposed to be nimble and deku nut masters.
  9. £200 for a mobile air con unit. It is so damn good. Surprised more people don't have one for when it gets pretty warm. It's an investment for sure, but it really pays off. £23 preowned on eBay. Not played this one yet...totally gave up on ACIII because of the dishwater dull environments and weak main character. Loved the earlier game settings though and this one seems to have some pretty nice screenshots circulating for it.
  10. To anyone thinking about a tablet, the 2013 Nexus 7 16GB model is now only £130 new at GAME. Brilliant price for what it is.
  11. I wonder what makes Serebii type those kinds of replies. Details that you either have no idea about so shouldn't really comment, or know instantly to be untrue through playing it yourself.
  12. Not at all true, on the highest difficulty the vast majority still stand around doing nothing. It's mostly damage output and general/officer aggression that changes.
  13. To be honest, what do people expect? If the performance is what other consoles did 8 years ago, you'd kinda expect it to do it more efficiently.
  14. Yep. Me and my friend watch this together, and always share a 'god no' whenever a Bran scene starts.
  15. Completely agree. They are the most generic of Mario characters, as are the formulaic 3-hit battles you engage them in. There is literally nothing likeable or good to say about them.
  16. I would rather they made a spiritual sequel than a remake to MM. As much as I love it, it has been released in various forms over the years and I must have fully completed it at least 2-3 times.
  17. Unfortunately the Gundam DW crossover was cack, so I expect nothing great from this. Transposing the DW formula onto stuff won't hide that it's the same DW formula that we've seen a thousand times before. Would be very surprised if it's much more than that.
  18. You Wii knows what is going to happen. It's lost the will.
  19. You can guess, if you haven't looked at the answers. :p
  20. That doesn't make any sense. The console is already creating the 2 screens in split screen. It would still be the same number of pixels to display whether showing a split screen or 1 whole screen and 2 different viewpoints are being displayed regardless of what screen they're showing on.
  21. Maaan. Just got the platinum for this now... dat journey to get there. Really enjoyed it all though. My final save clock time is 130 hours, but I'd say there's at least another 30 mins play before you defeat the last boss.
  22. So launch is better, period immediately after launch is worse. All in all it balances out, doesn't it?
  23. I thought the new consoles had better launches than anything so far?
  24. Would you even fill it if you had every Wii U game ever released? Or even every Wii U game that will ever be released :p
  25. Considering the crap people get away with on that forum, it's pretty insane that you're banned from it really.
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