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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. You realise what people are complaining about here is that the industry is outdated, right? You're telling me how the industry works, but nobody here is in any doubt about how it works. You're misunderstanding everyone. The point here is that society has changed but the industry has not. We get our content through the internet these days and expectations have changed. You're complaining that people should wait and be grateful for what they get. That is such an antiquated attitude and totally at odds with reality. Steam have it right in offering games to everyone, not staggering releases. When people point this out you then complain that changing isn't easy and there is no perfect system. Just accept the very valid criticism people are giving and stop being so bleeding defensive.
  2. Galaxy S 3 Mini is pretty poor IIRC, relative to the Moto G.
  3. Content creators don't win because the kind of people that are being locked out will either A) get another VPN (they pop up all the time) or B) pirate it. Some of the money that would have gone to Netflix (and the content producers downstream) is lost. It's a lose-lose all round, really.
  4. It doesn't matter whether a lot of people will be affected or just a small proportion. The point is that no matter what the size of the effect, the effect is a bad one. A proportion of these technically minded people, as a result of this, will not renew their Netflix subscriptions, and instead turn to piracy. Why? Because the very reason they're using VPNs in the first place (often at additional expense) is because they want to watch shows quicker than they otherwise could. And come on, you're really doing yourself a disservice by going down this road. "Throwing my dummy out"? I'm not sure who you're reasoning with here; me, or pirates everywhere? Do you think pointing out that people should behave honourably is a clever way to address the clear problem here? Piracy exists for a reason. Some people will never pay, but most will if a great system is created in which (like Grunch put very well) the pirates don't get a better service over the legitimate customers. This is why change is needed; a carrot rather than the stick.
  5. I second the Moto G for a cheap phone. My girlfriend and brother have it, it's good. You can get the next version of the Moto G from Tesco now too. If you want to pay a bit more then get a OnePlus One. You can buy an invite code for about £3 off eBay for the 64GB version.
  6. How it affects people personally is exactly what matters. Because people are the customers - if they're not happy with a service then they might not spend their cash on it. Not sure what you're getting at with the 0.01% statistic - you're forgetting that this change only affects a small proportion of people to begin with. That is, people with knowledge of VPNs and people who use them to access US Netflix. When you take away VPN access from this technically minded subset of people then some of these customers will cancel and likely just torrent the show. The net result will be less money going back to show producers and Netflix. Also less of the calling people 'idiots'. It's the mindset of the current industry that needs to really change. If someone wants to watch a show that just released but they can't as the VPN workaround has gone then their only option in some cases is to wait or pirate. Industries need to recognise that meeting customer demands is crucial with regards to cracking down on piracy - rather than going down the route of enforcement. Because the enforcement route on the internet is not going to win.
  7. Just mentioning people to see if they might be up for that raid. @Daft @Shorty @Zell @Map @lostmario And anyone not on the forum you guys know too.
  8. I've already explained to you that this change will do absolutely nothing other than encourage piracy. How can you say this is anything other than stupid? Any distribution system that means people have to wait longer to see something that people are raving about is inherently stupid. It is not meeting customer demands, hence some people pirate in the first place.
  9. Xbox D-pad placement is pretty bad which is a shame for a lot of indie titles or where you use it a shortcut button. I also like the share button and find the touchpad quite useful. Given they're both pretty comfortable, I'd say these features edge the DS4 over the X1 pad.
  10. Nobody's arguing that it's legal, just that the law/current distribution method is stupid and should be changed. The only thing that will come about from this is that some people who used to pay for Netflix will no longer pay for it, instead opting to torrent it since they no longer have another means to watch certain shows sooner. Either that, or people keep hopping to working VPNs.
  11. Have to agree here. Definitely a no, she just bottled telling you.
  12. Yeah pretty tragic really. It's like the industry is being run by fossils with no clue how things really work these days. If people gaining access to US Netflix in the UK and elsewhere no longer can get their shows then they're more likely to cancel their Netflix subscriptions and just torrent it.
  13. Anyone up for Crota raid this Tue? Say 8:15 PM?
  14. To anyone who is interested (maybe @Fierce_LiNk?), the Sony PS4 2.0 Headset is £58 from Tesco Direct (if you use the £10 off code TDX-YGPK - new customers but just sign up again). Really great price for this headset.
  15. If you ever did decide to go that route, I would be more than happy to be a reviewer for PS4/PC. :p (although I know there's not even a hint of seriousness in your suggestion)
  16. If they must make another sequel then AC is a good series to go with. I'd love to see it packed with lots of new ideas and stuff to do. Some more online features would also be really neat. Not sure what I predict here. I would absolutely love a new Harvest Moon game but on Wii U, but I think that series is really locked onto handhelds these days. Shame as I liked the console versions the most.
  17. Cancel your Amazon order?
  18. You should pop your Xenoblade disc in your Wii U and give it another chance. Great game you've got there without having to spend another penny.
  19. Have you played the original Xenoblade for Wii?
  20. Also get Monster Hunter!
  21. Jesus wept, you actually went for that. I essentially gave up on any attempts for platinum when I saw that. Oh so very daft requirements.
  22. I'll be back tomorrow so available to do any raids/nightfall shenanigans from then.
  23. I'd like to fucken shrykull. You know, for those days.
  24. Saying a console has a barren year is always going to be a statement of opinion, as you can always argue on technicality that a console has a jam packed release schedule if you count any old game (even indies or generally less exciting titles). I'm really mostly looking forward to X and Zelda yet those two have the potential to be really huge, so I'm not too bothered. Unlike Smash and MK this year, I think these have far more potential to break the 'same old' feeling that I got with the titles this year. I mean, I've played Smash Wii U that I got for Christmas and there's no doubt that it doesn't have anywhere near the same hold on me as Smash once did. To me, I think this concept is done. I'm basically doing the same old things, and even co-op play with my friends couldn't make me hugely excited for what is mostly the same kind of game all over again. With X though, I've only had one game in the series before (Xenoblade) and that was really cool, and Xenoblade was largely a story driven experience that I feel can greatly differ far more between titles. Zelda, while I feel the last few console titles have been not so great, actually looks pretty exciting based on what I've seen so far. So maybe this year will be an exciting one; I just have to hope that the titles do release this year!
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