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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. @Eddage will be very happy to hear about the Ice Breaker being sold. @Zell might just want to buy another, lol.
  2. A quick google shows me it looked a lot better - mind you, stretching a 400x240 pixel image to a relatively large-ish size means it's going to come across a lot worse on a PC monitor.
  3. Put it on PS4, it'll be like what happened with Level 5's Ni No Kuni (went from DS to PS3).
  4. 'dat model. (honestly, if you've got a Wii or Wii U lying around I'd really recommend getting the full fat original - the game is amazing).
  5. Come on shops, where is your bunduru?
  6. If you really think that then you can't have played many different types of games. There's a lot of co-op games where voice chat can be pretty crucial. Raids in Destiny are a great example. Looking at the screenshots for this, I actually find myself agreeing with Wii a little. From a visual perspective it looks pretty dire. Could still be a fun game though.
  7. I take it you will be buying this one?
  8. So sorry @Daft, I got that text during a raid boss yesterday and totally forgot to respond after finishing that particular boss. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to make 7:30, a little early for me. This weekend though I'll have more time if anyone wants to run another?
  9. Same with most things though, fine for most orders but when they go wrong some companies are just god awful. Not turning something on sounds like some 'very' specific bullshit to me though. I would just say I haven't turned it on, how would they know? Can always do a factory wipe too if you happened to do the device setup.
  10. Roll teh warlock. :p
  11. Moral of the story: never using very again. I have heard they are fucking terrible and your story pretty much backs this up.
  12. Anyone wanting to top up their PS Plus can do so for £32 - ShopTo via Play.com/Rakuten. You need to use the code JANOFFER10 to get £10 off. Topcashback is also a whopping 7% too, so you can really get it for around £30.
  13. Of course! It was a really good run last night actually. Minus the switching characters to grab the second chest loot on all our alts, we were probably done in an hour. That's a sweet haul for a warlock. Got the Obsidian Mind but the Praxic Fire seems super rare (and it's great). Last night I got Vanquisher VIII which is basically a somewhat lower range Shadow Price with the perma-radar ability, so pretty happy with that. And another Apothesis veil, which I only had the old version of (shame the heal yourself ability of it when using super isn't great for sunsingers).
  14. Thanks for the games guys, I know 5 of us in the raid want to do it again on Saturday at 8PM with our alts (@Zell @Map @Deathjam @Eddage). Not sure I got a response from @DriftKaiser but more than welcome to join again!
  15. Wii U premium + Mario Kart 8 bundle is £189 at Tesco Direct. You've got to use the voucher code TDX-KGRX and signup again as a new customer (easily done).
  16. Very good decision that.
  17. I agree that AC is a much better fit for handhelds (particularly since it's pick up and play and never exactly pushes the hardware). Saying that, I think if they could make a really neat online focused home console game then it would rock. I'm thinking 8+ people, standalone servers (a la Minecraft PC), quick drops ins and outs, large maps and connected towns. Show the world you can do online!
  18. Thanks man. No it's regular version. So, 8:15PM tonight everyone!
  19. Don't worry, it's so easy. All you do is slide it in. Foolproof.
  20. Not at all, they tend to make whatever changes they want anyway. They don't need fan approval to be able to make changes they want. Time saving mechanics were putting the swift sail and reducing the Triforce hunt in the console remake of WW, leaving purists to dust. Since when do Nintendo care about fan reaction? Voice chat, gamecube adapters, amiibo shortage. Claiming they couldn't have put something on console because they are too heavily governed by fan response is ridiculous, tbh. I believe we might be arguing 2 different things here - what's needed for the handheld version and whether it should have instead gone to home console or handheld. Regarding the needs for the handheld version - the game will still be 3 days and will take the same length of time to complete those days. The only difference will be the save system. Coming back to what I was arguing, this change could be done on whatever system it goes on, and isn't necessarily just something they would consider for handheld (Nintendo's games seem more dumbed down these days generally). It'll still be the same long game that was designed for a console and is going to be played by most of us in long bursts. It's not a reimagined or changed game! Here's an idea, be interested in both. No compromises. Hello Wind Waker - a game that brushed up gameplay the required amount (again the swift sail, triforce hunt, bottle notes and miiverse) while also providing us with really nice, stand-the-test-of-time (and remake justifying) visuals. Make no mistake, I know why they're not going home console. Time and money - but that's all we're saying. I don't like the alternate idea that its because handheld will be a better fit or allow them to 'reimagine the game' as the reasons instead. It simply isn't being reimagined, they just shoe-horning a save anywhere system.
  21. It's going to be the same game that they're putting on handheld man. An updated save system like an owl in your pocket could have been done on console too, it's simply not justification as to why it going to handheld is a great idea. This kind of game doesn't lend itself to bursts of play, it's the kind of game you want to keep playing until you finish it.
  22. Yup. Crota Raid, 8:15PM Tuesday (tomorrow) Sheikah Zell Eddage Map DriftKaiser [space] One space left. Grab it!
  23. It's the Pokemon Red and Blue vs Gold and Silver choice all over again. But to answer that, I'd say definitely the first Galaxy game (and Red and Blue). One is a continuation, which will inevitably improve in some areas. But the other is the innovation, the freshness and the excitement. You'll never forget the first time you played a specific type of game that really gripped you.
  24. You'll be fine Flink, of all the many hard drives I've ever had not one has ever fucked up. There's a purely anecdotal bit of consolation. Sure they can fail, but I can't imagine the fail rate is all that high (and in my opinion, a lot of people who break their stuff are often the ones to treat their things like shit).
  25. The main problem I see is that the visuals of the 3DS are already really dated (far more so than back when OoT hit 3DS), and that matters a big deal. To dismiss graphics as just 'one thing' seems pretty outrageous, given graphics is by far the measure that most justifies there being a remaster in the first place (in relation to just going with a straight port/re-release, perhaps with added touch controls like how Pikmin sort of was with motion controls). This is 2015 and to be honest, we'd really all be lying if we pretended that the lush presentation of Wind Waker wasn't one of the most striking/desirable features of its remaster. So when I see screenshots for the 3DS version of MM looking really jagged, I'm really not seeing this is as much of a remaster or worthy re-release. Sure a lot of the models look improved, but holy hell that resolution really lets it down. Touch screens in menus and whatnot; while nice, could ultimately have been done even better on Wii U. A new quick save and resume feature could also be done on console. So really, there's no justification other than time and effort as to why it went to 3DS. And when we all start giving people free passes on those two grounds then that will be sad times.
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