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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Maybe saying awkward was a bit far, sorry. But what I mean is there are different types of gamers; saying you don't like being bothered when playing games makes it sound very much like you're the kind of person I was referring to (ie. not someone who wants to play games with others). Nintendo seems to positively select for these gamers since a lot of the people who aren't happy probably just leave.
  2. Yeah, don't worry about it, you seem like a pretty nice guy. :p I was more or less suggesting that some other people around here playing down Nintendo's lack of features just don't strike me as the social type anyway - they don't get it and possibly never will.
  3. In the case of a lot of people here, Nintendo gamers who've hardly ever had it can hardly miss it. It always seems to me that the more antisocial/awkward Nintendo folks about these parts are the ones without a clue why anyone would want it that much.
  4. Well that sounds pretty shit. No strategy, really?
  5. I have the 16GB and it's now full of stuff that I kind of want to keep on (either games I'm still playing or indie titles I like to go back to).
  6. The potential for misuse is not a valid reason. I could attach a picture or voice recording to a message and send it to anyone on PSN, so why can't I do that on 3DS? If parents don't want their kids doing this then they should turn on parental controls. Don't you bleeding well dare present that as a valid reason!
  7. I've been putting off getting a 64GB memory card because of the cost, but I'm really at breaking point now...
  8. Times are changing, man. . That is honestly pretty funny. In all truth though, never dismiss having features that could be optional if you don't want them.
  9. Was waiting for this to release. I've heard really good things, particularly about Suikoden II. I wonder if I can just jump to that one...
  10. Microsoft also went with Kinect, adding £80 over the cost of the PS4. That was a massive mistake, which they admitted to by getting rid of the bundled Kinect to bring the price down. That basically comes back to what I was saying - PS4 didn't focus on gimmicks, giving it a pretty decent price point for a pure gaming machine. Even if Microsoft had done better with the marketing/policies, their initial enforcement of Kinect and the high price point it brought would have seen the PS4 storm ahead, I reckon.
  11. Hot damn, it's good to see them doing so well. I love that its USP is basically making a console people want and getting good games for it, rather than focusing on gimmicks.
  12. Sweet man. I'm really enjoying Word of Crota, it was nice for me since I've never got Fatebringer (despite doing hard mode VoG a trillion times). Really needed it given the only other void primary I had was Atheon's Epilogue, which feels pretty shit to use most of the time. I had a Word of Crota/Patience and Time/Hunger of Crota setup for nightfall, all bases covered. Was glorious. Looking forward to the raid on Thursday, if everyone else could confirm that'd be swell.
  13. I reckon @Zell will be, @MilaGi ! Can I just confirm again with you guys if Thursday is good for a raid? Seeing as it doesn't look like anything other group has yet organised that date. 8:15PM. @Zell @Map @Shorty @Eddage @MilaGi
  14. To be honest there's that much to do on it this week with not much time for me since I'm away Friday and Sat. Could be me, @Map and another do some nightfalls today, I'm certain there'll probably be stuff leftover to do tomorrow anyway @Zell out of the 3 nightfalls/heroics (unless we go super all out or something!) Any takers for last nightfall spot today, starting around 8?
  15. For anyone looking for a HP regeneration upon orb pickup helmet for the raid.
  16. Nightfall today is apparently Winter's Run on Venus, with yet again all 3 elemental burns on. @Map @Zell said they were up for this tonight, from around 8 to 8:15 PM onwards ok? Heroic Weekly is apparently just void burn (kisses new word of crota). The 6 of us that said we'd do the raid again, is Thursday 8PM ok? @Map @Zell @Shorty @MilaGi @Eddage If we needed to continue the raid on another day after that then Sunday afternoon would be best for me, as I won't be around this weekend unfortunately.
  17. Damn man, enjoyed that game, wanted to play more actually! First time running warlock in the crucible and enjoyed it. 32 kills isn't quite 200 but it was pretty damn good. :p Shame we lost that one right at the end when a mega bout of lag pegged us out of a few easy kills!
  18. That's a fucking rubbish comparison. Nintendo already were making Smash for both platforms at the same time, so saying it's akin to Sony completely diverting their development efforts from PS4 to Vita is wrong. It's simply a case of what should have released first - it should have been Wii U to give it a helping hand. You also just proved my point. You argued that the home console wasn't king, then argued that it actually was because of technical reasons. You literally just made the same case I made - that the home console was always the platform that had the most focus for Nintendo. Saying one format was never treated as secondary is frigging bonkers man, given one received so much more effort, money and attention than the other. That's why I had no clue why you were challenging such an obvious truth!
  19. Yeah, would be good if one of you isn't hunter so they can be hunter with another group. I am suggesting Thursday at 8:15PM if that's ok, I think everyone in the voice chat on this raid already said they were in for this. Raid was great success! Got the word of crota to go with my fang, and a second hawkmoon. Lulz.
  20. Edit: yeah ok. 9PM ok with everyone?
  21. Whuuut...are you saying? Are you freaking high? Home console has ALWAYS been the flagship for gaming, particularly with Nintendo! Handhelds have ever been the reserve for cheaper, generally lower wow factor games with a lower budget (again, talking about any time but the present here). Look at Ocarina of Time versus the handheld offerings, Super Metroid/Prime versus handheld games, the 3D Mario games versus the Mario Land/New Super Mario range (again, the latter is also on home console now). It's obviously changing now, because of the removal of technical limitations (and the decrease in home console popularity in Japan). But your questions are along the lines of "when has it ever", so I'm sure as hell bringing the past into this! I know I've corrected you before, but this is a real pet hate of mine. It's "would have" not "would of". "I would have liked to have seen that feature included". As for that. I've literally no clue what you're saying here. The console that gets it first gets the biggest helping hand, because peeps be hungering for Smash. People don't need convincing to buy a 3DS. Many people have it already. It will sell. People need convincing to buy a Wii U. Oh god, you're trying to kill me.
  22. I like that there are lanterns hanging from the sky.
  23. You being serious? When has any console from Nintendo been the flagship platform for certain titles? Since, like, the dawn of time? Look at the big Zelda games - they've always been on home console. The handheld Zelda games have always been different in scale to them. Just as it works the other way - main Pokemon titles never appear on home console (Pocket Monsters is the clue!). Until now, Smash has always been home console, which has also been the same for 3D mario games prior to 3D Land. You could argue that this has been down to technological limitations, but that doesn't change the fact that Nintendo's home consoles were the 'flagship' platforms for many of their series. That's not the point I was trying to make anyway. You could say "game X will do better on 3DS" as a reason to never bring a single game to Wii U, ever. It just means there's even less games released on Wii U, and less reason to buy it! It's a self-created problem. I can deny it, because this line of thinking is absolutely stupid. The 3DS version, if anything, had a much higher chance of doing well without help. They should have launched on Wii U first so that the maximum number of people bought it as it was their 'only' way to get Smash at the time - bringing new customers along too. They would have done better to never announce it was coming to 3DS, causing people to buy the Wii U version, then release it on 3DS shortly after.
  24. Looking forward to the raid again today, 3:30PM onwards @Shorty @Map @MilaGi @Eddage. I stocked up on heavy ammo, got over 40 now.
  25. Oooh yeah. Looking maybe like half 10 now, but gonna be grand.
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