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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. It's the same Samsung drive inside, Seagate really have little to do with it. :p
  2. Well I've bought a promotional club Nintendo code, hopefully going to get Kirby as the free game. Looking forward to it!
  3. Sweet, so just 2 more needed.
  4. Serebii, is this your protégé? :p
  5. Sweet Raid tomorrow 8:15 PM (Crota) Sheikah Zell Eddage [free] [free] [free]
  6. Thanks man, it's a shame I missed the signup for the other one on Tue, but if anyone wants to hop on with their characters or alts then that'd be swag. Realistically I wouldn't want to do 2 raids in 2 consecutive nights; anyone fancy running a second one on Saturday night (say 8PM?). @DriftKaiser @Map @losmario @Eddage You fancy joining in the one tomorrow with me and Zell at 8:15PM? Apologies if anyone else's raid groups for the people I mention are also raiding that day, I didn't check. Yeah me too, sorry didn't read this post first. Are you up for Saturday by any chance?
  7. Anyone up for Crota tomorrow? Let's say 8:15PM. @Zell @Shorty @Daft @Map @lostmario Sheikah [space] [space] [space] [space] [space]
  8. I got the Kindle Voyage for Christmas which is pretty darn sweet.
  9. I can confirm that the one Shorty posted is the same drive inside (Samsung M9) despite it being a Seagate. So you're just paying extra for the same thing. Importantly, both links you and Shorty posted are 9.5 mm high which means it'll fit in the PS4.
  10. They can have a quick save and quit option that can be performed at any time, but then erases the save when you next load it. At the very least this overcomes the ability to have multiple save states/reloading yet allow handheld gamers to instantly stop playing. In other words, they have an owl statue in their pocket. Let's hope that's the way they're doing it as the ability to reload a save would suck.
  11. Yup. Like when you fail in Kafei's quest on the last day, then go see Anju as you hear the moon almost crashing down into the town. The belief that she has in staying, even though you know he'll never come. Sad stuff. Hope they have an option to keep the original system.
  12. I mean I've seen it being heavily criticised for being too easy, something that never happened for Super Star.
  13. I would like to get this game eventually as Kirby is generally very awesome in his 2D outings (Kirby Super Star was god tier). However I've been hearing this game is a bit too easy, is that right? I'd like to get this when it's a bit cheaper.
  14. I'm keen for both before and after tbh. If I get a decent exotic then I just won't level it until upgrading it.
  15. Destiny Limited Edition is £39 right now for PS4 on Amazon. This is particularly good value for money if you don't have the game yet since it includes the first 2 DLC packs as well (the first of which has been released so far, and costs a hefty £20). So this essentially covers the cost of DLC alone.
  16. Which raid? VoG? If VoG then I'm in. If not VoG, anyone up for doing a VoG Hard mode around 8PM tonight?
  17. Oh right. I'm guessing it won't change, myself. Like all the other VoG specific drops.
  18. Yup, legendary equipment stays the same. Vex Mythoclast was upgraded already, even before this patch, so there's no change on that front.
  19. It's a host of things that can't even be tested in the current state. Think about how many multiplayer games there were on 360/PS3, and how they mostly all were making heavy use of the internet (ie. players fighting against or co-operating with each other). Imagine tons of games all running on your network at once, people voice chatting with each other at once, people messaging each other...then throw into the mix twitch streaming, comparing trophies/achievements, party chat...because if they don't adopt all that on their next machine, people will just be complaining how it's yet again a generation behind (as PS4 would be the previous gen then). Tell me that their network can support all that at a level they've never even been close to and that it will be 'easy' for them. And all that from never having done all of this before, either. Heck, even Sony's messaging is struggling! You think Nintendo could easily manage it without there being serious problems, despite not even having an (initially rather wonky) PS3 style online service to play around with the generation before? No chance there, I reckon. Far worse now dazzy - much of the third party support that they used to have is gone. Nintendo always had some level of support but you have to admit, now it is truly gone and the other two consoles are more differentiated than ever. The system hardware is leagues apart and it's seen as a lite console. You can't just say it's the same as how it's always been, because it's far worse. And also, if you go down the path of "this is how it always is" then why would you consider that they might be something else - ie. competing with the others again? Surely if they behave as they always have, not getting third party support, then that's agreeing that they're going to continue to struggle?
  20. Yeah I'll be there! So apparently they're fixing the Crota raid bugs. Sad news is that the first chest will now be radiant stuff only, but the good news is that the contents of that chest are now going to be applied to killing the Deathsinger. So more loot overall. Also VoG exotics are all being bumped to normal levels. It has a purpose again!
  21. You didn't address image though - that's their biggest problem, maybe. And their third party relations. They get thrown into the problem mix, making for an overall very difficult problem for Nintendo to address. Sony and Microsoft have already dug in their roots in what is now a maturing games industry. They're the ones getting the third party games and have good relationships with them. Also, how can developing a reliable and feature rich online infrastructure quickly be 'easy'? Sony have been developing theirs for years and you think that'd crap, so that pretty much flies in the face of what you just said. If they had to scale up their online in fracture to Sony/MS level, how could that be so easy?
  22. I think pointing fingers like that isn't particularly clever. Let's try avoid this kind of discussion anyway.
  23. That's a good point actually. I distinctly remember him passing much negative criticism towards non Nintendo games he'd never played not too long ago.
  24. This reminds me of the "since records began" gag. That first day when records began was surely extraordinary.
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