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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Nice, no doubt this game will now shift a few more copies. Oh wait...
  2. I'm pretty sure he actually can't see it.
  3. "Only Nintendo could do..." sure sounds like boasting. Especially when it's about something that out of the 3, only Nintendo have ever even been in the position to do.
  4. But then your general point (from what I can tell) is that only Nintendo can go from a colossal failure to such a success with a home console. And my point was that we will never know that, it's a meaningless boast, because only Nintendo (out of the current 3) have had such a disaster of a home console to follow up from.
  5. So what you're saying is if we delete "home" then Sony have in fact done what you claimed nobody else could do?
  6. Also to qualify for what he's saying you'd first of all have to release a home console close to the level of failure as the Wii U, which out of the 3 still going only Nintendo have done...
  7. I know that's probably impressive but to an outsider that sounds like an amusingly long list of items to 'just' complete the game with. [emoji14]
  8. Helluva bump, but 11 years later in the remaster I can confirm this still works a treat in PvP. [emoji3] 2-handed meat cleaver, clever rat's ring, morion blade and curse weapon. The results:
  9. Ah...is that because your tariff included a phone? Or is a more expensive tariff? There are other more expensive tariffs (e.g. 20 GB data ones) that you can find by searching "O2" on HotUKDeals that maybe won't cause you to "downgrade" (and pay money), since you won't be downgrading.
  10. You get Disney+ for 3 months free (used to be 6 months) for signing up for 12 month contracts. For instance I originally signed up some time ago for 10 GB and unlimited mins and texts for £8 a month. Then when the Disney+ sub ends you can just upgrade your tariff again by finding another deal via somewhere like uSwitch. If you click to add the new deal to your basket, you can then upgrade your existing number and it gives you the Disney+ again (and the contract is extended to 12 months again, which is fine since the tariff is really good value, and in my case I kept getting more GB for the same cost per month every time I upgraded). Basically keep an eye on HotUKDeals for deals like this one.
  11. I enjoyed it.
  12. Shifting the goal posts. You know there were no goalposts, right? You literally just decided what the point of these presentations was ("to appeal to the masses"), which is what I disagree with. Not every game has mass appeal. Star Ocean is never going to appeal to more than 50% of viewers, nor will most of those games. I believe the purpose of these presentations is to advertise new games, so that people who are interested in them become aware of them and might go on to buy them. If they failed as you say, and the games didn't look good, we wouldn't expect the games to go on to do well. I'm sorry if it didn't contain the sorts of games that you and many others are interested in, but for people like me who are interested in some of these games, I'm more likely to go on to buy them than I was before.
  13. Failure is measured by sales, and I'm sure these games will do just fine. I'll be sure to remind you of this post when any sales figures get posted for them.
  14. This is such a strange thing to argue, something I see you do often. It doesn't matter if other people say something, or how many. And it doesn't provide a productive discussion. It's basically just a means of silencing a particular opinion by saying "well yeah, more people thought this, therefore your opinion doesn't matter". If we're going to use popularity to determine "correctness" then the Daily Mail must be a quality newspaper and Justin Bieber the voice of our times. What I'm saying to you is that 20 minutes is absolutely not going to be a jam-packed presentation because that amount of time is not enough to cover much at all. If lots of people went into that expecting lots more then that's on them. And if you're expecting Sony to tell people not to be excited or expect much, that is perhaps the most ridiculous expectation I've heard in a while. What company is going to say that.
  15. Expectations were managed when they said it would be 20 minutes. I mean, you shouldn't expect much at all in 20 minutes. Last I checked indies were third party games...so not sure how it was false advertising? It wasn't totally indies either, with Star Ocean announced. Even if you don't care for Star Ocean that's a big deal for quite a lot of people.
  16. Given that it was mostly indies I thought it was decent. Two very good looking games and a few other somewhat interesting ones. For a 20-minute, mostly indie-focused presentation I struggle to see how people can be seriously disappointed.
  17. Yeah, I wouldn't mind checking out KoA. Not a bad month at all.
  18. If it helps, there's ways you can get those other services much cheaper if you look around. Disney+ I've never actually paid for; you can basically continuously get this is a free add on if you're on O2.
  19. I'd normally agree but Prime is such a good deal for everything that's included.
  20. I think it looks really good. I'm sure I'll be picking it up down the line.
  21. Semi-related, but one thing I learned recently was that the ability to convert XBL Gold time to Game Pass Ultimate for a quid isn't a one time deal. Apparently when your GP Ultimate sub expires, you can load more XBL Gold time to your account and convert it to GP Ultimate again. You have to wonder how much money they are haemorrhaging by extended deals like this, they really are just giving GP away. You can buy 1 year of XBL Gold from another region for like 20 quid, stack 3 of them then convert to 3 years of GP Ultimate. It's insane.
  22. The apologists are in position. You mean the online features that they said would be part of this paid service? The issues seem to be with more than just online, but would you say this is acceptable or to be expected for online play? I wouldn't.
  23. So ridiculous they are charging for this. You can get a much better experience emulating them yourself.
  24. Looks like the blue haired guy has been popping roids.
  25. You conveniently missed the part where I compared RRP with RRP though, didn't you. If I was playing games I'd be saying let's compare Turkish or Indenosian Plus subs, and sharing your account with one other console.
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