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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Yeah. Well, there's one notable exception. You can get a particular consumable twice per game - if you use it, the enemies will also attack the invader. One of the most fun items you can use. There's actually quite a few ways to summon people now. You can equip an item (a covenant item) that makes it so that allies are automatically summoned if somebody invades you. You can also summon people if you are embered - you get embered by defeating a boss or using an ember item (including assisting other people by offering help as a summonable phantom). You lose ember status on death but it's generally very easy to be embered. In order to see the signs on the floor that let you summon, you must be embered. I would start with Dark Souls - you have a shield and it's generally easier to co-op.
  2. I'm really surprised that Tesco do these kind of tests for the sales assistant role, certainly changed from when I worked there part time all those years ago. Maybe they offer the jobs to the people who actually fail the tests...less employable and more likely to stay on?
  3. You're better than this.
  4. To be fair, they were NX-nominated.
  5. 800,000 if anything sounds like too much. They haven't got new big games coming to drive new sales, it'll just be the usual trickle. Even less now that NX is coming and after the competitors advertise their new console refreshes (likely at E3).
  6. I don't think anyone thinks that's nice when you consider its support towards the end of its life!
  7. I would probably think Splatoon was generic if I knew nothing about the game. Once you know you are splatting paint, there are platoons of players, and it's a cartoon style game then you can appreciate it's a far from generic name...and pretty cool. Point being...armed with knowledge, your opinion can change (point Flink was getting at). True that we don't know anything about this game yet. Although it's fun to laugh for now.
  8. As mentioned, the story is about a bloodborne disease. And hunters born to crave blood. And blood is everywhere. Literally one of the most fitting names you can imagine, and pretty cool too. Literally nothing combative in his post, but you came across as a bit ignorant on the subject matter IMO. In the case of the other titles they sound like edgy buzzwords that don't really go together, but bloodborne is an actual single word and describes the lore/game content very well.
  9. Invading people as a mad phantom is funny shit. Was doing it before the Pontiff boss and killing people even when it was 3 on 1. People really just don't expect the anti-estus flask. Given you're usually outnumbered now when you invade, it reaaally help.s
  10. Just thought I would post this -GameStop are taking preorders for PlayStation VR for £310 (400 EUR). I bought the Sony 2.0 headset from them in a similar situation and made a good saving there.
  11. Ratchet and Clank at number 1 - well deserved.
  12. Giving it a heavy gem gives it strength A scaling on +4 or so and above so it can be a very powerful weapon if you have high strength. Basically it scales to your character - a weapon with no scaling for instance can be more powerful than a weapon with C strength scaling, if you have next to no strength. The other good thing about it is that it's the only one handed sword with stomp (weapon skill that grants you very high poise so you can power over enemies). The only other weapons that have that are greatswords. It's funny when you get invaded if you throw an estus blocking item at someone. The mental torture on the person is immediate and causes them to fuck up more than anything else you can do.
  13. You won't find the dark sword unless you go looking for it. Most likely.
  14. There's almost no way I'll buy it Day 1, if at all. After such a short life cycle for the Wii U I think they'll have a tough time convincing people to get this off the bat. The Wii U also launched really expensive and the OS was a mess, so I'll give it time before I think about getting it.
  15. Demon's Souls was a PS3 exclusive and the first game. It came out in Europe quite a bit later than when it was originally released in Japan (Feb 2009 vs Jun 2010). Dark Souls came out a year later in Oct 2011 in EU on other systems too. They're not direct sequels; in fact, Dark Souls establishes a fair bit of its own lore and Dark Souls 3 if anything feels more like a sequel to it than Dark Souls 2 did. It's fair to say that Dark Souls had a much bigger impact and broader appeal and really made the series take off. That said, Demon's Souls is brilliant and was extremely exciting what with it being the first game of its type.
  16. Yeah, pretty much - in Souls you have a shield and it's a lot more careful advancing, whereas Bloodborne is a lot more reflex dodging and rolling, as well a using a gun to stagger and riposte. Bloodborne was really a lot of fun in that it shook the formula up quite a bit. A lot of things that happen in the Souls games happen again in the sequel (as is the case with sequels), like turning in boss souls for upgrades, and the general feel of the series and NPC interactions/covenants. They are both amazing and you can't go wrong with either. The gameplay is king.
  17. See, if they are pushing TVs over 1080p in resolution then I would think it makes most sense to show as many things making use of those higher resolutions as possible (e.g. films and games). Mind you, it does make sense that an FPS boost would also attract people other than 4K TV owners to buying the revised model. May well be both - time will tell.
  18. Sign me up.
  19. The guidelines make it sound like it could go either way (it says resolution should be 1080p at a minimum). If you look at PS3 most games were around 720p and 30 FPS. Start of this gen they have stuck to 30 FPS for many games but increased resolution to 1080p. From a marketing perspective, it feels like resolution is always given priority. I dunno, the "PS4K" to me sounds like they are keen to push resolution for these 4K TVs. It would also bypass the potential FPS issue in multiplayer too. Of course, they could also do both.
  20. Yeah, it stops you getting knocked about so you can just overpower the phantom wanker subtype of enemy. And invaders too.
  21. Yeah that's what I did. I like the skill as it gives you really high poise.
  22. You guys should check out the dark sword. Shit be stompy stompy.
  23. If 4K is the goal (hence PS4K) then I honestly don't see how they can push towards 4K levels and FPS at the same time. The horsepower to pull off 4K 60 FPS would be tremendous - leaves me thinking resolution will more likely take precedent.
  24. Oh wait - you forgot SNES games! N3DS only also. And Xenoblade does not run at all on the old 3DS, while Hyrule Warriors has modified gameplay and runs comparatively poorly on the old system. Many games also show much reduced load times on N3DS and the OS of the system is much snappier. Again, a technical jump. Don't just use resolution as your judge. Contrast this to the PS4K which will apparently not receive gameplay altered versions (again, according to these rumours). So the PS4K is a less divisive system on all accounts there. Every base PS4 owner can apparently still play all games...not the case with the N3DS. Base PS4 will have been out probably at least 3 years by the time the PS4K comes out...3+ years vs 4. Don't see the reason for anywhere near the level of outrage you have given the favourable comparison to the N3DS, which seems to bother you not at all.
  25. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense for them to do this, at least for their own interests. End of generation is a risky time when people may cross sides, as they did PS2 to 360 and similarly 360 to PS4. Rather than take a gamble sooner with the PS5 with many unknowns it makes quite a bit of sense to extend the life of a generation that is doing awfully well for you. I still think that there is potential positive in this for non-PS4K adopters, if these rumours are true - this could keep the generation going for longer, including for base model owners.
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