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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Good stuff though, confirmation that it's all coming and in physical form.
  2. So the message was wrong and the product was not. Utterly clueless if they think the Wii U was what people wanted and they just didn't sell it right...and does not bode well for the NX.
  3. So the message was wrong and the product was not. Utterly clueless if they think the Wii U was what people wanted and they just didn't sell it right...and does not bode well for the NX.
  4. I wasn't aware posts had a best before of no more than a few hours? Sorry for like being in work and shit.
  5. I wasn't aware posts had a best before of no more than a few hours? Sorry for like being in work and shit.
  6. You've some balls calling other people shit stirrers. 8-) You recall being thread banned here and there, right?
  7. You've some balls calling other people shit stirrers. 8-) You recall being thread banned here and there, right?
  8. Ah, classic Ronnie. [insert valid criticism against Nintendo] "But the PlayStation doesn't either!"
  9. Ah, classic Ronnie. [insert valid criticism against Nintendo] "But the PlayStation doesn't either!"
  10. Sheikah


    I also don't see the button.
  11. Sheikah


    I also don't see the button.
  12. Sheikah


    That's weird, you should be spawned facing the teleporter in your base.
  13. Sheikah


    That's weird, you should be spawned facing the teleporter in your base.
  14. These look pretty shit. I feel confident I could design Pokemon better than these, without really even trying. You sort of get the feeling that these Pokemon designs are collaborative efforts...everything seems a bit all over the place.
  15. Yeah it sucks. Hopefully importing from VG+ becomes a cheap option.
  16. He should have retired a long time ago. It's safe to say he is absolutely nothing like the young and hungry guy at the cutting edge that he once was. He genuinely comes across as annoying these days, what with his desire to ruin games with gimmicks all the time. Interesting quote from Aonuma on Breath of the Wild after Miyamoto took a step back: He hampers the creative freedom of others. Not a guy I would want around if making a game.
  17. How did you interpret the series of events that way? Eddage's point was quite clear I thought - several people post negative views regarding certain aspects of Horizon Zero Dawn, and nobody is on their case defending the game by countering each and every point as if their very life depends on it. People post negative views of aspects of Zelda and here you are again, overzealously defending Nintendo games for some reason or another. I've honestly no clue why you do it. If anything it is a bit sad and I genuinely think you take it a bit too seriously. The snarky comments Eddage mentioned do indeed seem to emanate from a large number of your posts. Often there is literally no argument at all going on but you'll find a way to start one by using ridicule or playing a victim. I just...have no idea what you are looking to get out of this place. It's like you are trying to make people hate you.
  18. Sheikah


  19. Zero Time Dilemma (aka Zero Escape 3) is now out! Problem is...no physical release over here (and 33 quid on the store). Physical version can be imported though from US.
  20. Sheikah


    38.85 at TheGameCollection, even better. They have a 10% off code knocking about too ("E3HANGOVER"). Might still be active - worth a shot at least.
  21. I've recently bought this (£12!) and been playing through it. Absolutely love it - a really great AC game. It brings some great ideas to the table like zip lines, a moving hideout and a pretty cool perk system. Naturally I'm biased, but Victorian London makes for an awesome setting.
  22. Absolutely not. The catalyst is wanting to keep your customers on your paid services by destroying the generation system. I very much doubt they felt threatened by Nintendo.
  23. Amazing...what will you do with the £100k?
  24. Sheikah


    Yeah you were pretty good! I actually can't believe I did pretty good considering everyone on my screen was teleporting around.
  25. And keep the change.
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