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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I proposed to my girlfriend and she said yes. Also five guys opened by Kings Cross so am currently nursing a food baby. Good shit.
  2. Agree with you 100% on this. I was actually quite happy when I reached the end.
  3. Just finished the game. I wasn't super impressed with it to be honest - it's amazing graphically and has great set pieces, but the shooting did generally not feel great and I think the general business of ledge hopping, dropping boxes and doing boosts has worn a bit thin on me. It felt great in the early days of PS3 but doesn't quite entertain me the same way now.
  4. Gutted...they should just offer to pay for glitch information so the glitch finders don't blab.
  5. Yeah same, got a Halifax clarity a few months ago. The best card for going abroad I think. Was incredibly useful in Japan (great for drawing out cash over there too since you can pay off interest right away online). Contrary to popular belief, withdrawing cash abroad with this card is much more cost effective than exchanging money in this country beforehand. Good to have some cash as a backup though.
  6. I finished my PhD at UCL about a year and a half ago, good place! The most central of the London unis. My girlfriend is now working at UCL too as a post doc, ever since she finished at Cambridge. I am no longer at UCL though, nor academia. I didn't look back.
  7. Nice. Which uni?
  8. People who say Minecraft needs a graphical overhaul just don't get it - that's part of the charm. Nobody is playing it for modern graphics. I also don't see how that could really work - the whole world is constructed by large blocks so is 'pixelated' by its very design. HD texture packs already exist for the game, but by no means make the game look modern, and only cater to a reasonably small audience.
  9. Sounds like there's something wrong with your unit then. Given how rarely I'm guessing you play it that could also be an issue. Batteries can die when not used often.
  10. There's no way on hell or Earth that the 3DS lasts longer in sleep than the Vita. The 3DS is infamous for its shit battery (it lasts considerably less than the Vita and has far less impressive specs). The 3DS lasts maybe a few days at most if you close the lid, and even then the battery has depleted considerably (possibly due in part to Streetpass). My Vita can last just over a week in sleep.
  11. Skip it. Get to da UC4.
  12. As someone who has thoroughly been invested in AC since AC2 this looks pretty damn nice to me. Cool to hear AC music in this, wish they chose that instead.
  13. I got the platinum for this last night. Great game from start to finish.
  14. It doesn't seem right. Even though we knew about his situation, nothing can prepare you for the title of this topic. Very upset to hear this news. He was a great guy. A genuinely nice and down-to-earth person who I have had the pleasure of chatting with over the years. It sounds silly, but a message would always pop up on PSN whenever he logged in - now he won't, and that somehow feels very empty. I'm just totally gutted that we've lost a really great guy.
  15. I reassigned my stats at Rosaria to get about 60 luck, had the gold covetous ring, symbol of avarice, the crystal sage rapier off hand and had all the proofs of concord kept that I needed in a few hours. There were times when I didn't have much luck but then I also got some quite close together. The other covenant items are much easier to get. Also factor in that you get a couple of the items free per playthrough as loot on the floor, and you'll need to complete the game around 3 times anyway.
  16. And Zero Escape 3 next month too. What a time indeed.
  17. Amazing. Best bit: A fun poke at review scoring in general, the people who hinge off scores and why I think it's usually detrimental to have them in a review. In other news, I just bought Uncharted 4 for 32 quid off Amazon, being delivered within a 2-hour window that I selected tomorrow. Link here with the promo code for those interested.
  18. Yep, that's what I was getting at. Just looked a lot nicer/rustic and less CGI-like/clean.
  19. I normally don't like the new Pokemon but the first 2 are pretty decent (particularly the owl). The water Pokemon, however...looks dogshit. Kinda wish they went back to the artist who did the original Pokemon. They always looked more artistic/drawn (with nice shading)/and less CGI.
  20. "Me" > Settings > Posts per page
  21. I think they should stay as far away from expensive controllers with screens on - the gamepad has been an example of what people think of that. The screens always look worse than the TV anyway.
  22. What would really do well on a Nintendo console is something quirky with mainstream appeal - something with the impact of Minecraft. I don't think a new FPS in the style of COD would be the thing to save Nintendo's next home console. Nintendo typically don't make FPS-friendly controllers, they don't have the right attitude to online, and the core audiences who love FPS games are more heavily invested in Xbox/PlayStation (and the paid online subscriptions). It's easy to look at which games sell the most in the UK but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're the games that will save Nintendo or make their console a success. If the next COD comes to X1, PS4 and NX, then unless the NX offers a vastly superior experience, which I strongly doubt (based on everything we've experience with Nintendo in the past 10 years), then there's no reason to assume that it will shift many Nintendo consoles. What reason is there for people to buy this on NX over the consoles they already have; the consoles where their friends already are? No, I think that Nintendo need to focus on new IP but new IP that suits their agenda. It also needs to have massive appeal. Games like F-Zero may bring some people back, but it's new ideas that could carve them out a new path.
  23. With filter options like this, I expect nothing but a solid 10 from you. (Srs though, this is cool)
  24. It's worth upping your VIT a load and getting a greatshield for stability, as well as better armour. And yeah, every +1 to a shield is a +1 to stability so it's definitely worth it. Stamina in this game is very precious.
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