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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. And those people are still getting the mileage out of it. Because according to what we have heard, there will be no exclusive PS4 games. If this is indeed the case then those people will still get a full console life of games running at the graphical level they bought into. In that sense, nobody has been duped, and the mileage has not diminished; if anything I can see this generation lasting even longer now due to a revised console keeping it relevant for longer. What I don't understand is why you are seemingly so livid over the PS4K rumours and yet I heard absolutely nothing like this from you regarding the N3DS. The N3DS was worse than the PS4K because unlike what we know so far about the PS4K, the N3DS did segregate its audience by having exclusive games. It was a clear technical upgrade (reducing load times, smoother OS) and also ran games better, to the point it could actually run them (unlike the older model). You only need to look at Xenoblade Chronicles running on N3DS to see that the system was much more capable. That to me is a much bigger shafting as you expect your system to run all the games released on that brand...yet, seemingly you were not nearly as bothered by it.
  2. Ashley, you ledge... I feel like you should create a topic with this information and sticky + lock it, purely for reference purposes when anyone starts complaining about double standards. Nothing like a slice of cold hard metrics to dispel the fog. I actually quite enjoyed reading though that, and I think you did a good job of viewing each post in context. And not a single one of the swearing at Nintendo posts was mine.
  3. I'm inclined to agree that 2 states would not be perceived as so disruptive when PCs have much more variety. This guy seems to be going over the top over it. Yeah, it's just not a good way to go about posting your points if you want to be taken seriously.
  4. 3DS and Wii U are very different systems though, and the 3DS version was made quite a bit later (ie. it was a 'let's see if the shoe fits' situation). They also struggled with Xenoblade, which required a whole new handheld revision just to pull it off (and that was just a Wii game). I would say the PS4/PS4K similarities are much closer to 3DS/N3DS in terms of hardware and architecture, except this goes one further. I think they would be mad to focus their efforts on the niche system that less people own in this case rather than the other way around. To me, that also makes sense from a development perspective - let's say they design a level in a game with a hoarde of NPCs in an area with the PS4K in mind. If they then test it on the regular PS4, the frame rate might be all over the place. It just seems like given the level of effort, gameplay design (and resultant FPS) will center around the weaker of the two systems. As they are saying there will be no gameplay differences, it sounds like one will just have a resolution/framerate buff at most.
  5. If developers are really going to make 2 states for their games, it would make most sense for them to develop gameplay/settings in mind for the standard PS4 and perform most framerate tests on that, then up settings for the PS4K. That way they are guaranteed that the frame rate will be stable on each version of the game - with one console potentially going even higher. That's why I'm not worried at all - as I see it, this announcement is only a good thing for us, the consumers.
  6. Note that I'm not calling you a dick - just saying that calling people autistic on the forum, or any setting for that matter, is a dick move. I didn't respond to your PM because it was pretty much one long insult. I'd very much like it if you could not do that again, thanks.
  7. Comparison videos running in 4K on most likely our sub-4K displays no less.
  8. I'm not sure we're on the same wavelength here as what I'm taking issue to is the needless baiting by dropping names and accusations. Regardless of what followed, that was a meaningless thing to post; as is your post in response. Not least in telling me to fuck off. I think it's also a little troubling that you go on to type 'weren't you blubbing about being called autistic'. To me...that just shows a real lack of judgement in dealing with quite clearly provocative and poor taste comments. On a personal level, do you think calling people autistic is fair game? To me, it comes across as just a massive dick move, for the person saying it and I think for you (seeing as you thanked the post). My original post here is in response to somebody calling me out, and let me be honest - I was being as genuine as can be when I addressed Ronnie there. In that post I read the words of someone who seemed very bitter and hostile towards a company for seemingly little reason. My post was more along the lines of 'take a look at the post. Why so serious?' If we put to one side your attitude, what you're actually saying in defence of Ronnie is also...pretty threadbare, tbh. A PS4K is no PS4 'replacement', as you make it out to be, and as these rumours suggest, no games will make it to this console and not the last one. The original system will not stop getting games. And anyone who has bought a PS4 can continue to play their games at the same graphical quality that they bought into. In that respect, it is no different to any other generation. A full generation of games at the same level of graphics. Upgrading seems to be just an option for those that can make use of the features. Amazon released a 4K version of their stick, and funnily enough, people with 4K TVs bought it. Nobody stopped caring about the regular version, and nobody seemingly started losing their shit over the premium model. What is going on, guys? To be honest, this attitude is the same as the people who complained that Xbox One games were going to PC. It doesn't affect people as they are still getting the games. People just aren't happy thinking people might be getting something else.
  9. Wow...I don't even. You are really full of venom and spite dude. I hope one day you realise this.
  10. Why is it sad? It'll be the same as it always was if you don't buy the upgraded console. A console that lasts you 5-7 years at the same graphical quality. Literally don't understand your standpoint at all. It's not like the N3DS where the new console got games the old one didn't. Surely giving people an option is a good thing?
  11. Why do you keep saying a much shorter console cycle...even after it has been said that the console will receive no new games that the old one can't play? Serious question - please answer it. Do you see the New3DS as a new cycle, departing from the 3DS?
  12. - No new games exclusive to PS4K So not splitting the userbase in any way, shape or form.
  13. It's old tech the day you bought it. The day I bought it. It's not why people console game; honestly don't know what the issue is. The N3DS had the worst possible scenario come true in that there were games that the other system couldn't play, in addition to running games better. We don't even know if that's the case with the PS4K yet and people are seemingly losing their shit. The N3DS didn't really hurt the 3DS userbase in the grand scheme of things, did it?
  14. Well there's always a better alternative out there from day 1 - PC. Why does it matter so much this time? I think people are overestimating it anyway - devs have trouble hitting frame rates but through patches can fix it. Having more settings, I think, would be counterproductive to the point of consoles (set hardware that they can optimise the game to).
  15. It hasn't been cut in half? It's still a PS4 and will still run the same games. Otherwise it'd be the PS5. Yup. Personally, I think you'd have to be mad to think this generation was coming to an end any time soon. PS4 is absolutely throttling the competition, so why would they go to PS5? Bear in mind that a PS4K is not ending the generation - the clue is in the number.
  16. I never played them - closest I ever got was a Clank backpack in the first Resistance game, lol. I heard it's James Arnold Taylor voicing Ratchet (Tidus), so that's cool. Not mightily bothered if it's more shooting focused, I'm still impressed by what I've seen so far.
  17. I've heard really great things about this game and it's tempting, especially as it seems to be a discounted price game. It's been a while since I've had a traditional 3D platformer.
  18. So I was browsing Eurogamer today and it seems there is some pretty solid evidence that RDR2 is in development. Full article can be found here. This image recently leaked: And was verified by TechRadar using a credible source. Fans have also redrawn this map to include the map of the old RDR game: Anyway, needless to say...I am so, so excited. Read Dead Redemption was one of my favourite games last generation...nay, all time. I far, far preferred this game to any GTA. Are you excited at this potential release?
  19. See I don't know if it's crossed wires or what but I'm not saying what you're arguing against...so I'm not sure why you're saying it? Like you said, probably FIFA or COD is the first game a lot of people have in mind when buying a next gen system, and maybe that's all they get with it at launch. But Clownferret's post clearly said that if those games were on Wii U then that's the console his son's friends would have got - as if they were the only games to get the other consoles for and they were (in his own words) 'forced' to get those consoles. My point was only that such a viewpoint is not going to be a popular one - most people want other games on those systems too and aren't just buying those consoles as they felt 'forced' to if they wanted FIFA. A lot of people like the social, voice chat and online aspects the other consoles afford. That's why I believe that if FIFA did go to Nintendo's console I can't suddenly see many people thinking "oh great, now there's no need to get a PS4".
  20. No Clownferret, you're totally not remembering how this discussion went down. This whole thing about 'people don't buy the system for FIFA' was never the issue I raised. Here is what you said: As you said, they felt 'forced' to buy this system to play those games. I then said that they are very clearly in the minority with this viewpoint - most people do not feel 'forced' to buy the console in the sense that there are other games that they want to buy the system for as well, and that they value those systems anyway for the features they have (parties, voice chat, developed online). I accept that is your opinion but I was presenting to you the other side - that I think FIFA will not do as much for the NX as you think because I think a lot of people do like playing these on other consoles for the features they have. Most people don't feel 'forced'.
  21. They're definitely a minority - think about it, if you're saying they're the majority (ie. not a minority) then what you're saying is that 51% of people or more buy a PS4 and only COD and FIFA; and nothing else. That is clearly not the case. Note that nobody said FIFA was not a system seller (something you argued against) - the point was that most people do not just see the PS4 as something that must be bought and then go on to just buy those two games.
  22. You wouldn't dare hand it in last minute! Nah...I'm up for changing it?
  23. I think trick weapons were great - it was like having a heavy and a light weapon equipped in one. Shame to see they weren't incorporated in Dark Souls sequels. But yeah, Bloodborne was ace - felt really quite different (in style as well - very gothic). A very neat spin on the Souls formula.
  24. I think for people familiar with Souls, Bloodborne in some ways required you to break quite a few habits (in Souls games you walk about a bit like a tortoise with a shield raised). In Bloodborne you have no shield so need to be a lot more fluid and dodge attacks more than block. Going into Bloodborne fresh might be quite cool as there's no mentality to break heading in.
  25. Nah, don't let us put you off. It is a series to be experienced and in terms of gameplay you really can't get much better. The beginning segments are usually tougher than the rest of the game but about a third of the way through you will really feel like everything clicks. It is great fun from start to finish.
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