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Everything posted by 4q2

  1. Try the Creative forums....What you describe is not an isolated incident: http://forums.creative.com/creativelabs/board/message?board.id=dap&message.id=177952&view=by_date_ascending&page=1
  2. I havent really looked into the friend vouchers/tokeny jobbies thing.... If I have any to send, I'll see what I can do later today
  3. Lol, I think I have 15 stars, Im sure I an seriously lagging here...bought it on release day, but Orange Box and now GH3 keep dragging me away from it.
  4. Same here in regards to how slow Im progressing through this....Although my excuse is way too much to play through after the recent barrage of gaming goodness I have bought (and then to add to it all my g/f presented me with GOW and Rainbow 6 Vegas the other week ) If Im lucky I may get through this and Corruption before the year is out.
  5. I'd say try HMV if you have one nearby.....I got the 360 version for £60 which matched shopto.net price. I would have thought they were pulling equal savings on all the other formats. (Had no free Sex pistols faceplates in stock though, awful faceplate, but would have been nice to airbrush up).
  6. Lol.....Now thats devotion.
  7. Screw it....I cant sleep anymore and already watched that futurama movie (take a day off to rot in bed for a few hours extra and this is my reward). Im off to purchase this. Time to rock !!
  8. I was gonna pre-order, but could not be arsed.....Took the day off so I could pick it up tomorrow for the 360. (No DLC and mono output does not cut it for me)... I really do hope that fret button problem has been fixed for the UK though, along with the online battle mode lag problems I saw when I played my mates version a few weeks ago.
  9. 4q2


    so...ages ago I sent an email to nibris out of boredom trying to find out wtf was happening with sadness simply cos there was an email addy on their web page. This one escaped the spam filter: Hello, Today is Halloween so we would like to wish you great day and night We also would like to let you know that your e-mail was very immportant for us but we aren't able to answer for all of e-mails. Nibris is alive and well. From August Nibris is exclusively represented by FOG Studios, Inc.(http://www.fogstudios.com), the leading agency for interactive representation since 1979. We are still actively working at our projects (Sadness - Wii - 2009, Double Bloob Q2 2008 and ROTR - DS Q 3 2008) and it will be announced in the gaming press in certain time. We will change our website soon and then you will see some news (including Sadness) about our games. Once again thank you for your support! Nibris team NIBRIS SP. Z O.O. (LTD.) UL. SZLAK 28 31-153 CRACOW POLAND NIP: 676-233-15-95 Nibris is exclusively represented by FOG Studios, Inc.(http://www.fogstudios.com), the leading agency for interactive representation since 1979. Make of it what you will...
  10. No lag for me either.... Love the game in all honesty. Half-life, Portal, Metroid corruption and Dementium are not getting a look in cos it at the moment.
  11. I may get round to completing Portal if I can stay off Team Fortress 2 long enough. (Aint even fired up any of the Half life games yet either)
  12. As said earlier, It isnt a straight forward situation and there are pros and cons to the whole issue of all out legislation. I have said it before, there are many responsible people out there who take drugs without resorting to crime and burglary to pay for their vice whilst happily managing to go about everyday business without flushing their life down the toilet. It seems incredibly stupid to outlaw these people and an incredible waste of government funds. In taking these people down the path of prosecution there is a risk of destabilizing a persons life due to loss of job etc. Either way the laws on a few narcotics need badly reviewing in an intelligent way by intelligent people. The NHS and smoking issue is pretty null.....Taxation on cigarettes cover a massive part of that spending.
  13. I would like to see Guitar Wolf on there....Invader Ace would be fun to play.
  14. He's far from French, More Yorkshire guy....(Unless there was something he didnt tell us in our youth, lol)
  15. I Havent done Martial arts for many years.....I chose the sacred path of beer and birds rather than honing my skills at Ju Jitsu, shame cos I was doing quite well. On the flip side one of my friends who taught TaeKwondo (who still chooses to live in my home town) did rather damn well for himself....Stranger still was bumping into him in the local pub the other month when me and the other half went to grab a pub lunch: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0416209/
  16. Cant agree with the better games part of the comment, I am well and truly addicted to GH2 still and cannot put the damn xplorer controller down. The extra wait will not hurt though if that is the case because I can see many of the other games I buy over the next few months not getting a look in because of this one.
  17. You a mindreader or something ?
  18. The name serves its purpose....to the point and everyone tends to know you arent referring to toilet actions. With a bit more research and thought they may have ended up calling it 'dave'. :P
  19. http://www.4colorrebellion.com/media/pics/07/09/mibri/3.jpg It will be interesting to see what this scene is about.
  20. Nothing like stereotyping mental institutions... I agree though sounds great fun. I wonder if trying to suffocate someone with a bag of excrement was the final straw for the BBFC ?
  21. The track list is always going to hard to nail for a game like this....I personally could remove most of the suggested tracks and replace them with stuff I though was a lot better... Saying that I never thought at any point in my life I would be enjoying playing a 'cock rock' AOR number like Warrants Cherry Pie on a rhythm game.
  22. Sausage or bacon sandwich is my favourite cereal. My second favourite cereal are Multi Cheerios because the idea of mixing in some cat biscuits always amuses me.
  23. So....online has been confirmed for the Wii. Shame the confirmation has come just a little too late for me personally...After a bit of consideration and my mates being on the 360 version, that is the version I am going to purchase (Also I am buying GH2 when I get paid next week so it makes sense for me to stick with the 360 version). I really do think it will sell well on the Wii, possibly better than any other platform due to Rock Band not being a threat.
  24. Snap...My mate has invited me up tonight for an head to head.. So I will most likely be heading down there with an 8 pack of carling shortly..
  25. Im going to get GH2 for the 360 within the next few weeks. I am finally 100% sold to the series.. One of my mates introduced me to its delights last week and it is seriously begging to be destroyed by me. GH3 cannot come soon enough. On the Dragon force track.....The same mate and one of his friends were commenting on the a few videos of it and stating that they dont know what all the fuss is about. Although I can vouch that watching the pair of em play head to head on expert I believe it wont take them long to destroy it.
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