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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. Frickin awesome news! considering I just lost my Metal Slug 3 for Xbox.
  2. Streets of Rage 3, Golden Axe 2 and some deal going down with EA that allows for Goldeneye to be downloaded.
  3. This was the last thing I expected from EA. Maybe they can redeem themselves next generation, for Revolution owners anyway. Just hope the games are not going to fall into the 'unique but suck' category, like quite a few DS games have.
  4. People thought Nintendo RS was a bad name because it sounds too much like arse...
  5. So guys when are you changing it to 'wii-europe'
  6. I'm sure that won't be an uncommon sight in a lot of stores. Well, good luck attempting to market it seriously, especially in Britain.
  7. 1. What in the holy buggery is a 'visual disruptor' and 2. It can easily be anything but that.
  8. That's possibly the most random name in the history of console names. Viva la Wii
  9. Like the good ol' Stereoscopic 3D that keeps doing the rounds. Ridiculous.
  10. Well it wouldn't surprise me if it was true. In fact when I first saw the controller I initially thought that the analogue would be tilt sensitive also, it was only later I found out it wasn't. Even if it was basic forward, backward, left, and right movement it'd be pretty cool. Won't know for real until E3.
  11. Meh mine's up and down. Depends what week it is. If I get to hang out with my mates, great. If I have to spend all week at work and not get to go out at the weekend it's very depressing. I'm looking forward to summer and college again in September to do a wicked ass course so I know i'll be happy then. Unfortunately it's the shit I have to put up with in the mean time (work, mind games with girls) that makes me depressed. Could be worse right? That's what I tell myself when I get down that i'm not the only one.
  12. Ah right that's why. I think there are other companies being introduced trying to set up services similar to Royal mail, i'm not talking about about the express delivery services either. Can't remember who it was, may have been Virgin as they're taking over everything else.
  13. In one word. No.
  14. Well... what can I say. I've lost any respect for the service I initially had. Turning up at 1 in the afternoon to deliver my mail. What happened to the times they'd get it to you at 7 in the morning without fail?
  15. Change 'game' to 'attempt to game' and 'more' to 'once' .
  16. Did I miss something, where exactly?
  17. I'm sure i've got a load hanging around still somewhere. They got banned in my school because people threw slammers at each other. Good stuff.
  18. I for one believe him.
  19. I think we'll either see a new game in the series just for the Revolution. It'd be a lot easier for Capcom development wise.
  20. Things that happened on my birthday were apparently Live Aid, Finding of the Titanic and Back to the future came out. Clearly the most awesome birthday ever, thanks everyone
  21. Actually it's because my birthday wasn't in my profile until after midnight when I remembered. Mystery solved Batman.
  22. Nah those guys were too early, they got excited and did it at midnight
  23. Aww yay thanks fellow brothers and sister
  24. BRING ME PETER PAAAAAAAAAN! I mean, like yeh what ever most non triumphant dude.
  25. It's not too late to change the name if Nintendo feels it needs to be done. Just look at the N64, that was Ultra 64 up until a few months before release. It was even stated in magazines with the Ultra 64 logo. I'm not betting it's going to be BluWave, that's just something someone knocked up from nowhere and has no credibility. The Nintendo 5 logo did seem very professional, but hell who knows.
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