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Everything posted by ViPeR

  1. That's what I originally thought, however someone told me it meant manic depression and I thought you were taking the piss. Anyway yes I do have a broad taste in music, judging by which probably means i'd have about 7 personalities. In the name of Harman...
  2. What the shit? I don't have any disorder as far as I know. Does having an open taste in music means there's something wrong with you? Sounds like something the government would come up with. You listen to rock/heavy metal so you must be depressed. How ridiculous.
  4. Streets of Rage 1/2/3 Most notably the first was more memorable for me. My previous game being Super Mario 3 this was quite a jump and brought out the rebellious teenager aspect. I could not believe there was a game where I could roam around beating people up with bars, bottles and knives whilst at the same time watching my mate head pound someone to the ground. Why is there not a Streets of Rage 4 I hear you cry, Sega thought there was no market for one that's why. THEY ARE WRONG! Super Mario 3 Best Mario game to date. It was also the first game I owned. Zelda OOT Every single moment of this game is classic. The hype of Twilight Princess has got me playing through the GC port and it's just as brilliant as I remember. Goldeneye/Perfect Dark Can anything touch the greatness of the multiplayer in these games. I fear not. I still play them with my mates. Granted the N64 controllers I own now suck but it doesn't stop me laughing like a madman when I plant a head shot on someone with a pistol. Super Smash Bros/Melee Apart from Goldeneye and Mario Kart these games are multiplayer heaven. A brawl with Nintendo superstars, which has a surprising amount of depth to it than people give it credit for. When you get so good at the game, that you and a mate can time an aerial attack with such precision you both fly out like the end scene of Matrix Revolutions, you know there's been a good 500 hours of play time on this baby. Mario Kart 64/DS The two best Mario Kart games in my opinion. Provided so many fun memories. It's scary how much fun can be had from simply knocking someone off a track with a star and getting in 1st.
  5. ViPeR


    It has no cons, it is a completely flawless and perfectly concieved console.
  6. No way I can choose just one, top 3 would be:
  7. LMAO! Gentlemen, you will all remember this as the day you NEARLY caught Captain Jack Sparraaa
  8. I'm guessing it'll release at the same price, or thereabouts, of the other consoles like Iwata said. So £150 is accurate.
  9. Sounds bizarrely awesome. A bit like Counter-strike without guns, and bombs... and hostages.
  10. 2D is not dead!!!
  11. It wouldn't be a Ghostbusters film without Murray. They should end it now.
  12. Wierd, I thought Reggie said the final dev kits won't even get sent out until July. Making any worries over graphics irrelevant. The games are also in development, of course they'll look better on launch.
  13. "On a final note, SNK Playmore USA president Ben Herman discussed the company's future plans, saying the Metal Slug Anthology for Wii and PSP will not include Metal Slug 6, but that the title in question would likely see release on a Nintendo platform since, according to Herman, 2D games are not suitable for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. According to The Magicbox, Herman also said Wii will receive the most software support from SNK." Awesome!
  14. We all know the one and only cartoon is TURTLES COWABUNGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I'll give him a month.
  16. Still can't say it in a sentence without it sounding stupid but kudos on them for sticking with it despite the initial reactions.
  17. Nope you basically just made that up. One question, where's the real evidence?
  18. Can't see how that'd work but kudos for trying.
  19. Well, it's what i'll be doing. Won't get an Xbox until it gets the £100 mark though. As for PS3, don't make me laugh.
  20. All I wanted was a list of servers. Do they not realise that it takes so much more organisation to have a game with friends than just random people. Plus when you search for other people it hardly ever connects. I don't think it's much to ask to have a simple hub where you can host/join games.
  21. I just got Nintendowned.
  22. This is the longest song in the world.
  23. Wow, they really do suck ass. Now all they need to do is stick a touch screen on the PSP and have a plumber mascot who visits vegetable based kingdoms.
  24. Seen them live, which was excellent. They're only having a break.
  25. Maybe now there's some hope of getting Goldeneye for download. C'mon Activision.
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