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Everything posted by bob

  1. If you love bob, then you'll loooooooooooooove bob's 'tache! Currently 14 days into Movember, and i've just entered the creepy pedophile stage. Thank goodness for that, i thought it would never arrive.
  2. I decided about a year ago that my level of literature knowledge was rubbish, and that i should read through some of the classics. I had a look at the BBC big read list thingy, which has the top 100 books as decided by the public and set myself the challenge to read all 100, by which point i will have accrued all this knowledge of the classics, and be a whizz at every dinner party i go to. Unfortunately, it seems my taste in books differs somewhat from everyone elses. As i got through book after book, i found most of them really boring. I read about 35, and the majority of them I disliked. It got to the point where I dreaded picking up the next one, and I found i wasn't enjoying having a good read anymore. The shit hit the literary fan when i started Ulysses. Fuck me. I have no idea what that book is on about and i don't want to find out. I got through about 10 chapters and after that i changed my mind. I'm just going to read books that I like, and any snooty book snobs can bugger off. Currently I am reading through the entire Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan (and Brandon Sanderson) in anticipation for the final book in the series coming out in March. It's going to be AWESOME. After that, I have the Game of Thrones book ready to go, and another book by Brandon Sanderson, the Alloy of Law, which i'm looking forward to, as his Mistborn trilogy was really good.
  3. What a fantasmic idea! I think this song was the first song (in cassette from) i ever bought. If it is still going ahead, i will record a line or fo' definite.
  4. I'm not shear what the theme of this thread is, bough I want to join(ery) in. So I have to tree and come up with a fish based pun root now? I don't know any.
  5. You know when you missed a day of school through illness, and the next day when you come back, you have all this reading to get through and you feel like so much happened on the day you missed, and it's going to take you a whole week to catch up?


    Well i feel like that, only i've been gone for 2 years. It's surreal.


    I am currently doing a PhD, since i didn't want to go out and get a proper job, and it's going pretty well. No need to ask what your up to, since you have your own thread...


    I'm going to try and stick around alot more than i have been, although when i first joined i didn't really have anything else to do other than sit on N-Europe all evening, so i don't know how much time i'll get!

  6. Yes, the sands of internet time have not been kind to that thread...
  7. I don't think i will ever say Wowcher. The Haribo is without a doubt the worst advert for the past five years. Having said that, it starts like it's going to turn into a awesome horror movie. *Family turn up at deserted petrol station* *Family burst into awful song* *Lawnmower weilding maniac appears and hunts them all down one by one*
  8. Dude, this place has changed so mcuh, but in many ways, hasn't changed at all...

  9. As honoured as I am, my browser fucked up, my caption was actually for a picture four or five pages back....still it probably makes just as much sense for this pic too!
  10. I seem to remember way back when, a thread where people posted their Xmas trees, and someone posted a photo with their dad in it. And then the photoshopping began. And it was good. I'll have a look for a link, but i doubt i'll ever find it. EDIT: Well that was easy: http://www.n-europeforums.com/showthread.php?t=2802&highlight=post+christmas+tree
  11. Crikey! Bonza! etc. Good luck mate! This place has changed so much...
  12. Indeed. It is inevitable...

  13. Awesome, i only popped in to renew my password, and this thread helped fill me in too. 'Wicked', as they say.
  14. The time i laughed the most was when homer looks up at the giant dome and says 'DOOHHHHHH-me!!!' It took me a couple of seconds to get the joke and hence laughed really loudly after everyone else and sounded like a simpleton.....oh well.
  15. Saw Simpsons yesterday. It was quite good: 7/10 Saw Transformers tonight. It was better: 8/10
  16. Wow, that is exactly what i said, almost word for word...were you.....i mean....was i ......channeling you?
  17. He had the ability to 'fix' things which meant he could look inside someones brain and see what was 'wrong' with it and 'fix' it, and hence take their power....something like that anyway. Thats how i interpreted it. I don't think he eats brains.
  18. I think everyone has over-reacted slightly. Someone mentioned the fact that they looked a bit like chavs, someone else immediatley assumed it was because of the football shirt, another then got terribly offended that football was being made the enemy. No. They did look a bit chav-like. Who knows why?! Maybe it was the gentle caress of the last dying rays of sunlight in their hair, or the way the iPod wire fell carelessly across their shoulders. It doesn't matter. There was an element of chav to the photograph.
  19. That film looks so awesome!!! I hope its not one where they don't show the monster at all though.....i mean keep it hidden like in jaws, but show it at the end!
  20. Yeah, but there would only be arguments over which top four....
  21. I think its more the situation than the look. Sitting outside, on the floor, listening to a (possibly) stolen iPod is what chavs do. Of course, the ultimate chav would be playing the song publically on a tinny shitty mobile instead, but never mind.
  22. Wow, i had no idea it came from the term Scallywag. My mum used to call them scallywags, and we laughed at her. Me and my friends came up with the theory that when many 'Scallies' congregate in one place such as a busstop or a train station, this is called a 'Wag' which is where Scallies go to breed, and spawn more Scallies. Hence why there is always at least one Scallie female. The whole event is called a Scallywag. I will agree you look a tiny bit chavish in the photo, aside from the cheerful dancing. Not that i am calling you chavs, or indeed scallies, but glancing at the photo without scrutiny, there is essence of Chav.
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