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Everything posted by bob

  1. Ba? ...ba ba black sheep! Cripes that comes across as a bit racist....
  2. I didn't want to make a new thread for this question, but i'm looking for a specific advert and i need help finding it. Its an advert for some sort of tv, or film service like lovefilm, or cineworld, or sony or soemthing. There are loads of people sitting in front of tv's on the sofa, or at the cinema, and they are shown laughing, or crying in slow motion, and there is some instrumental music playing in the background. Anyone know what it was for?
  3. I had to look it up. But you are wrong. They are both in the Premier League. My goodness am I hilarious. I've outdone myself.
  4. Shut up Watson!
  5. My super-sleuthing tells me that this is New Order. Am i right? Of course I am. Meine Mittelname ist Sherlock!
  6. Oh wow i'm so gonna get this. Then when Skyfall comes out on Blu Ray i'm going to buy that too... ...and gently prop it up next to the others and pretend it's all one box set.
  7. That does explain why he get's preferential green text. Hang on though, if i'm made up, then what of my real world interactions....do they exist? Or is all that part of ReZ's condition? Do I still own my own shoes or are they his?
  8. I have no idea what's happening in this thread. Are these all real people? Or made up people?
  9. I listened to some dubstep when i was doing the washing up the other day. It went: WUB-WUB-WUBWUBWUBWUB-WUB-WUBWUBWUBWUBwubwubwubwwubwubWUB-WUBWUB!!!!
  10. Argh! My fantasy football team just fell apart in the space of about 2 minutes! I had 12 points coming in from a back three of richards, lescott and assou-ekotto who were all on clean sheets. Then suddenly 'boom!'. They all let in goals. Shit. EDIT: And there goes my last clean sheet point. Thanks Bosingwa
  11. Let my Cameron gooooooooooo!
  12. BECAUSE IT'S AMAZING. (I just started a sentence with because! Take that secondary school english teacher!)
  13. My girlfriend and I have decided to go swimming once a week, where we try and swim as much as we can in 30 mins. I usually do about 750m, but sometimes i manage 1km. Then i play football for two hours on a friday. Theres no training or anything, it's just for fun, but i feel there's enough exercise there to keep my body from giving up. Otherwise i do an awful lot of walking. Where i live is a really good place for walks, as the whole town is within walking distance, and our best friends live about a mile away. Since we visit three or four times a week, thats about 8 miles walked per week. Still, i could probably stand to lose some weight.....i tried doing that 100 push ups once, and did quite well, i was doing 100 every time, albeit with some breaks in between, but now i just don't have the time (or the space) to do it...
  14. Oh God Oh God Oh God, i can't stop laughing at this....
  15. http://thefcf.co.uk/2012/01/26/liverpool-sign-downing-basis-fake-video/10943/
  16. The thing that annoyed me most about Hugo, (apart from the awful child acting) was that it was set in Paris, but no-one in it even had a hint of a French accent. I suppose you could argue that because they all spoke with an English accent (i presume Sasha Baron Cohen's was english???) it was like what would happen if they were speaking french and a french person was listening. Anywho, that was the only negative point when i watched it.
  17. Quite a few sound mixers would disagree with you. Loudly at first, then quietly. Then all at once.
  18. Isn't it a small world? Not the corner of Clarendon Street and Leicester Street? [Creepiness]If so, i've been in your house....[/Creepiness]
  19. I live on Clarendon Street, in the non-scummy end. Looking at that gif, it's hard for anyone to say that it wasn't intentional. Pity, because I like Balotelli, it's nice to have someone exciting to watch regardless of what team you support. Unfortunately, stamping on someones head isn't the good sort of excitement.
  20. We played fairly badly today, but we can't have too many complaints. Clearly we should have had a penalty in the second half, and how there wasn't a red card for that challenge near the end i have no idea. Still, i'm certain that we can make up the points in our next three or four games.
  21. Nothing to see here, move along now...
  22. bob


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