I don't know if anyone saw this advert on tv last night, but if you didn't it's on their website:
Basically, what they've decided to do, is rather than taking your order and then calling out the name of the drink when it's done, and you go and pick it up, they are going to ask you your name and write that on the cup, and call that out instead.
I think this is a fairly terrible idea, as it's going to make life very hard for the poor baristas, who will now have to try and remember their regular customers names, but they'll have to waste time asking how to spell names, and generally getting difficult names wrong. (Also notice how all the names in the advert are nice, short, white people names)
It also lends itself to some hilarious false names.
"Hi i'd like a Frappachino, my name is Latte"
"Yes, and I'd like a Hot Chocolate, my name is Cappuchino"
"I'm No Milk, No Sugar, and I'd like a Milky Tea please"
EDIT: And i suppose since they have to read out your name when your drink is done, you could always go with some of the classics - Mike Hunt, Willy Holder etc.