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Everything posted by bob

  1. I pooped in today and bought Kane and Lynch: Dead Men. I'm aware it may be a bit of a dog's dinner, but it was only £1.98 and I'm running out of co-op games to play with my friend.
  2. I came when I saw that trailer. Possibly the best game trailer i've ever seen. I kind of want to play this on PC, but i'm certain my laptop won't be able to handle it by Sept.....
  3. Pppfff. It's all about Tau.... http://halftauday.com/
  4. Since i don't feel confident insulting anyone else quite yet...
  5. Do you just have one huge white tooth when you smile?
  7. I've just started the books (well, I'm about 300 pages in) and i can't wait to watch the TV series! I think i'm going to at least finish the first book before I start though. Is it one book = one season? The books are pretty good right now... Also @Ashley, do you have a snazzy GIF for every occasion?
  8. I've always thought you look a bit like Animal from the Muppets.... *Goes off to the User Photos thread to look for more...*
  9. I don't know....it seems to have run out of steam. Maybe resort to some name calling like in the alcohol thread?
  10. The BBC has this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-17356957
  11. When the barista writes them down, or the customer? I'm not saying that the starbucks employee will be required to remember all the names, only that the customer may expect them to if they are a regular, and may be offended when they do not.
  12. Fo'sho, I agree with you, i should have put some sort of smiley at the end of my post to show i was being flippant. My apologies.
  13. I don't know if anyone saw this advert on tv last night, but if you didn't it's on their website: http://starbucks.co.uk/ Basically, what they've decided to do, is rather than taking your order and then calling out the name of the drink when it's done, and you go and pick it up, they are going to ask you your name and write that on the cup, and call that out instead. I think this is a fairly terrible idea, as it's going to make life very hard for the poor baristas, who will now have to try and remember their regular customers names, but they'll have to waste time asking how to spell names, and generally getting difficult names wrong. (Also notice how all the names in the advert are nice, short, white people names) It also lends itself to some hilarious false names. "Hi i'd like a Frappachino, my name is Latte" "Yes, and I'd like a Hot Chocolate, my name is Cappuchino" "I'm No Milk, No Sugar, and I'd like a Milky Tea please" EDIT: And i suppose since they have to read out your name when your drink is done, you could always go with some of the classics - Mike Hunt, Willy Holder etc.
  14. Yeah but the policeforce is going to be privatised anyway, so a tax hike won't help them.
  15. This is a nice and pleasant thread. I approve.
  16. Then you'll looooooooooooove:
  17. While I agree that the price of alcohol has been getting increasingly high over the past few years, it is nevertheless still a luxury item. Petrol I can understand people complaining about, since for most, travelling by car to get to work etc is a necessity, and without transport, they wouldn't have a job etc. There is no basic human right that we should be able to afford alcohol though. You might as well petition the government that 3D TVs are too expensive and they should cut tax on those so you can afford one. Because you want one. Having said that, i do think there are better ways for them to raise money, and better things to tax, but that's what you get with a Conservative government.
  18. Woah, what the hell happened?! I appear to have been made chairman of the anti-alcohol brigade. While this is an honour, I assure you, I am far too busy to take on a challenging job such as this. Therefore i humbly resign, effective immediately.
  19. I went to the Game store on Oxford Street on Saturday and, after being asked if I was visiting from another country (must have been struck down with short term Foreign Accent syndrome) managed to buy a few cheap games. I really hope Game doesn't disappear completely, but i think that's what's going to happen. Everyone i know buys their games online now, either downloading them or off Amazon. EDIT: Went in to my local Game on my way home and found a cheap pre-owned copy of Gears of War 3. Brill.
  20. If it is too soon, then these won't be appropriate.
  21. Are you suggesting that Vialli should be the next manager, or that they should choose a player-manager? Or just having a reminisce?
  22. You therefore won't have read this one: The 7 Most Useless Transformers Ever
  23. And yet you just managed to describe it. Well done!
  24. One complaint per instance MoogleViper.
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