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Everything posted by bob

  1. I wouldn't have been that surprised if those had been the final scores. What i actually meant, (but failed to mention) was that those scores were only after 20 mins!
  2. Can't tell if being sarcastic or not.... ¬_¬
  3. It was such a clever little rouse too.
  4. Currently: Barcelona 0-1 Celtic Manchester United 0-2 Braga Shakhtar Donetsk 1-0 Chelsea What the fuck is going on?
  5. Also, Smeg.
  6. bob


    Just watched Episode 4:
  7. I have never played a Mafia game, is it hard?
  8. I think maybe you're thinking about it too much, it was just a good enjoyable sci-fi film.
  9. This man's maths is good maths. Good for him.
  10. bob

    Iron Man 3

    Probably so that it looks different enough so they can sell loads more merchandise.
  11. Me too. (Not 'too' obviously, we can't both win it.)
  12. There's no need to put the boot in Shorty. Heel be upset if you're too sole-destroying.
  13. I have 500mb of internets, and that is fine for me unless i spend the weekend away or something and use up a lot of maps etc. The rest of the time i'm mainly on wifi. Do you use your phone as your main internet source at home then @Cube, i.e for tethering?
  14. Yeah sure, I'll do the cup. I'm not sure what it means, but the cool kids are doing it.
  15. Can't you just get rid of one of the leagues? Just have two or something.
  16. Can anyone do the cup?
  17. I had no idea it would be this popular!
  18. bob

    Red Dwarf

    That was good! Well on par with other episodes i thought.
  19. Haha! I scored against Coloccini! My work here is done.
  20. Just had a fire alarm at work (not a test) and found out the fire exit just outside my lab is locked. Excellent.
  21. Maybe we could do it so one person describes a pokeyman from generation 5 or soemthing, and then we all go off and draw it, and the PM it to the describee, and then they post all of them with hilarious results?
  22. This is awesome, i saw this on her original Tumblr page thingy. The best one was Mawile, hilarious. I kind of wish we could turn it into a game here, but i doubt there are many people on here who don't know all the pokemans. could maybe do it for the last couple of generations though, i personally don't know any after generations 3...
  23. My post still stands though.
  24. My girlfriend and I don't really buy much meat, mainly because it is so expensive. It tends to add 2 or 3 pounds onto the cost of the meal, and doesn't really add much to the enjoyment of the meal. That's not to say we are vegetarians though. She doesn't like the taste of meat much, but will still eat bacon (obviously) and if we go out for a meal, i'll usually order meat. Basically i consider us veggie 6 days out of 7, which i think is fine. If i was to become vegetarian, it would be from environmental grounds; i.e the amount of land/resources used to rear meat far outweighs that to grow crops. So not eating meat for most of the week helps that i think. Anywho, i wouldn't thrust my diet on someone else, so i don't like it when people do the thrusting at me. What does annoy me is Organic food. I purposely don't buy organic food from the supermarket, even if there's no other choice or it's cheaper (Ha!). My father works in the agronomy world as a research scientist, and i've read articles by some of his colleagues explaining how much bullshit the organic industry really is. I don't mean people growing vegetables in their back gardens obviously - that's no doubt fine and probably very healthy indeed. It is commercially grown organic food however which is total bullshit. There's an interesting article here about it. Basically a lot of Organic companies go so far out of their way not to use 'synthetic' chemicals, that they often use 'natural' chemicals which are not only far more dangerous than the synthetic ones, but they havn't gone through the rigourous testing process just on the basis that they are 'natural' and are therefore 'safe'. Anyway, that's just my thoughts.
  25. What a........diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!
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