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Everything posted by bob

  1. I think it's like the emperor's new clothes.
  2. I can't see them.
  3. Just read Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson (my new favourite author). Loved it. A superhero story with a bit of a twist. I worked out two out of the three or four plot twists before the end, but it was still good.
  4. That's horrible, hope you're all right.
  5. I am so fucking confused right now. EDIT: Just read my messages; still no idea what's going on.
  6. Long live the king
  7. Genii? Geniuses? I don't think they belong to genius...
  8. Pugs aren't gay, they're badass.
  9. Yeah it seems weird considering they could have him land anywhere they wanted, like maybe 3 stops from Greenwich?
  10. My big D is offputting at first, but you'll grow used to it.
  11. My second half 0-6-4 formation! Strangely I let in fewer goals with that one than in the first half. I may be on to something...
  12. I use adblock, but in the past I've considered getting rid of it as it appears to be the one thing making Chrome run like Usain Bolt withhold shoelaces tired together. After reading this thread, i'm considering it...even more.
  13. I reckon it will be 3-0 to the Submarines, with a combined midfield rating of 20.
  14. They won't do it. You can ask politely but they won't do as you ask. Edit: Fuck yeah. Carry on.
  15. Will Jose?
  16. 35 goals? What, has he only got one leg or something? Haden, i will be trying a new tactic against you, so prepare for the worst.
  17. Hitting womp rats ain't that hard, I used to hit small thermal exhaust ports on the Death Star in my X-Wing. They're not much bigger than womp rats.
  18. God damn you!
  19. The ReBob Stars?
  20. Can we also predict which alliance will win? Eights/Poo/64thers look pretty good. After Intcallbob obviously.
  21. Why not! I've got a few tactics up my sleevies I want to try. You can be at home again.
  22. Isn't it four new series about each character, rather than one about all four? I only know about Daredevil anyway.
  23. I am disappointed that The Fox is a spoof and not serious. It's much funnier that way.
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