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Everything posted by bob

  1. I hope you can intentionally foul players, the keeper, the referee, the linesman, the fans...
  2. I am. Clearly they're going to fall in love and rule Westeros together, and live happily, ever, after.
  3. Doesn't that mean that Fire and Ice are related? Not that this show shies away from incest...
  4. Have you tried being Chinese?
  5. Well I already said that I think Leicester will draw against Man U (See a few posts above). But to add to that, I think they could definitely beat Chelsea. Chelsea are pretty wobbly at the back, and they're strikers aren't exactly shit hot right now. I reckon it'll be 2-0 to Leicester. To continue my prediction streak, I think Tottenham will lose tonight against West Brom. 7-0.
  6. Of course Leicester will lose to Man U and Chelsea! After all, Leicester are relegation candidates and Man U and Chelsea are both top 4. It's like you haven't watched this season at all!
  7. So getting someone all hot and excited and then ultimately disappointing then? Sounds about right for me.
  8. And what's your excuse for luring her towards that NPC trap? Hmmm?
  9. I could talk about it if you want. I don't own it, but I could give it a fair go?
  10. Seeing this in IMAX for a friends birthday on the 2nd. Should be awesome!
  11. I doubt Man U will beat them. They've had 7 clean sheets in their last 9 games, and United aren't exactly firing on all cylinders in that department. It may be a 0-0 draw, most likely.
  12. Just bought flights to New York, then Quebec City, then home from Toronto. Canadian roadtrip yeah!
  13. bob

    Comic Cons

    I've been to the Birmingham one twice, and i loved it. It's just such a nice atmosphere. Everyone is just there because they love that sort of culture, and everyone is having a good time. I don't really buy anything once i'm there, but i enjoy looking around and spotting cool costumes and stuff.
  14. bob

    Want Face

    See what? My want face? EDIT: I really should stop replying to spammers.
  15. I wonder what other things fall under this Prime exclusivity thing? Presumably they're willing to take the hit on whomever buys their games elsewhere, if it means a few more people sign up to Prime.
  16. I doubt I'll buy it at all, let alone Day 1. Maybe if a couple of good games grab me, but I was burnt somewhat by the Wii U.
  17. A Pokemon game on a home console?! Hblshblhglshbsgf!
  18. Ok thanks. I thought they came out later than that, bit they didn't really come up on my radar until Bloodborne and by that point they all coagulated into an amorphous blob of 'game'.
  19. Ok but what's the deal with Demon and Dark Souls? Are they direct sequels? It seems like they came out at the same time?
  20. What's the difference between this, Dark Souls and Demons' Souls? I feel like all of them came out in a flood these past few years, but they all seem very similar...
  21. Who is buying legs and what are they doing with them?
  22. You guys realise that as you get older, the rate of famous people dying is only going to increase?
  23. Isn't the original Magnificent Seven a re-telling Hollywood style in that case? The same film you just said was excellent? So do you care for it or don't you?! Hmmmmmmmm?!?!
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