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Everything posted by bob

  1. Hey! Quiet you! Looking for things is hard.
  2. I doubt Arsenal will overtake Spurs, they still have a greater goal difference (way better), and they're playing Newcastle next.
  3. I finally watched Edge of Tomorrow, or whatever it got renamed to. It's a great film! It's such a shame it did so badly, because it really doesn't deserve it. Just shows that you really can't predict what films will do well, regardless of how good they are.
  4. I think Red Dead Redemption did it quite well. They had places which felt truly in the wilderness, and long distances between settlements, but they had NPCs every so often on the roads, and wildlife to hunt, etc. Felt alive.
  5. My father in law used to get free Leicester City tickets every year to the last home game of the season through his business insurance, but he refused them this year on moral grounds back in February, as he's changing providers and felt he couldn't accept free stuff. He regrets his decision.
  6. Leicester City centre feels incredible. There's bunting everywhere, and every shop has flags and banners in the windows. All the way down London Rd they have massive banners with all the players on them, it's amazing!
  7. Hang on...did Zordon name the Zords after himself? That's a bit megalomaniacal isn't it? Especially since he's just a big bald head in a tube.
  8. I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my incredibly fast Internet.
  9. I don't really see the problem then, unless you have really slow Internet or need immediate access to all your games. On steam I only download the game I'm currently playing, and delete all local content otherwise. There's no way I could store all those games on my laptop, and nor would I want to.
  10. My dad just came back from Kenya and said he watched a really funny film on the plane called 'Dead Pool'. Quite surprised that he liked it, as he isn't really into comic or superhero films much. He also said it was incredibly violent - I'm surprised they didn't have an edited version for airplanes?
  11. When you delete a game on PS4 (to make space, say), does it still keep your saves, achievements, etc, a la Steam?
  12. Why? My TV is like 5 times bigger now than when i had my N64? Split screen works perfectly on it. And what am I supposed to do when my mate comes round for some gaming? Send him home and tell him to buy a PS4 so we can play together?
  13. Aw crap. Apparently i was logged in as my friend when i was playing Assassin's Creed last night, so all my progress is saved to his account rather than mine. I've got to play from the beginning now. Wank.
  14. Also, what's going on with those shitty wooden boxes they're standing on?
  15. I thought that was Chelsea? Or perhaps Millwall?
  16. Does anyone else feel like the yellow ranger is leaning ever so slightly too far forward?
  17. Will this have Zordon in it? And Alpha 5? And more importantly, will it have a radical guitar solo for the theme tune?
  18. Look a bit like Iron Man. And why are the girls suits so booby?
  19. Don't kid yourself. That t-shirt doesn't fit. It's way too big now.
  20. At the rate it's plummeting, if I wait a couple of months, they'll be paying me to take it away.
  21. Maybe they get caught, and shipped off to Australia. New weapon: boomerang. Or they hijack the ship, and end up in colonial India, that would be pretty good!
  22. Hmmm, I'm thinking I might get the Witcher 3 to play for the back end of this year, especially as there isn't much else coming out that appeals. Then I can see what all the fuss is aboot.
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