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Everything posted by bob

  1. Oh yeah, i'm sure she can say 'hope' in that smug way, but for some reason i thought people were discussing casting her in Episode IX, which makes no sense, thinking about it, as it'd need an old Leia, not a young one...
  2. I'm gonna chide them so hard!
  3. I never joke.
  4. Started playing this while waiting for the enormous Overwatch update to download. Really liking it, although I've only placed the opening level. I never played the first one, so I'm not sure how similar they are, but the first time you hack a camera, and then then realise that not only can you leap around the building by hacking further cameras, but can then hack stuff from afar whilst doing so was a bit of a mind blowing moment. Made me realise the potential of the game and I'm looking forward to playing around with those mechanics. It felt very Assassins Creedy at the start, but as it progressed, I realised it's quite different in the way you play.
  5. Tales of the Borderlands is only £5.99 on both PS4 and Xbone over at Game. I bought it.
  6. Can't you buy the DLC now and access it later?
  7. Also you'd need your daughter's permission, since those are her Pokemon you're stealing you heartless fiend.
  8. What is MiiVerse? Is it just like a social network?
  9. Wooper. ______
  10. Has Billie Lourd been in much other than Scream Queens? Because based on that i really wouldn't cast her in anything big...
  11. Hmmm, i was not even considering getting Mario Kart Switch, but with that many new tracks and characters, it is tempting...
  12. Technically some of Europe has passed into 2017 now, so I'm going to go ahead and wish everyone here a happy hogmanay before all the networks crap out. Hope everyone has a good night!
  13. My wife didn't realise it was a CGI, so I guess it was a success?
  14. Bit barren for me this year: Pokemon Red - 2:20 That's it.
  15. Got a letter from the student loan company saying they owe me a refund of £730. Which was nice.
  16. Apparently, Debbie Reynolds, Carrie Fisher's mum, passed away from a stroke at the age of 84 today.
  17. That's two of the main cast in one year!
  18. Merry Wookie Christmas!
  19. Dammit, every year I look back and hope my past self wrote some resolutions, and every year I'm disappointed in him. This year, I may be making some big changes, so we'll have to see what happens.
  20. Pardiola is gone! Bit surprised by that.
  21. I'm always right.
  22. They let you move into the shed have they?
  23. Tell me about it. The sad thing is, i still own and wear that coat.
  24. I would expect there are quite a few people like me, who aren't going to buy a 3DS just for one game, but might buy the Stars version if they had the Switch anyway.
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