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Everything posted by bob

  1. I heard it was the biggest week (since launch) for the PS4 last week!
  2. It'll probably just be first person, like the spaceship view.
  3. I finally completed Assassins Creed Syndicate the other day. Really enjoyed it. A few glitches here and there, but otherwise a solid bit of Victorian tomfoolery involving murdering people. I spent a while doing as many trophies as I could as well, ending up getting everything but the 100% memories one, which I can't be arsed to go back and replay. Next I'm playing the Just Cause 3 DLC, which I bought and never played. It's really good so far! The rocket jet pack just adds to the OP aspect of Rico, but zooming around firing missiles from your wingsuit is awesome fun!
  4. Just play this song loudly up the chimney, he'll be out in no time.
  5. I fully enjoyed playing the game, bu i'm not sure there's enough to get me to go back to it. Maybe i'll get curious about the base building aspect to it, but i feel i did everything there was to do.
  6. That doesn't sound like much fun at all...
  7. How festive!
  8. You called your trainer Joe? What a silly name.
  10. Does Avatar: The Last Airbender fit in here? I don't really understand the difference between an Anime and a cartoon... Anyway, I'm about halfway through the third season and absolutely loving it. Shall be sad when it ends. Still, I heard they made a film, so I could check that out.
  11. I don't know about the first two, but I got Infinite as a gift, so I felt I had to play it, but it was hard going. I'm not sure why I didn't like it, possibly it just got too creepy (I eventually gave up when I ended up in this insane asylum place with weird George Washington patients attacking me), but it felt like a chore every time I turned it on.
  12. Why not Breibart?
  13. Yeah sorry, I was only talking about GEN WUN.
  14. I never nicknamed my Pokemon because it meant not knowing what they were when you dumped them in the PC and dug them up months later.
  15. Chapter 1: Cover everything in blood
  16. It was most noticeable when any actor had to interact with a beast - complete disconnect! But yeah, i'd give it about 3.5 stars.
  17. Oh yeah. Awesome.
  18. Is that just XBone? I'm thinking of asking for this for Xmas, and for £20, that's perfect.
  19. Love The Life of Pi. It's one of my favourite books. Hopefully you haven't seen the film yet as that might ruin it slightly...?
  20. "Horrible game. So bad I only played it through three times."
  21. I saw FBAWTFT, and liked it, but did anyone else think it felt very low budget? Especially at the beginning with the CGI? Maybe they saved all their money for the finale end scene...
  22. Urgh, turn off your spellchecker Laura!
  23. Isn't that the case for all technology nowadays? Release new version every year with slightly improved specs?
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