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Everything posted by bob

  1. bob


    Interesting.... *Strokes beard*
  2. Get it out! They can do it via keyhole now, so barely any scars. Better to get rid now rather than have it randomly explode and try to kill you later on.
  3. I would have assumed that both would be linked to an account somehow wouldn't they? Like if you buy Virtual Console games, they aren't just stored on your console, they are saved to your account? I don't know for sure though I'm afraid.
  4. Thought this was pretty funny.
  5. That's a relief, i thought you were trying to spell fascist.
  6. I wonder which Leicester will turn up against Sevilla...
  7. I've watched the first 5 episodes, and I'm unsure so far. I don't like the new setting, and Korra is much more annoying than Aang. Still, I'll give it a chance. It might pick up!
  8. Rise was okay, but I really liked Dawn. I'm quite hyped for this one. Moar CGI apes!
  9. You sure you got the right branch?
  10. Cheers for whomever spoilered my comment. It's such an arse to do on mobile.
  11. Have you tried mounting them to the wall? Take up much less space that way.
  12. I got my 1.20pm tickets for Saturday!
  13. He's got a lot on his plate already.
  14. They look great, but they don't seem to have your unique style that previous designs had...i'm not sure how to describe it though.
  15. Couldn't you just spin around with your hands out, in mobile mode, thereby cooling it, and running it faster? Yes.
  16. I'm pretty sure this'll just be an extended cameo, like Spiderman himself was in Civil War. Looks good though! Has the potential to be as good as Spiderman 2!
  17. That sounds perfectly reasonable for a skilled, high demand job.
  18. It is a French Bulldog. They should have gone with pug though. So hot right now.
  19. Well that doesn't sound very complicated...he could have just said that.
  20. Wow what a fantastic show! Only just ventured into this thread, as i've been one or two episodes behind the whole time, and spoiler tags don't work, so i didn't want to ruin it. Just amazing the whole time. Going through reading some of the cooler theories on Reddit now - people guessed a lot of them!
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