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Everything posted by bob

  1. Ha! That bit where you fight the horde of accountants with finger-weaponry was amazing - i legitimately lol'd a couple of times.
  2. Can't you read? None of my posts are worth reading, I just can't delete any of them.
  3. I just remembered you can't delete posts either. Much infuriating. Many annoyance.
  4. 7/10 ___________
  5. Kav just has teeny tiny fingertips obviously.
  6. They should call it the Nintendo Port-ch, amiright?
  7. What forum set up do you use? I've tried Full Width, and its impossible to click on anything. The Mobile Phone one is awful and like being on the Internet in the early 90s.
  8. Tapatalk is craptacular, but it is better than trying to use the browser version. The worst part of Tapatalk is the fact that spoiler tags don't work. Although, I have improved it somewhat by getting rid of the one line of text preview for each thread. That used to spoil so many things.
  9. Well seeing as it's a Wii U game, it's not surprising. I'm sure the games developed for Switch will use it properly, like Mario Oddness.
  10. Halfway through Episode 4 now. Still awesome. (Love Handsome Jack's line "you're the only one running pal, I can fly!"). However, i wonder how different the story can be depending on your actions.
  11. If you go with the same solicitor as the seller, does it make the process quicker, i wonder? Do they organise meetings with themselves?
  12. Actually what I meant was that it was pointless to complain, and then buy the console anyway. Companies don't give a shit if you complain if they know you're going to give them money anyway. If you're not planning on getting the console at launch, complain away. Also maybe Microsoft did a 180 on a lot of things because nobody was pre-ordering the Xbone?
  13. Yes, but complaining about it, then buying the console anyway, then complaining again doesn't solve anything.
  14. If you aren't happy with the level of information about the console at launch, don't buy the console at launch.
  15. Can't really hum it, but maybe you could lipread it? Kind of goes like this: :p :p
  16. What was wrong with it? It was displaying fine for me in browser, but not in Tapatalk... Also, yes. Total waste of time.
  17. I liked it in Luigis Mansion, where you're fighting ghosts, and you get to the end of the game and it turns out that Luigi has been dead the whole time! I also enjoyed Mario Sunshine, where you fight these alien creatures all around (they look all weird), but it turns out their weakness is water, and so you go around spraying water on them! Also good was Animal Crossing, where you start in a village, but as time goes on, you realise something is up, and it turns out that Tom Nook has kept everyone trapped in the village using scare stories about a monster, and actually the village is set in modern times, but you don't realise! Nintendo make some great stories really.
  18. Sorry, I'm busy that day.
  19. Star Wars kind of has precedence in killing off main characters...
  20. Cake, jelly, ice cream. Perhaps a clown? Pin the tail on the donkey.
  21. At least. ____
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