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Everything posted by bob

  1. Finally managed to watch this all the way through. It was okay....not fantastic, but not too bad either. I enjoyed spotting all the references, and i thought the music was really good, but the plot was as barebones as they come. I realise it's a children's film, but there are plenty of examples of kids films that have well written storylines. This one just felt like a load of action scenes loosely strung together with barely anything in between. I liked all the voice acting. I don't think I ever heard Kranky Kong talk before this, so what they had was fine. Here's hoping the inevitable sequel is better. This one i would give 5/10.
  2. I've been feeling really run-down and knackered during my cycle commute recently. I thought for a while that there might be something wrong with my lungs because I was bringing up phlegm and generally feeling horrendous after every journey, but an x-ray confirmed nothing untoward going on there. I'm having to come to terms with the fact that I may just be really unfit.
  3. All you old people look alike.
  4. I assumed so if Grandpa Smeagol mentioned it.
  5. Logan's Run? What's that? Is that like the Hunger Games?
  6. I'm 36. Is that old?
  7. This is like listening to two old people in a retirement home have a conversation.
  8. Will I know what's going on if I've not played Mortal Kombat.....er...is this the first game in the series? Didn't we get to 10 already?
  9. They probably weren't referring to you.
  10. I too will let someone else post it.
  11. bob


    Watched The Sandman It was ok. There were a few good episodes, and a few naff ones, but they didn't really feel very joined up. The series felt like it had multiple arcs which weren't all that related to each other. The best bits were the standalone episodes like the one in the diner, and the man who lived for hundreds of years. My main issue with the show is that the guy they got to play Dream was awful. He looked like a student who had just rolled out of bed. Completely wooden and dull, and not enough presence to carry an entire show.
  12. Had a strange interaction the other day. Was walking along the road, carrying my baby. She is 1 month old (this part is relevant later on in the story). A taxi pulls up at the traffic lights, and out of the rear window, a head pops out. It's acclaimed actor and star of The Hobbit, Waking Ned and Cold Feet, James Nesbitt. He yells across the road at me - "How old?!" I do a double take, and he repeats ' "How old?!". I tell him one month. He says "Amazing!", and his taxi drives off as the lights turn green. I think he may have been a bit drunk.
  13. Stuff like that is common in loads of Nintendo games. I remember it took them ages to add quality of life changes to Animal Crossing.
  14. Maybe find out if Roger Waters has a cat? I hear he's going to be away in Glasgow on the 3rd June.
  15. Sounds like a skill issue.
  16. I think I'd rather pay £30 than have to sign up to Twitter
  17. Add another virtual £50 - I'm probably going to pirate it and watch it that way.
  18. Which format did you buy? I read that the PC version had quite a few performance issues.
  19. New born baby get! Little girl to go with the boy we already have. We have the full set now - take that collectors!
  20. They're loading for me
  21. Ah yes, I think in that case then, I just have the Special Edition to watch. Probably won't bother with the OVAs, i get confused enough with the main plotline. I also finished watching MHA S06. It was amazing! Possibly my favourite so far. The second half was a bit limp, but that's understandable after the first half being so amazing, and them wanting to set up Season 7 (presumably the final one?).
  22. I'm really confused about where I am with Attack on Titan. I watched up to whatever was available last year, and now there are new episodes, but I'm not sure where I got to? I know the new episodes were technically Season 4, but I'm not sure where in Season 4 the new episodes start. CrunchyRoll is no help. It seems to have 5 seasons, albeit the fifth one is called season 6.
  23. Some people consider every tiny thing a spoiler these days. Fair enough if you want to go into a game totally blind, but don't go blaming people about spoilers if you go and read articles and forum threads about a game and then whinge that someone mentioned an enemy type or a level setting that you didn't want to know about.
  24. Looks like Super Zelda Galaxy for a lot of it. Also, the furry crowd are going to have a field day with that weird dragon person aren't they?
  25. Unless you're itching to play it immediately when it comes out, i think its one of those games that will fall in price pretty quickly.
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