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Everything posted by bob

  1. Did you miss how he redefines play?
  2. It's March guys! Has the prophecy come to fruition!?
  3. I had no idea there were so many Sonic games. If I had to guess, I would have said maybe 15-20? Who knew!?
  4. I had no idea about any of this! That does explain a lot of things about it though. Good news about the rest of the season releasing though! I didn't check to see when the rest were coming, I just saw that there were new episodes, and assumed they'd released the first half all at once.
  5. Do I just found out today that those weird mirrored headband things like Doctor Mario wears https://mario.wiki.gallery/images/thumb/7/7d/Dr_Mario_DMW.png/1200px-Dr_Mario_DMW.png Are actually used like this!? https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_crop,w_1634,h_919,x_0,y_35/c_fill,w_1440,ar_16:9,f_auto,q_auto,g_auto/images/voltaxMediaLibrary/mmsport/mentalfloss/01g39c3wr5qtv774rm90.jpg I've literally never seen any doctor using them before!
  6. I love how you managed to hit several head shots from 40m away but then couldn't hit the big red button right in front of you. I am jealous of you though - I would love to try out some of the newest headsets on the market.
  7. Is that Ash's Pikachu then? Or a different one?
  8. As in, it doesn't open until 5.30? Or there's just so many people ahead of you in the queue?
  9. I think you have your maths wrong there, unless i'm older than I thought.
  10. It'll be interesting to see how they bring CoD to Nintendo's next console on the same day as the X-box version, with all the same features and content, when the Switch 2 inevitably has the same amount of power as my Kindle. Also, Switch 2 voice chat confirmed?!
  11. Saw that The Legend of Vox Machina has a new series on Amazon Prime. I couldn't really remember much about the first season, other than I quite enjoyed it, so i started the new one. Instantly i realised that a lot of my memories were confused with The Dragon Prince on Netfliix. They are both fantasy cartoons with elves and magic and dragons, and I got many of the plots mixed up when trying to remember what happened in S1. The Legend of Vox Machina is very similar to many other fantasy cartoons, but their USP is that their characters are allowed to say Fuck. Anyway, season 2 starts off slowly, but just about gets into a swing around episode 6 or 7, when it suddenly ends because they've only released half a season!? Bullshit. I wish Amazon would stop doing this. Either release them all at once, or one at a time. i hate getting into a binge of a series, and then finding out it's only half there. Coincidentally, The Dragon Prince also has a new series out on Netflix, so i watched that next. They aren't allowed to say Fuck. They also aren't allowed to use their own accents, and all have to put on excruciatingly bad fake ones. As far as I can tell, the show is recorded/made in Canada, so most of the actors are Canadian, but none of them can do a convincing accent? The main elf lady is supposed to have a Scottish accent, but it's really bad and keeps slipping into Canadian. They also have a race of elves who have French accents (I assume this is to help with world-building to make the world seem more diverse?), but they are all terrible 'hon-hon-hon' and 'zut alors!' caricatures. Series 4 (the latest one) has just introduced a new character called Terry whose accent is genuinely so bad I can't tell when it is supposed to be - i think it's Kiwi? Or Australian? Just awful. Anyway, this one starts off very slow - probably because the end of Season 3 kind of wrapped up most of the storyline, so they need to re-start all the plot to get it all going again. I'm 4 or 5 episodes in now though, and it's starting to get better. They've just travelled to meet a new race of Earth elves, so i can't wait to find out what accent they'll have!
  12. This is how some people imagine open world games are made. "Big world; few towns; many collectables; go!"
  13. Never heard of this chap, but he sounds like a complete bell-end. What a weird hill to die on.
  14. Plus the removal of all that dust will be good for allergies.
  15. Not sure i'll ever get used to W I D E Groot, but the rest looks good.
  16. It has some No Way Home vibes - it looks good despite all the evidence to the contrary.
  17. Apparently the original got suspended on Twitch because the AI Seinfeld started doing some antisemitic and homophobic standup...
  18. The catch is that once you've downloaded and installed it, you end up with a baseball game.
  19. So I've reached Kashyyykkk. The beginning where you infiltrate the AtAt walker, take it over, and start blasting the Empire is fantastic. Again, this game excels at the cinematic portions. The rest of the level is definitely better than the first two. The addition of the force push makes the combat a bit more exciting, and the level design is a bit more interesting to explore.
  20. Plugging away at this game in any spare moments. The story continues to be arse - I'm shying away from progressing the story most of the time because I can't face having to read more crappy dialogue. I've just done the second angry boss Pokémon calming thingy. So I suppose the end of the second area? But I'm still roaming around that bog area trying to complete a few more Poke-entries before I move on. I'm a bit underwhelmed by the Pokémon designs I've seen so far. I've caught maybe 50ish, but I haven't caught many that I actually want to use. I just swapped out an otter wearing a life jacket for a crow wearing a hat, but I'm not that enthused by any of the new gen designs. I think my team is: Typhlosion Bidoof Luxray Graveler Crow with hat Scyther And why are all the grass Pokémon all the same? They're all slender humanoid plant monsters - there's nothing interesting or different. I did see and catch my first ever shiny though the other day (not counting mission specific ones). A shiny graveler! Felt very exciting! I never even saw one playing through Red, Gold or Let's Go, so it felt pretty special.
  21. Oh, I hadn't twigged that this is only the first game. I thought it was the whole trilogy. Not sure I'm willing to spend £35 for only one game...
  22. Apparently it was ready to release in 2018, but they wanted to get the logo juuuuuust right.
  23. It doesn't. Or at least, it isn't loading for me. You can right click and open the url in another tab though, and it loads.
  24. Finished watching Andor. It was good, my wife and I really enjoyed it. I'm trying to work out if it was good good, or just good for Star Wars though. At least it's a step in the right direction. Let's hope any other shows are as well written moving forward.
  25. bob


    I feel like so many streaming shows are drawn out for no reason. Many of them could be 4-5 episodes, but get extended to 10.
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