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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Bought in the PSN January sale. I'm really looking forward to playing this on the big screen using my PSTV.
  2. Anyone ventured out yet to check the sales in the actual shops? Im going on Tuesday with @Goafer so was just wondering how they are this year.
  3. Pathetic people doing the DDOS attack at Christmas. The only reason for that is to try and ruin the day for others.
  4. Well not having played Smash Bros since Melee back when the Gamecube was current I have pretty much forgotten everything about playing Smash Bros games. Gonna have to practice a bit if I expect to win every tournament going and become a pro gamer.
  5. Been very lucky again this year:
  6. I enjoyed motion controls for about a week until the novelty wore off and I have hated them ever since. Im not sure how much they will be used going forward but Im already glad the amount has been significantly reduced.
  7. So far I have bought: Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Quite a quiet sale for me so far. I think its a shame that they've reduced the amount of flash sales and community votes this year. I always enjoyed having to log on at various times during the day to see what was new.
  8. No idea if we'll have any GOTY stuff on the forum this year but I figured we could at least have a thread for members to post their own personal Top 10 from 2014. Mine might have ended up a bit different but I am still missing a few games that I wanted to play this year and feel like I haven't actually completed all that many. 1. South Park: The Stick of Truth 2. Shadow of Mordor 3. Dragon Age Inquisition 4. Monument Valley 5. WWE 2K15 6. MGS V: Ground Zeroes 7. Trials Fusion 8. Watch Dogs 9. Danganronpa 10.Persona Q
  9. To be honest I was never a big fan of the N64 even at the time. It was when I was drifting back to PC gaming and everything just seemed better there. I did love WWF Wrestlemania 2000 and No Mercy though. Those kept my N64 plugged in for a long time.
  10. I think it was on this weeks Giant Bombcast where they had an email from someone who used to work for a third party dev explaining more about certification stuff and how during the last gen it was quite often that they would get a list of bugs and things back from MS and Sony to fix before release but the same game from Nintendo had nothing listed at all, despite having the same problems. Kind of shows what they were willing to let through during the Wii era. Still though I agree with you guys that they are much better with their own games. As people have said, this year has been especially bad for games coming out broken. You can only hope that the sheer amount of bad press the games got for it will stop it happening as much but who knows.
  11. Yeah I bought that box as well, figured it was cheap enough that I wouldn't be too bothered if I didn't get something I wanted. Hoping one will be FFXIII though.
  12. Are Child of Light and Shovel Knight specifically the Wii U versions or just the games overall?
  13. Im at work and Youtube videos dont work
  14. What are the four?
  15. I think the only Wii U game I have actually played from this year has been Bayonetta 2 and im not even far enough into that to properly judge it one way or the other.
  16. I wish I had the space to be able to properly display my retro collection. At the moment they are all just sitting in various boxes, calling out to me daily. Yours is looking awesome though @lostmario
  17. Just reading how Fox have completely messed up the HD-ification of Buffy http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/12/buffy-ruined-by-20th-century-fox-after.html
  18. It will be interesting to see if any of the cinemas comment on this because Orange Wednesdays had them absolutely packed pretty much every week on a day that people most likely wouldnt bother with before.
  19. Thanks that link worked.
  20. Exactly. The entire thing read like we were being told to go elsewhere for our funny stuff and when you mention being all for locking the thread, its no wonder things get confused. Still though, this entire thing has been weird and I've never really understood why it came up to begin with. Does it really matter where people come across funny images?
  21. I still dont think its brilliant but season 2 certainly has been a step up from 1.
  22. I hope the theme choices come back soon. At the moment I'm stuck with the old Mario Galaxy one.
  23. Suprised there isnt any chat about last nights episode
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