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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Just finished episode 1 myself. Really enjoyed it. Only complaint would be that the lip sync is terrible, its like they didnt even try! I'm the same @drahkon, I thought I pretty much did everything I could but the choices at the end showed I missed quite a bit. This is definitely one of those games where I almost because paralyzed by the choices, especially now that you can rewind time and make a different decision. The big one for me was:
  2. Which Metal Gear games have you played @RedShell? I absolutely sucked at 1-3 but since 4 onwards its a lot easier to fight your way through if you suck at the stealth stuff.
  3. I was never a WCW guy but Wrestlemania 2000 and No Mercy are still my two favourite wrestling games ever.
  4. Finally got around to getting Life is Strange
  5. The first one when playing co-op had the first player controlling Lara and the second controlling the god guy (cant remember his name) and he had a staff which let you get to higher places etc when you threw it into a wall. If you played solo Lara just got that staff as well. I assume this one is pretty much the same thing but its definitely more fun with 2 people.
  6. The Lara Croft games arent multiplayer only. The first one just gave you the powers of both players if you played 1 player, I assume its the same for this one.
  7. I did a similar thing with Persona 4. I watched enough of the Giant Bomb Endurance Run to know that I wanted to play it so I bought the game and stopped watching but then I got into a routine of playing a few hours of the game, stopping and then watching more of the Endurance Run until I caught up with my point in the game.
  8. I used to watch a load of Let's Plays but I started to find the Youtubers doing them more and more annoying, especially when they started taking money from Publishers to play the games and some of them admit it until later. These days I'm pretty much just down to watching Giant Bomb when they do full runs of games. Like Drew playing through all the MGS games at the moment or Vinny doing all the Castlevania ones.
  9. All depends on your Internet speed really. Blu ray is better quality than DVD and as I dont have a good enough Internet connection to stream in HD, blu ray is still a better option for me.
  10. Spoke to my boss this week about possibly going full-time soon. She said unfortunately the Governors have put a block on anymore admin staff being hired which would include me going from part to full-time but she said she knows that the other people in my office have already said they would prefer to have me in all the time so she's going to have a proper look around and see if theres a way to get the money to let me go full-time. Hopefully they manage to do it because if they dont then I'm gonna have to start looking for a new job so I can actually get a reasonable pay.
  11. http://www.bleedingcool.com/2015/08/06/miller-and-purcell-return-for-prison-break-limited-series/
  12. Continuing with my new statue/figure obsession, this time I've moved onto trying to get the Avengers and Justice League sets:
  13. I think at this point I'd be more interested an Eternal Darkness VR game.
  14. I think Im gonna replay the main mission for this during August, make sure I've got a feel for the controls and story again before Phantom Pain in September.
  15. Its not pointless! I will not stop until people realise that Nintendo games are for children and simple folk!
  16. Listing Indie games means nothing, they are still playable games on a system. There are still a load of other games Rummy could have listed but it wouldnt make any difference. What would make them more worthy of listing? Also, people complain about annualised franchises all the time. Assassins Creed being a big example of that.
  17. Im always tempted by all these various loot boxes that have been turning up lately but you watch the videos on Youtube of being unboxing them and its pretty much always just a load of stuff that I would never buy on its own or memorabilia stuff that I'll think was cool for the first 10 minutes then it would go in a drawer and never come back out. The only one that I've really thought about subscribing to was that retro loot box that sends you actual retro games each month.
  18. And thats why Nintendo are leading the pack at the moment.
  19. This is because for the other companies at least, the era of the mascots came and went. We had all that stuff in the 90s and early 2000s but its just not needed as much anymore. Personally this is why I prefer the other companies and have gone off Nintendo. They all have IPs but the other companies will move onto something new while Nintendo will keep mining that well.
  20. I deleted everything
  21. Ok cool, was just wondering if I had missed something. As for FFXV coming to the NX, I couldnt see it myself. Unless the hardware is very similar to the other two consoles it just seems like it would be a massive amount of work to port a game like that to a new console.
  22. Is this just speculation on what else SE will bring to the NX or has something been said other than the DQXI stuff?
  23. Got mine installed and working now. All that's really left is testing out some apps but as the store is very busy at the moment it's struggling to acquire licenses to allow you to download so I'll just leave that until tomorrow and try again.
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