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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I think its unfair on them anyway. To be honest I'm still more interested in DC's tv stuff than I am their movies.
  2. They seemed to have trouble letting go of certain actors as well, always bringing them back somehow. Didn't one of them turn out to be a triplet?
  3. Unfortunately its either not adding to my basket or when it is, its claiming its out of stock
  4. Thats another two video game artbooks ordered. The thread on Neogaf about them is really dangerous, I keep seeing more and more that I want to buy!
  5. New trailer
  6. 3 days left and they're closing on $5 mill. Up to $4,853,800 now.
  7. Only just found out there was an artbook for Asura's Wrath so I had to order it, loved that game and all the designs in it
  8. To be honest it showed most of what I would want from a Tony Hawk game so I'll be willing to give it a shot.
  9. That is the kind of thing I was hoping for thanks. For anyone else who might know, is that the complete list? I thought I remembered something about Twitter code being added so you could post individual tweets (maybe that was another forum though).
  10. To be honest I'm right there with you
  11. Is there somewhere that has a list of of the embed codes for the forum? I know we have the quick links but if I remember right there are more that arent on there?
  12. To be fair, Black Widow was in Iron Man 2 first and Hawkeye was in Thor. Personally I still think they are rushing things a bit to get a Marvel level movie universe going quickly but if it works out then I dont mind.
  13. As it was only £6.99 for the digital US version I figured I would give it another try. See if I can get past my hatred of the gameplay as I really did love the story and setting.
  14. I wouldnt be surprised if all the players Rodgers has already brought in were bought with the Sterling money.
  15. The best thing about that trailer is seeing the way Batman moves. It looks a lot closer to the comics/animated shows than before which is exactly what I want. Got to say though, these trailers haven't really been giving me a reason to be rooting for Superman.
  16. Been messing around with Facerig My eyes arent as yellow as that though.
  17. You have to decorate a new house!
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