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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. There was someone posting in the MGSV Spoilers thread on NeoGaf last week that was very insistant that something is coming on the 11th so its been doing the rounds anyway.
  2. Ah good. A good collection of Metal Gear minds. I hope once Drew finishes the game as well they do some kind of on-camera wrap up discussion. Similar to what they did where they actually talked over Vinny playing the end of Bioshock Infinite.
  3. Who is on the podcast this week then? I assume its not Drew as he will be playing it fresh for the Metal Gear Scanlon premium series.
  4. That sounds about right for an announcement. Really hope the US (or even EU! but it wont happen) keeps its 2015 release. I want to import dammit!
  5. I havent listened to it yet but I did hear it was basically a Spoilercast for MGSV. They did one for MGS4 when it first came out as well so its nice to carry on with that. I heard the only thing they didnt spoil is the true ending.
  6. Arrived this morning
  7. To be fair to him, I'd say you are also describing @Goafer as a person there as well
  8. To be honest, the Nintendo boards are so shitty that I've just stopped going in that section at all anymore. Its a shame but if I have something to talk about Nintendo related, I go to whole other forums. This is the only thread in the Nintendo section I bother reading now.
  9. Just finished watching Fast & Furious 7 on blu ray....I swear its just something in my eye honest.
  10. Im never quite sure how long damage etc lasts for in the open world, I might test that out tonight. Also, Kojima was posting about this combination of weapons/buddies that I also want to try. I'll put it in spoilers but it should be safe enough.
  11. You dont think the end mission came out of absolutely nowhere?
  12. You'll see what I mean the more you play, especially the back half. There is one important story mission that we know was cut because they put a video of it on the CE edition. I'm not talking about how the game is light on story/cutscenes.
  13. It's a weird game. On the one hand, yes this is how big releases should be launched, running smoothly etc. on the other hand, the more you play of it the more you'll start to realise that content was cut to actually get this game out, some of it pretty significant. It's not the perfect release.
  14. That happened to me a few times as well. Got a bit better when I upgraded her sniper rifle to one with a silencer so she at least stopped alerting everyone. Quiet was my favourite buddy. She basically had D Dog's tagging but was much more helpful when you got spotted. Ended up taking a lot of the heat off me in certain missions.
  15. The problem this time though is that it was too much in the other direction. While its still a brilliant game, just like the other ones, for me all that he has proved is that he still cant get the ratio of gameplay to story right.
  16. I think a conversation should be had simply because it has obviously brought some stuff up and maybe you guys arent on the same page about when you might be wanting kids but thats it. I dont think it shows a lack of respect and it certainly isnt the same as spending money on something else.
  17. Not built in so only on a per game basis. Its a shame.
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