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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Here we got then. 0, 1, Kiwami 1, 2, Kiwami 2, 3, 4, Japanese version of 5, new box for 5, remastered collection of 3, 4 & 5, 6 and Dead Souls.
  2. Ah you messed up there by saying played instead of completed
  3. Might have to post a photo of my Yakuza collection tomorrow to put yours to shame
  4. Oh and I don't know if you guys have seen but the regular boxed edition is also available now.
  5. Just had my copy of the limited edition dispatched. I still haven't completed Kiwami 2 yet though so I really need to get back to that. Might put it on tonight.
  6. That's the stuff I'd love to see. While the Mega Drive was my era, we get a lot of it from various places so I would like to be able to play some of the less accessible games from those two consoles.
  7. You might be the only one then, it’s generally thought of as one of the worst episodes in all of Trek 😆 One thing I will say is that the first 3 episodes of Picard are basically the pilot so it might be worth watching the 3rd and then letting some build up.
  8. Project A Parts I & II Been in a Jackie Chan mood again lately so as a load of his older movies have been getting re-releases on blu ray thanks to Eureka Classics and 88 Films I’ve been able to start watching more of them. The Project A films were pretty great with Jackie’s usual amazing fights, stunt work and comedy along with some pirates thrown in this time. I’m looking forward to working my way through more of his films. Planning on getting Drunken Master next while I wait for more of the Police Story series to get released.
  9. I’d meant to go see Parasite yesterday with Goafer after the retro video game market we went to but ended up remembering too late after lunch and we missed the showing. Watched Friday the 13th Parts 3 & 4 instead which I’m sure was just as good 😆
  10. Just rewatching the end of Generations. I’m sure we’ve all said it a thousand times but god dammit Kirk’s death is so crappy. For a character so important to the history of science fiction, television and cinema he deserved so much more. Can you image if they had Picard emerge from the Nexus on the planet and up in space, Kirk’s Enterprise (let’s say refit) emerged triumphantly from the ribbon to take on the space bound threat and sacrifice itself one last time with Kirk on the bridge (not a bridge).
  11. Nah unfortunately not this time. I didn’t have the money to spare for anything expensive and found no cheap deals. I was tempted by a big boxed copy of Red Alert on PC but it would have just gone in a cupboard somewhere. The Birmingham one is coming up in a few months so I’ll probably put some money aside for it and finally get Batman & Robin.
  12. Bad news guys. @Goafer and I went to the retro gaming market today but no Shining Force III.
  13. There's shops and town upgrades that would happen for everyone though, right. And villagers can leave depending on what you do. So you could log off and come back, and someone else would have played/advanced your game save, pretty much. I get wanting your own island but to be fair to Nintendo, this was always how they designed AC. It was supposed to be this shared world where things could change. It was their version of an MMO.
  14. We already basically had that with Fast 5, Furious 6 (renamed but still kept it some places) and Furious 7.
  15. So, has everyone decided which romance option they are going for yet?
  16. I'm surprised you didn't list "Move Along Home" as one of your favourite episodes
  17. Looks like Fast & Furious 10 is being broken into two parts https://uproxx.com/movies/vin-diesel-fast-and-furious-10-two-parts/
  18. I don’t think I’ll watch a direct if Nintendo do an AC one anyway. Always feels like they give away way too much information with those things anyway.
  19. Why would you waste a wish like that?
  20. Ok, is there some story about the option to give Tsubasa glasses at the beginning or not??? It's just so weird, like they suddenly realised they forgot to cater to the glasses fetishists. .....Yes I gave her the glasses, what of it?
  21. That was kind of what 4 was.
  22. I’ve got some Japanese GC games that came with my Panasonic Q. All of them in pretty good condition. Much better boxes than ours.
  23. Got this for my birthday the other day so I'm looking forward to getting stuck into it again. Can't remember how far I got into the Wii U version but I always did want to go back.
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