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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Basically aiming for something like this but probably wider for more cubes. Need to get back from work tonight and measure to see what space I'm working with along with actually counting my console collection. Got a feeling I wouldn't be able to display everything.
  2. I think I'm finally gonna start work on getting some display shelves for my console collection. If I can get maybe a 2 high cube unit then it can sit on the floor under my projector screen. Need to have a think next what method I want to use to light them.
  3. Phew, thanks. I was thinking about cancelling. Can't have the fear of someone pulling me over to play Dance Dance Revolution with them hanging over my head for months.
  4. I'm moving onto a Voyager relaunch book next. They've all been sitting on my Kindle for far too long.
  5. Just finished the Star Trek Picard book. I really enjoyed it. Thought it did a good job explaining the problems they faced evacuating all the Romulans and why the mission ended. It even did a good job subtly showing the change Picard was going through over the years, becoming a lot more consumed by this mission. It's a shame more of this information hasn't been included in the series as I think it gives good background on everything that happened and fleshes it out quite a bit.
  6. If you still had Dr in your name it would have worked out better.
  7. Will I be able to bring my PSP Go, sit in the corner and not talk to any of you for the day?
  8. I'll leave the Arcade Club to @Goafer as he knows the owner from all the maddog stuff. Shall we try and hammer down a few things if we can? I assume we are going to the Manchester Arcade Club after some of the posts in here for example. Does anyone have the google sheet that's been previously used to see who can make what dates?
  9. We should also have a think of there’s any lapsed members who might want to come. A lot of the people who used to post in the general chat section but don’t post anymore would be good to hear from again.
  10. I think I used my Wii U more than I have my Switch and that’s saying something.
  11. I used to do the same thing with the main menu music in FFXIV.
  12. Bit peeved that the free FFVII dash theme is only available to people who got the demo. What about those of us who didn’t want to play the demo so we could stay pure for the full game??? Granted I can just download the demo and then not play it but it’s not really the point. I might just move over to Nintendo full time next gen. They’d never do me wrong!
  13. You need to be a trend setter not just a sheep!
  14. It's tempting. I've heard it's best to catch live though so it will depend how busy I am.
  15. Have you done much with your 3D printer lately? Don't think mine has been plugged in for over a year at the moment. I really should get back to it.
  16. I’m still waiting for Distant Worlds to announce their next UK concert
  17. I hope it doesn't take them too long to either get their own streaming service or latch onto someone elses. After using ones like the WWE Network or New Japan World I can't go back to paying for PPVs the old way.
  18. I think the women’s division suffers a bit more than the men’s because a lot of their more talented lot, the joshis travel between the US and Japan a lot so aren’t available as much. Not gonna lie, I’m totally in love with Hikaru Shida
  19. Overall I’m really enjoying it. I think they still struggle with some hit and miss stories/characters but for me the quality of everything else is much higher. I follow write ups of WWE but haven’t watched anything from them other than gifs in probably over a year now. The place is full of massively talented people that are just wasted.
  20. Yeah I do.
  21. Somewhere specific like Arcade Club sounds like a great idea.
  22. Ordered a new controller for my phone as my old one was having connection issues and apparently this Saitake is one of the better ones. Weird colour scheme though, can’t think how they came up with it.
  23. Yeah I hear the WF ear bud versions sound great as well. I’d been tempted previously by those but I have a pair of Samsung Galaxy Buds which I use when I go out and they’re quite a bit smaller in the ear which I tend to prefer for wireless buds.
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