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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Not ot my knowledge. Rumor on gamefaqs is that DLC 150 or 151 will be the Tower of Nod stuff. We've got a while...
  2. Just checked in there and saw Twozzok and Martinist...and no one said anything for the 30 seconds I stayed. Besides, a popular chat can easily kill Forum activity which is never good.
  3. Don't really remember much of my childhood in the year of 89...Can I do the 90's instead? I remember getting up early on Saturdays to watch cartoons. In fact, I called it Cartoon Day instead of Saturday. Noteworthy shows being The Tick, Animaniacs, Looney Tunes, and Dinosaurs.
  4. This reminds me... What if Doctor Who was Doctor House? Not Hugh Laurie, but literally Dr. House in some weird crossover. He wouldn't want to help anyone.
  5. I don't know if this counts, but I remember using super glue to hold a dogs flap of skin closed, and I think duct tape as well. Cheaper than a trip to the vet, and it works just fine. I've used a combination of metal coat hangers bent in such a way as to suspend a laptop from the upper bunk so I could lie flat and watch movies. Breaking the front speaker panel of a TV open to pull out the wires and directly wire them into a speaker from a stereo. Tearing a telephone cord apart (into 4 separate wires) in order to hook up Stereo speakers. I re-wired a SNES controller to a different controller plug since it's plug didn't work. They were different brands though so there was some guess work as to what wires went were (different colors). I think it was Orange to any other wire would simulate pressing the B button though.
  6. On the trailer. Downloading now.
  7. I use Steam... I have 39 friends and talk to two of them. With the occasional small comment/link to 2-3 others.
  8. I abhor making phone calls. If I need to talk to some I'd rather to it face to face. That just isn't feasible most of the time though.
  9. I would go to Cabela's. Lots of guns and ammo, and general supplies that could be helpful, plus a restaurant in the store. There is one about 15 minutes drive from my house, unfortunately for most people that isn't the case. Alternatively, the school could work.
  10. Such a vile creation... I like my Chips (Crisps) plain or Sour Cream and Onion. Other flavors are gross.
  11. Speaking of training pokemon...http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/99 Read the next four comics afterwards. I love Mr. Fish.
  12. No time to watch all that now, but I'm hugely excited for The Witcher 2. The first was an excellent although flawed RPG. Hopefully with their own engine some of the little things won't be present now.
  13. I love it all, including Flying Circus....too bad I don't get any of the British Politics.
  14. I watch Comedy Rainbow. Scares the shit right out of me.
  15. Blu-Ray here are $20-$30 (according to google £12-£19) Old or New with a very rare few being cheaper.
  16. Evil Smurfs?
  17. I own one Blu-Ray, Kick-Ass. I don't have a Blu-Ray player though, but it came with a DVD version and was $5 more than plain old DVD. I'm considering getting a PS3 as a player, but can't bring myself to do it yet.
  18. :/ But Pokemon isn't even in the GBA...
  19. Not knowing what you mean by fucked over, you were spamming the forum regardless. Just locked threads is getting off easy imo.
  20. The music industry is the worst.
  21. They probably did it because it seemed like a funny thing to do....and it turned out to be a funny thing. Alright yea I agree it's a little unwarranted, but funny nonetheless.
  22. It really is amazing.
  23. But you're not describing them in perfect detail, or using visual aides! It just becomes boring girl talk then. I'd only go commando if I was wearing a kilt, which is to say never. I'm not manly enough to wear a kilt. Which is the manliest way to be pantsless.
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