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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. I'm over it. More to the point, if I have no desire to see a film after just a plot synopsis...I'm not sure I'd want to watch it anyways.
  2. Nolan

    Halo: Reach

    I take Arcadey to mean who has the best twitch reflexes. CoD=whoever shoots first lives 90% o the time. Halo is like that as well, but only slightly different in that the weapons change things up, still arcadey. To me a non-arcade shooter would be something that requires a semblance of strategy, Team Based games like MAG or TF2 perhaps GRAW or Socom as well. Of course Halo and CoD both pale in comparison to Quake or Unreal Tournament multiplayer in terms of how arcade like they are.
  3. It's probably boring compared to his Elise regardless of transmission.
  4. Nolan

    Halo: Reach

    Metroid will be fun, but I can't say if it'll compare to Reach. Fable will be balls, Fallout will be awesome though.
  5. I just read the plot synopsis for Hard Candy on wikipedia....sounds pretty dumb.
  6. I was curious about number 81 (not that I'm allowed to answer) and googled "Climax sworn obstinacy". This thread is the first result.
  7. Yea, plates in the US are completely random as well.
  8. 21. R, P, S, S, P, S, R, R, P, P, R, S, P, R, S, S, R, P, R, R
  9. You forgot Start and Select though. And I know of no reset button.
  10. 76. 17 Buttons (counting R3 and L3) plus 2 joysticks and motion which aren't buttons. Start, Select, PS button, R1, R2, R3, L1, L2, L3, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right, Left Analogue Stick, Right Analogue Stick.
  11. 47. 6 76. 16 Buttons (counting R3 and L3) plus 2 joysticks and motion which aren't buttons. Start, Select, R1, R2, R3, L1, L2, L3, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, D-Pad Up, D-Pad Down, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right, Left Analogue Stick, Right Analogue Stick.
  12. I didn't ignore the chapter title because it's not a quotation which is what we were told to ignore. Oh well.
  13. I believe they've stated at one point it will be similar to what the DSi achieves.
  14. Actually, it's legal to Jailbreak specifically to install apps otherwise unavailable. From what I can tell Cydia is for that purpose more so than pirating apps (which would be illegal regardless).
  15. You have my sympathy as long as you don't shoot at me.
  16. Actually, Library of Congress has ruled that Jailbreaking is in fact legal. And with certain wording and restrictions so is circumventing DRM. I can see this causing trouble in the US when users are punished for doing something deemed legal.
  17. Nolan

    Halo: Reach

    Dammit I was gonna post that.
  18. Not sure if I completely understand this one, but here goes. 75. Knight moves down 2 and right 1 and checks the king.
  19. I hate when anyone sings in public, well known/famous songs or not it bugs me. Of course while driving I sing along to song myself, but always alone.
  20. That's not that bad actually. Of course I recommend having nothing to do with horses as the best course of action. Terrible animals. I'm really stingy with my money, there are plenty of things I want and could afford (Zune PS3 Clothes) but I can't bring myself to get anything. So I don't do spending sprees so much as just impulse buy when I'm in town...which thankfully is rare.
  21. I've stepped in far worse goopy things than ketchup though.
  22. I agree, I hate wearing shoes (and socks). And Flink.....how is ketchup worse than glass? Unless of course the glass isn't broken yet then I completely understand.
  23. Books=/=Comics But yes, Super Hero Movie is much more accurate for me.
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