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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. I think if you had Cans you'd be able to listen to music louder. Doesn't more sound escape from buds?
  2. Didn't care about Bioshock 2 enough to bother playing, but I'm all for this game.
  3. That's rather extortionate. PC version goes from 30(reg)-50(CE) but for some reason consoles go 40-70...60 would still be a lot but at least it would follow suit. I half wonder if it's a minor pricing error.
  4. I think you misinterpreted that. I think he means the 5 minute intro and the 4 minute song are lumped into a 9 minute track.
  5. Oh ssssnap!
  6. I disagree, and I hope that Silicon Knights gets around to making the sequel. It had it's problems, but they laid the groundwork for a unique model of gameplay that could truly be awesome with more refinement. I only played Too Human recently, but after playing it I was messing around in The Force Unleashed and found myself attempting to use the right-stick to control my attacks.
  7. Dr. McNinja Manly Guys Doing Manly Things (not nearly as homo-erotic as it sounds). Sam and Fuzzy How I killed your Master Meant to update monday and friday....but that's rare. Annnd shameless plug for a friend, Gamelandect.. It does get better, but due to various circumstances he quit updating a few months ago. I use to read 8-bit Theater, but its finally ended and I occasionally delve into whatever is going on over at MSpaintadventures.
  8. That's probably the worst part about Too Human.
  9. Hmm Lyrics I hate....You're so Vain. If the freakin chorus is you implying that they're vain for thinking the song is about them IT'S ABOUT THEM. Fuck you Carly Simon.
  10. Well that makes me half happy.
  11. Angry fish is real though right? I really hope angry fish and depressed/suicidal fish are real. I would use them all the time and never evolve them.
  12. I can understand using buds for being out and about due to size and less ridiculous looking, but I just don't like them. They don't sound good and they barely stay in my ears. I think a good compromise between the two is something like these. Not necessarily wireless, but just a Supra-Aural that doesn't have the entire plastic head piece. Portable and good sound, although they can kinda pinch the ear. Although, if I had a pair of these I'd wear them everywhere just to wear them. My Sony MDRs.....not so much.
  13. But I do want to just have not missed any episodes. If truly terrible I'll probably just give up in the middle of an episode.
  14. Since we're rather off topic (Thread rip/Post your cans?) lazy short abbreviations, usually seen in texting/messaging. Things like U ur thx 2nite. Just plain annoying, type the whole word out for posterity.
  15. Hurray! Still haven't seen Back to Earth though.
  16. Are you sure about that? I've really been looking for a reason to post that.
  17. Cans And I concur. Earbuds are the worst thing I've ever had to hear sound come out of. I hate them with a passion.
  18. Unless it's a really terrible song, I don't see the problem with hearing someone else's music....To bad the general populace has poor taste in everything. The real solution is to just play your own music and not have to deal with any other music. It's win-win.
  19. I got Togs as a Paladin.
  20. Angelo is in fact from DQ VIII. I found the togs to be better than what my Warrior had on, so he's wearing them now.
  21. You take that back! Also, those are 2 different smilies...
  22. I said almost always. That means there are exceptions.
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