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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. I love Coen brother films, and this certainly does look to be another winning notch in their belt. The only niggling issue would be Matt Damon. I just don't like him as an actor really, of course I'm no fan of Brad Pitt either and he's in some brilliant films so Matt Damon won't hamper this one.
  2. I thought that 800x240 refers to the 3D resolution which is basically double of the 2D mode which is actually 400x240. I could be wrong though, and even if I'm not it doesn't change the fact that the released shots are completely the wrong resolution.
  3. Well irrelevant of whether Tomb Raider is good or not, the original creators aren't even making the games anymore. Crystal Dynamics has been handling the series since 06, and to say Crystal Dynamics have never created a good game, is just asking to have ones soul reaved....or blood sucked.
  4. Hakoggix taking a nap....on a erupting volcano!
  5. Haha success. I just logged back in and everything reverted to before my failed attempt. No need to contact at all.
  6. I did something stupid. I started a Goblin and everything was going well until I took on the Volcanoth quest. Without going into the messy details, I abandoned the quest by accident (stupidty is accidental right?) and now it's impossible without teleporting/walking through walls to complete the quest. Think a GM would be able to help with that? Just, make me appear in the correct area.
  7. Dawww they have a Corgi. Corgis are awesome.
  8. And I just ordered it. Expected delivery according to Dell is the 20th. I feel so dirty spending that much money.
  9. Wait, 7.....you silly Europeans with your month coming after the day when writing the date. I was about to question why the game wasn't being sold until the 12th 5 days after it releases here, then I realized. Still rather dumb that you can't sell retail copies of the game considering you can buy it online and download it immediately, irrelevant of not being able to play until the servers are live.
  10. You were just afraid you had new competition.
  11. Yes, poor choice of words on my part. Wonderful that you all think so highly of me though.
  12. Lalalalaaa. I felt fine driving home, but now....I'm feeling like all the alcohol re-hit me. Right in the head. I need more wayrter cause my head is pounding. I did waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to many shotws of 151. Like 1 shot is too many and I did 4-5 of them. Motherfuckin friends of mine aren't good friends, pouring shots for no reason other than to pour them. I feel sick.
  13. Lists are boring, pics are where it's at. There is more on my wishlist, but I put more on there than what I expect to get and I'm certainly not going to list everything. That way I have a rough idea of what I'm getting, but still don't know exactly. It's nicer than knowing for certain.
  14. Vanilla or possibly with 4GB instead of 2GB RAM. I am super cheap. I don't think I'd get it if it wasn't 30% off. Sadly the deal only applies to the cheapest model so C2D instead of i5. This is Alienware M11x for anyone wondering.
  15. ....well. Anyway, Haven't actually ordered it yet, but I will. Probably just before the Black Friday sale ends on the 18th
  16. Give credit where credit is due. That was funny.
  17. The way battle.net makes it sound to me is that you can just enter the key in and play it.
  18. I'm pretty sure I've seen the Mario banner.
  19. I'm feeling pretty happy. Oh wait, maybe I shouldn't rub that in.
  20. Nolan


    Well....it's completely possible that something you've seen will still be around in a million years. You know, a little rock known as Earth even.
  21. I did something bad. Yesterday I took advantage of the deal and bought WoW BC WotLK and Cataclysm at once for a smooth $60. I really only wanted to get the first 2 expansions and the main game for 20 (as the site's immediately advertised) but after clicking around a bit the only deal they seemed to want to offer was what I took. I don't like how their site is setup in that regard. I've managed to make a level 5 Shaman. I don't hold much attachment to it as I don't even know what server I'm on ect.
  22. But, would the females still want you after a dip in the baked beans?
  23. Nolan


    I clicked the thread and immediately looked at the date on Rummy's post... Anyway, I agree with what The Peeps said.
  24. I'll be honest, I do not understand how far away Crookes is. However I offered alternatives to just walking. Get out there on a sled with a stick and plan your route to have hills. Downhill both ways.
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