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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. We'd just have to develope the anisible.
  2. Kurt Kobain?
  3. Yea, that's valves thing, the only time they release demos is for multiplayer games, and as soon as the game releases they take the demo down.
  4. So? Just because a site is run by the resturant industry doesn't mean they automatically make everything up. They can still post facts. Look at wikipedia, it's run by anyone and everyone, but you can still use it for facts.
  5. But with the Holly Hop Drive you can visit those parallel universes...
  6. Playing on expert with 4 good people, who are to dumb to be good.....it's hard. We almost beat it, 3 of us were at no health, then we took down a tank. Our main problem is purposely(lol no accidents) shooting, sometimes killing each other.
  7. http://www.animalscam.com/ Some of the ridiculousness of PETA. With a bit of digging you can find where they argue in court that elephants are better off being poached in africa than living in a San Diego zoo.
  8. umm yea kinda...
  9. Maybe I'm just being stupid, but your post made little sense to me.
  10. http://www.peta.org/cooking-mama/index.asp?c=pcmgb08 Anyone else smell a lawsuit cooking?
  11. I haven't had experience with it, but your best bet is going to be email Valves support. Be polite and don't make a fool of yourself, and state your case clearly.
  12. I'm unfamilar with most UK sites, so I just went for simplicity. I don't think he needs a new monitor, he just wants a new rig. Honestly, if he was able to build one I would have listed a bunch of parts as opposed to a prebuilt anything. Oh, and links go real well with advice, kinda like Peanut Butter and Jelly.
  13. The engine has gone through numerous updates, namely the removable of legacy API support(DX7 and DX8 cards). L4D also requires a fair bit more power due to the larger numbers of enemies and AI all going on at once.
  14. http://www.aria.co.uk/Systems/Gaming+Range/Trident/Gladiator+Trident+Performer+?productId=33217#rqc That right there will do just about anything you put to it, and it's already built up for you. It does not however come with an OS, so if you don't already have an OS you'd have to buy one, which would put it over your 600 limit. I'm in the US so I'm unsure what VAT is exactly, but it brings the cost from 512-599. If that is out of your range, I'd suggest perhaps this. It will still run everything, just a little bit lower settings for some games. FM should be fine I'd think. Even if you add the OS to the price, it's still within range.
  15. Fargo is the best true story ever.
  16. lol oh well. Based on a true story, really doesn't mean much...
  17. Stand and Deliver A true story of a teacher(Edward James Olmos) who encouraged 18 students to pass the AP exam for college credit. He started teaching them in their second to final year(junior year of highschool here, idk what it is in the UK though...) He decided that he wanted to teach Calculus the next year, so he taught summer school 7AM-12 6 days a week to the top 18 students of his class. Eventually the exam comes around, and every student passes, of course a few days later they are accused of cheating. They retake the test and are given a single day(the second test is happening months after the first) to study. Once again they all pass. A well done movie based on a true story. There isn't the unnecessary embelishing of the story to add false plot points to keep viewers interested, there are small side storiess, but they don't cloud the mainstory. Oh it also stars Lou Diamond Phillips. 8/10 Lean on Me Another true story of turning around students, except this time Principle Crazy Joe Clark(Morgan Freeman) reforms an entire highschool instead of a single class. He starts the year off by immeadiately expelling any student that is a known drug user and/or been their for 5 or more years without graduating. He employs his own security, forces the entire school(prolly movie embellishment) to learn the school song and be able to sing it on command. His trademarks were a bullhorn to make himself heard and at a point he carried a bat. He chained and locked all the doors in the school to keep the drug pushers out, when a parent(whos deadbeat child was expelled) heard of the locked doors she reported it too the fire derpartment as a fire hazard and JOe Clark was taken to jail. The student body congregated outside of the Jail as protest of arresting Clark. Eventually he was released. 8/10
  18. http://www.overclockers.co.uk/ http://www.cyberpowersystem.co.uk/ http://www.ebuyer.com/ http://www.scan.co.uk/ http://www.candccentral.co.uk/ http://www.tekheads.co.uk/ http://www.thecoolingshop.com/ http://www.computerplanet.co.uk/ http://www.misco.co.uk/ http://www.yoyotech.co.uk/ http://www.aria.co.uk/ They are mainly hardware sites, but I believe they sell lappy/netbooks too.
  19. From one of my favorite comics.
  20. Nolan

    Killzone 2

    I played the first, it really wasn't that bad it just got too hyped and caught flak for it. I kinda liked it though. The problem though for me and the KZ series is that in the first game (and looks like it in the second) it was just kinda bland and boring and easy. I don't need a hard like Veteran on CoD4, but the gameplay was just.....bleh. That said, it does look the second has improved, and it looks very fun. And about the people saying best graphics.......well maybe on a console. Comparing graphics on a console is subjective to preference and opinion, but the truth is that Crysis has been and still is the most realistic game. That isn't opinion, it really is fact. Here's the thing though, realistic =/= graphics I think Banjo&Kazooie:N&B has great graphics, just not realistic.
  21. Acer is actually a better build than HP...... Anyways, that Acer posted further up is your best bet, Blu-ray, an average processor and a Mid Grade graphics card. Plenty of RAM, good storage capacity, and wireless. It'll basically do everything you want it to do, just don't expect it max out games or hold up with a million billion physics calculations or 3D images going on at once. You main problem will be finding it in store...
  22. Nolan


    Booo FFVIII :p Happy B-Day.
  23. Shoot Em Up, action movie of 07.
  24. In my experience, rep is either neglected or abused.
  25. Yea.....I don't think I've really seen their prices be that much higher than other LCDs, it seems the biggest effect they're attributing it with is choking Dell and Apple with LCD shortages.
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