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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Oh, I know. I was just making the point. Of course, a forklift has such a short wheelbase their agile going either direction.
  2. Nolan


    The censoring looks to be done in a comical way for this video. As we've already seen Man-darts and a Caution sign through the head.
  3. I mostly skimmed, then I came apon this and quit altogether.
  4. Unless it's rear-wheel steering similar to a forklift.
  5. I've only seen it once, a very odd movie.
  6. Nolan


    I don't think GT did the censoring....
  7. Parallel park, and reverse around a corner? I remember doing both of those in my truck. Easy stuff. Anyways, Congrats.
  8. I only skimmed it but it sounds like he's hopping on the "It's cool to hate whats popular" boat.
  9. Your just saying that since your extra powerful Dyson Vacuum stretches whatever is Vacuums.
  10. I'm using the Default "N-Europe" so that width is fine really, it's just that at 1440x900 approx. the third right of my page is just blank gray. The left side is where everything starts so it just looks odd. A stretched template is also a bit odd imo :p
  11. Rather than stretchable, hows aboot centered? It does look good though.
  12. Not that I can help you, but for those that can they may want more information.
  13. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    Actually I know someone who managed to get all achievements in one play. I'm guessing before leveling up he'd save then change his karma as needed, then level and reload.
  14. I heard from someone on a different forum, that they watched a bootleg copy. Here;s the quote.
  15. Nah, I own Badder Santa.
  16. Oh, wait just checked, there was a number 2 and a script for a 3rd that was re-written at least once. My bad. They are apparently going to remake it though....
  17. Too bad, I think Short Circuit managed to spawn like 3 sequels.
  18. Kinda what I thought. Blasted regional differences....
  19. My preferred excuse is that I'm driving through an asteroid field.
  20. I've never heard of a Panasonic Plasma (idk if they even do LCDs...) being below 42". Can someone explain what exactly dross is/means?
  21. It's just a jump to the left.
  22. Ah, well it's late, almost 2 AM now. Anyway.......is there nary a difference? (man.....that's kinda mean)
  23. Yea.........I can see this being either good or bad. It could cut down on required installs by taking Resistances method or having data redundantly copied multiple times to reduce search time to make up for the slow 2X speed. On the flip side, someone lazy may just cram it full as possible meaning a redonkculously long search time until Drive speeds are increased.....which won't help people using their PS3s as the only blu-ray player.
  24. I'm really not sure what your getting at...
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