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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Could do with the fact that the PS3 version of the game sold twice as much as the 360 version. (VGChartz) and then given the sort of attach rates and install base of the PS4 vs the One, they probably don’t see money in a Xbox port. The vita makes some sense in that maybe they’ll offer crossbuy or crossplay and perhaps it’s a much simpler port to achieve (because the install base argument applies to it as well). The switch might be leaving money on the table though. How have 3rd party sales been on it so far?
  2. This game is even more demanding than Doom so be prepared for some more cuts to possibly exist. It is a damn great game though and a good continuation of The New Order.
  3. 770 moons and I’ve just noticed that the ones marked on the map show up on your compass when near...
  4. Ahh hell why not both. I mean I blew out my candle instead of falling asleep with it burning. That’s running properly right?
  5. I haven’t really eaten today, but now I plan to drink until I can’t feel. Hopefully 9 beers can do it. Ha who am I kidding I can’t drink that many beers. I get too full. Bleeeeeh. 6 beers , still feel. 3 at 7% two aay 8.3% one at 6.1%. Need more. Then I can rin my life properly. Or just nap til tomorroy. Blowing out my candle not tho
  6. How in the fuck is this being allowed....
  7. Nolan


    I don’t know, ask Pavlov
  8. Nolan


    This thread/game just won’t die hahaha
  9. I now have in my possession a PSVR. (With a nicely fitting headset more comfy than expected.) now if only I had the ambition to set it up tonight. Honestly they put some thought into the try it at home program. Instructions on how to pack it back up and a return shipping label is provided right away. Also I was mistaken when I read the original email, it straight up comes with Skyrim VR (I originally thought it was a demo). For $300 I don’t think there exists a better bundle. Maybe they’re making up to PS+ subscribers for the previous months of poor games. This is my first time holding move controllers though and, they seem fine other than the trigger is very squishy ala DS3 instead of DS4. I’ll actually set the damn thing up Wednesday.
  10. I agree with Ronnie here. I can certainly handle any of the grueskme shit but it’s becoming more prevalent and a lot of it is poorly implemented shock value shit. It’s a lot like the flak Tomb Raider 2013(2012?) came under for the borderline rape torture porn of Lara. (Though I don’t think the scenes I saw were that OTT or poorly implemented). In regards to these more current games I’ve only seen a bit of Detroit and it’s child abuse scene. If the game wants to have an abuse scene that’s great, but for better or worse I want the scene presented believably and meaningful. It shouldn’t exist just to check a box and make the audience go “oh that’s horrible”. Like 127 hours. (Never saw it but know the story). The way most games handle a situation they want to keep the action rolling. James Franco would have chewed his arm off in the first 5 minutes if it was a video game. I feel I’ve rambled and droned on incoherently long enough but still would like to mention Hellblade and it’s presentation of mental illness. Again, it was handled very well, in a realistic manner. In a way to make people think. It easily could have gone the other way and have people be disgusted and unhappy with how an illness was presented.
  11. Yeah. Guy got srrestedd is all I got. Home again aftwr all the death business. It fucking sucks. 8 years ago wel all got together for my grnadmas 80th birthday. And then that was it. I didn’t see those family members until.....well some last year and some this year. Aunts and uncles made it for my uncles funeral last year. A very ninor family reunion occured basically. Then this year my geandma. So it’s horrible circumstances but we make the best of it. I got to see and meet a lot of cousins. And as exhausting as it was to constantly socialize (and aleep in a childs bed)(minus the child of course) i come home and its just so lonely. Blrh One cousin. She’s 5. She reminds me soooko so so much of my youngest nices. Nieces. Singular i mean. The look of them the manner they speak. So similar. And I picked up and she latched ahold and hugged me. Then said ahe wasn’t going to let go of me until her dad gor thwre. She was fvinf one armed hugs while I held here hahaha. *held her*. Another cousin sin had a cyst during pregnancy...no that soesnt flow roght. She was the fetus. The cyst caused her brain to form around hiiigdjndndndndn form around it. Shes 15 and mentally aboit 8, But just so friendly and sweet. Hugging everyone and wanting to be best friends woth everybody. Rue whiskey beer sadmness. Better than arrests jn my lub tho
  12. I bought the second game and.....then played the first again and never put the second in. So this is good.
  13. Yeaaaaah. Double/triple dip for me. I never did beat 1 or 3. 2 doesn’t exist to me. I got furthest on 1 on the original actually instead of the HD release.
  14. Got a cryptic as fuck email that prizelogic was shipping a package to me. Apparently that’s the PSVR, should arrive Friday.....while I’m still in New Hampshire so I guess it won’t get signed for yet haha.
  15. I’m American (Irish German descent) so....also no. Which @Ronnie my fuck you was meant to be cheeky by the way.
  16. Oor, fuck you get drunk and join in on the fun. Or the not fun. Or don’t. I’m not a cop. Certainly don’t deplete it though. There is a lot of history in this thread. Lock it at kost but I personally hope not.
  17. Thank you, we’re doing fine. We arrived in time to see her and all. Sat in the room for a while, she passed this morning around 2 am. She was alert for a bit. And could answer yes and no questions by nodding. @Animal very sorry to hear all that, the anniversaries of losses are just so hard, and then your work being snarky. I feel snarky is the best word for it. Telling you you don’t care about the job because you want a day that is important to you off? Fuck them. I called work Sunday night 9pm and told them I won’t be in this week, my dad did the same with his job.
  18. Off to New Hampshire today to hopefully make it in time to say bye to my last grandparent. My dad called last night to let me know my grandma (his mother) might not make it through the night. Last year it was my dads oldest brother and now this. Plus side it’s a minor family reunion just under not good circumstances.
  19. Nolan

    Destiny 2

    Well that’s shit timing, I’ll be away from my PS4 until next week
  20. God damn classy mother fucker there. Whiskey. Shot. Monster energy. That shall be my life now. I fucking give up. Im tired of trying so damn hard and it being nothing. Wanting to talk trying to talk and friends being brick walls constantly. I feel I’m typing too coherently so another shot (insert thro gif) I get people being busy and having liges and shit. But ugh a wek of bisy work and then no reposne the rest of the day is fucking weary. From some one I talk to daily for the past 6-7 years. The conclusion I can only come to is they dont want to talk anymore. Whatever depressing shit. I’ll go back to drinking and playing south park and watching hockey. All of the stimulation! All the distractions. Edit: small shoutout to SCG for apparently reading every post and reacting to most of them. Like really, it’s awesome man.
  21. Just “bought” PSVR. Got an email to try it at home. Comes with the new headset, camera, move controllers, Skyrim VR blu-ray and a Demo disc of VR. 2 week trial with 10 days to ship back before being charged. Near as I can tell it’s a good deal though. I can’t find the headset with camera and controllers anywhere near as cheap as $299. Now I just wonder how it’ll work with my poor eyesight. I’m sure I can’t wear my glasses but I really don’t feel like having to wear my contacts if I want to play.
  22. The best part about this news is it means the servers stayed up for nearly a full 6 years after they were originally going to be shut down. I’m doubtful of a port honestly. They don’t really seem to do that instead preferring to keep creating new products. Plus the fact that I think they’re essentially done for now with the souls series as a whole.
  23. Im back go my bourgon. Bourbon. Im not hatppy with it. I like my shit cold and keep it kn freezer. Well this particular bottle after being in the freezer has clouded and looks like cider bow. Now. Typically liquors keep their more clear properties rathwr than becoming opaque and cloudy. Whatever still tasty just likely not as pure or whatever. (Sometimes have had whiskeys and runs freeze or turn alush. Alush. Slush. Which, alcohol slusshies are great but not when they aren’t mixed yet and shouldnt freeze. Madd some egg boodles with bit of butter and mixed ceggies thrown in. Its like a real meal. Quite tasty. Also while cooking I realized that I had literally not watwn eaten at all today. So.....yeah. And tomorrow i think ill ask for a layoff. I don’t want to og to BP refinery to qork and I can almost certainly go work for a different company on wednesday (they need 5 guys by then). And come bext year ive got a foreman apot lined up at a buke already. If I want i t of course. Guy out there told me he already has me listed for it.
  24. Honestly about the bungie one, I assumed from day 1 that the XP had diminishing returns. Because that’s literally how experience works in 99.9% of games. Only one I can think of that’s different is FF8. Being tied into bright engrams and that shit though does make it shady though.
  25. Wait why am I Spider-Man now?
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