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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. I think you're wrong simply in that you act as though only the games industry is driving Windows. You ask why would people get windows if Linux could do the same, but then you say you'd still get windows even if that were the case.
  2. I'm just going to stop replying now. The things you say make me wonder if Choze is on your account.
  3. Windows sells like it does because it's a lot cheaper than getting a Apple PC/notebook, and brand recognition. Brand Recognition is the same reason that people will still install IE as opposed to another browser. Gamers certainly don't hurt the sales of windows, but I wouldn't say they're the driving force behind it.
  4. Explorer can be used as a browser, or so I've heard. (explorer being the windows used when you look through folders and such.
  5. I use google for a search engine and nothing more.
  6. So I guess you're still playing nothing but NES?
  7. I really don't understand the complaint of not being able to see feet as a reason to suck at platforming. I had no trouble in Metroid Prime. Even in games where I can see my feet (Halo) I don't look down to see them when I make a jump. Of course, I can still go back to Turok and platform right through all but the hardest of jumps in that.
  8. HD is buzz word, it's really just relates to the resolution. What a higher resolution does allow for though is more detail to be noticeable. If you upscale a picture from 640x480 to 720p or 1080p without doing anything but making it bigger it won't look good at all. But if the picture was taken at those resolutions it will show more detail and look better. You could also take the small picture and upscale it then apply lots of filtering like AA and AF, at which point it will look anywhere from slightly less terrible to pretty good. It depends on the amount of work you put in. Folowing that, simply upscaling a Wii game will exasperate any natural flaws that aren't as apparent at lower resolutions, like small textures an AA(which is an oddity since higher resolutions need less AA applied to smooth jaggies(going off PC games here though)) which then we end up with something like MH3 which doesn't look anything like the original version since it needs AA and possible AF applied. While the SMG and Brawl pics have at least AA applied and likely AF. If you've ever used an emulator, any emulator, you should already know that with a powerful enough PC the games will look better than the originals through the process of upscaling and AA/AF.
  9. Makes perfect sense to me. You quoted choze and said "I really don't get you" but you punctuated it as a question instead of a statement. I was asking if it was meant to be a statement or if you were really asking someone on the boards whether or not you got choze. I was also wondering who you were asking if indeed you were asking. Basically I was being a dick::shrug:
  10. Well that's the one I meant. I have a tendency to round everything up.
  11. I wouldn't suggest getting either of those systems. The AMD one already has the card, at a large markup, and the Intel on is an ITX motherboard which mean it likely doesn't support any worthwhile GFX card. Also, as I said earlier, the E7400 is only as good as the AMD equivalents (7750/7850) and costs much more. Get the 249 system which other than the lack of a GPU is great, and through in a 50 GPU and you'll have a perfectly fine PC, at somewhat of a discount.
  12. Pretty much other than that card is out of stock. I would suggest http://www.overclockers.co.uk/productlist.php?groupid=701&catid=56&subid=1434 one of the 4770s, I don't know anything about the 4730, or http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=GX-132-XF&groupid=701&catid=56&subcat=1274 4650, it's pretty close to that 9600GSO, in price and performance. The other 9600's are closer to the 4770 prices, and they aren't nearly as good cards.
  13. Well I didn't mention it because I didn't know the budget, but this would be pretty good for gaming. The CPU is great, and the 9600GSO is the equivalent of the 8800GS. You're not going to be maxing out all the latest games, but you'll play with medium high settings depending on the resolution. It's actually basically the same as what you picked earlier but with a slightly slower CPU, smaller HDD, and a GPU added in. Which brings a new point, it's £100 more expensive for a £45.99 Video card. Most of the cheaper video cards in that range seem to be out of stock, but there are some good ones for right about £60-70. Which is still better than the £100 markup. So I'd suggest getting the first system and either putting a 9600GSO in it or, a 4650/4670 from ATI in it. If you really want value, the ATI 4770 is a great card, can be had at about 75. That's mini-ITX, it can't support a video card of any good sort. the only ITX boards I've seen only have PCI slots.PCI is not widely used for graphics. Also, the E7400 performs about the same as the 7750/7850 for about twice the price.
  14. As long as you don't plan on playing any games beyond the occasional flash game that is an excellent choice. Good CPU and RAM, I would suggest just eschewing an OS and installing the free Release Candidate of Windows 7, but if you're PC illiterate, I'd suggest going for Vista Home Premium and using the Win 7 upgrade voucher they'll give you. Pretty much yeah. PCI-E x16 is the standard now, but his PC is old enough that it may have AGP as his standard. As old as his PC is, it makes more sense to get a new cheap one. Other than graphics even the crappiest PC on the market now will be better.
  15. The Artifacting suggests that your card is dying/overheating. As for the picture cutting in and out, I'd suggest playing with the cord and making sure the connections are good. In my experience even a overheating card doesn't stop sending the signal, it just sends a dirty signal. Edit coming. Edit is here, Getting a new video card won't require a reformat, just cleaning out the old drivers (if they went to a different brand of what you had previously) installing the correct drivers and going from there. Being that your PC is 6-7 years old though, it may be better to get a new one. You may even still be on AGP which would really limit Graphics options as opposed to a new PC. You'd also be able to come into the world of Dual Tri or even Quad core CPUs too. A bump in RAM to DDR2.
  16. Lol nice edit, and thanks. Happy birthday Goafer
  17. Shouldn't that be a statement instead of a question? And if it is a question, are who are you asking if you get Choze or not? Anywho, it is hard to disagree with that list, but others do deserve to be there.
  18. Tell him to piss up a rope, and quit talking. You've made your case. The Jacket technically has an unknown owner, you didn't take it except for all of the time needed for a walk to the next road over and back. The responsibility to do that never truly should have fallen on you, you took it upon yourself to try and be nice. You made the attemp, and returned the jacket to those who originally took it and were staying in town longer than you. You notified both parties of the situation, at which point it becomes their own damn fault that they didn't contact the girls and either go get it or have it brought over. I don't recall you saying in any of your posts that you would "make sure it was returned" the fact that you tried to return it and are still being civil about this just shows you're a good person.
  19. Bloom Lighting? It would look alot better in HD if you either through the Emulator software or even forced it through video card drivers applied some AA. The bloom hides some of the AA, and exacerbates the rest of it. It would look better though if it wasn't over saturated, does the Bloom fade out some as you "adjust" to the sunlight?
  20. $409 Dollars. If only shipping was such a killer.
  21. The PS1 version has some pretty atrocious load times (for random battles at that) lower sound quality and it had some new bugs to the gameplay.
  22. I'm poor so actually collecting(making the effort) things will have to wait. I do have some though. Fallout Fallout 2 Fallout Tactics Fallout 3 LE I'll get all the DLC as a repurchase of the Goty, and I'm missing that awful console hacknslash. Half-Life Blue Shift Opposing Force Team Fortress Classic Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 Lost Coast Half-Life 2 Episode 1 Half-Life 2 Episode 2 Portal Team Fortress 2 TFC and TF2 aren't really part of HL, but oh well. As for you Goaferboy, you need to get the playable version of FFVI. Either the SNES or GBA versions. (SNES is better imo)
  23. Happy B-Day. I tried to find ATI/AMD themed Cakes but dear lord there are none! This was the closest I came. And it only has AMD and no GPU, but oh well.
  24. We got the sequel because the first game sold well enough to warrant it. I suspect that if the sequel sells well enough Suda would put considerable thought in keeping it on Nintendo where he knows it has fans.
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